Commonwealth Bank Series

another one. amazing, we can still win this series! it's still on!! i'm over reacting again aren't I ;) Hodge would not have liked that! we might bowl them out before i go to school in 20 minutes!

oh and forget the neighbours they'll be hearing me in Australia pretty soon!
plunkett is swinging it like a 60's disco. great bowling

i tell you what if monty had stpped that 4 they would have heard me on pluto. classic Montster
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yes. it was banned because people were supposedly throwing glasses of a substance (urine) in the air.
yeah but they should ban throwing drinks in the air. how would you like to be covered in some drunk bloke sat in front of you's pee?
Finally England put up a fight, nothing quite like leaving it to the last minute eh boys. Anyway it's actually nice to see. poor Hodge though, even though im not a fan i still feel for him.

When and if (i think england have this one) Australia lose they will be spewing, dominating the poms all summer and then dropping the last fixture. Gut-Wrenching.
MUFC1987 said:
You don't half talk rubbish. England have earned this. Nothing was given to them.

Didn't mean it in that way, but I can see using the word Given implied that. I meant they got a head-start.

Plunketts ball was fantastic. I am a fan of him. Mahmood got lucky that Hodge is pretty nervous.
come on England i need to see a wicket before school!!hayden looks in good touch and him and Clarke will be crucial wickets.
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England can't let these two form a partnership. With Symonds and Hussey to come, theres still a lot of work to do.

Edit: Thats interesting, Collingwood who was 'ill' is out there fielding. I think he was either dropped or pulled out himself to avoid Australia. You can;t say he;s in the best of form.
Gee Hodge chokes again in an ODI, why on earth can't he carry his domestic form over cause he just scored a 100 last week.

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