Commonwealth Bank Series

Ricky Ponting is a great motivater. Particuarly with smacks on players bum :p
Read has had chances though. I mean in the CT I don't think he even grossed 10 runs from three innings, so it was fair enough to give someone else a go, just perhaps someone different from Nixon.
MUFC1987 said:
Read has had chances though. I mean in the CT I don't think he even grossed 10 runs from three innings, so it was fair enough to give someone else a go, just perhaps someone different from Nixon.

So Read has a bad tournament in which noone really had a good tournament for England, after a good home tour against Pakistan, and decent end of the test tour in Australia and he's immediately dropped again. Jones can't buy a run for a year and still kept his place, Nixons lack of runs almost certainly won't count against him through the world cup, and the likes of Colly and Strauss who have had dreadful tours until this game all continue to get the support they needed from the management.

Bottom line, Read has been treated appalingly by the management througout his career, is it any wonder he has never quite demonstrated his ability with the bat despite nearly always being superb with the gloves?
Right, i've cooled down and struggled through sleep. I'm not just saying this, but before the game today, I was far less excited then I should be. Either I could sense we were going to mess it up or i've just had enough cricket crammed into these 2 months that I don't really want to bother. This series is too long for me, I didn't think it would be at the start, it probably doesn't seem too long for England but the Aussies probably see it.

Mahmood did not bowl well. Infact he's lucky to finish with those figures. At the start of Flemings innings he hit a few hakf volleys straight to fielders. It was a pretty average hundred. He slowed down but at the end of the day, once Oram got out what was he going to do? Throw his wicket away too. I rekon at the end there the conditions looked a lot tougher, I don't know if they found some swing or some dew settled. A lot of edges.

On Nixon, England would be stupid to replace him. I credit some of their winning to his enthusiasm.He scored 49 in that last match.

You know, at the moment our team really do look scared to lose. They've lost it mentally. They play so much better against Australia. England thouygh have no fear of losing, they have nothing left to lose. A few of the commentators brought the point up. They better get this sorted before the Chappell Hadlee series.

On us. We should have won, and the fact that we didn't from the position we were in all the way through that game means the team has to go and work bloody hard now. They can face our media, they'll probably cop the most they ever had. Dropped catches again, missed run-outs. I thought we had a new fielding coach? He's making us worse. I hope this fingers up stuff didn't come from him. We threw the game away so we obviously didn't want to win.

In the end that pathetic performance rom Australia cost us when they got beaten. Thanks guys :/ But I am sure you won't complain about having 2 more cracks at England.
I feel a bit for NZ as they have looked better than England for most of the series, just they choked a bit under the pressure last night. Interesting to compare last night's run chase with Australia's chase on Sunday night. Fleming really needed a partner, like Ponting had Hodge. Trouble was he ran out one of his partners and Styris never looked comfortable. Sometimes Oram and McCullum aren't going to work and before you know it the game is over.

Fleming also looked quite tired and didn't seem to be able to run those quick 2s that are valuable towards the end - maybe the Kiwis need some fitness work.

From a selfish viewers point of view it will be nice to play England - simply because we have the Chappell-Hadlee series coming up and 5 or 6 games in a row against NZ would be a bit boring.
Wow, with a new fielding coach (Travis Wilson) our fielding is now much, much worse. 3? dropped catches and 2 botched run outs? thats no where near good enough. Also Flem is showing his age, i think he was out of energy by the time he got to 90.
And for the English, I thought Flintoff and Collingwood bowled extremely well, and Collingwood should really bowl his full 10 more often
You could see Flitnoff gave it 100%

I also thought the bowler roatations were top draw from Vaughan, though the field placing were sometimes wrong.
MUFC1987 said:
Read has had chances though. I mean in the CT I don't think he even grossed 10 runs from three innings, so it was fair enough to give someone else a go, just perhaps someone different from Nixon.

Nixon has a higher biggest score but has scored less runs (obviously he has less games but if you put it into aspect he's about 13 runs off of Read) he has a lower strike rate too.

Tbh, I don't think there's alot between the two.

Anyone give England a sniff?
If Ponting, Hussey, McGrath and Clarke join the injury list then we might win at least one game.
I don't see why we can't win a game or so. If they're played under lights and we make 270 it's game on really. If we lose the toss I think we could be in trouble though.
MUFC1987 said:
I don't see why we can't win a game or so. If they're played under lights and we make 270 it's game on really. If we lose the toss I think we could be in trouble though.

I can see why you won't.

Lets really be serious about this. Australia are too good. They have been all series. No sie in the world can consistantly beat them. Of course, one team will win the odd game, probably when they have injury problems. But for the next game they'll bounce back and be better for it.

England have no hope. We had no hope. It was just a case of achieving the final. England should be happy they got that far, they certainly wern't expected to by many. The last thing that team needs is more high expectations like what was place don them in the Ashes. You almost feel like that kind of pressure has dictated this series.
But MUFC's point is valid. Whilst it is highly unlikely, to say can't is as he said a little strong. With some luck, in that we win the toss and bat well, there is always a chance. A bit of magic in the field, maybe one of the bowlers stepping up to the plate then we are in with a chance, as everyone is because it is a game played between two teams.

Unlikely? Yes definately, but there is as MUFC said a chance, however remote it is. With Symonds out, their batting lineup isn't quite as strong, it's still strong, but not quite as strong.
irottev said:
I can see why you won't.

We need to adopt the "Australian" attitude. Forget about how good the opposition players are, we must back ourselves to play as well as we can. If we get beat doing that then fair enough, but I'm getting fed up with this attitude "oh Australia are too good". Yes, they are the best in the world, but unless we back ourselves, we may aswell not turn up.

Australia had no right to only lose the Ashes in 2005 2-1, but they got that close because they fought so, so hard. If we show that same fight then I think the majority of England fans will be more than happy.
stevie said:
We need to adopt the "Australian" attitude. Forget about how good the opposition players are, we must back ourselves to play as well as we can. If we get beat doing that then fair enough, but I'm getting fed up with this attitude "oh Australia are too good". Yes, they are the best in the world, but unless we back ourselves, we may aswell not turn up.

Australia had no right to only lose the Ashes in 2005 2-1, but they got that close because they fought so, so hard. If we show that same fight then I think the majority of England fans will be more than happy.

I think the England team have been thinking that way. But just the media and fans, they can't put pressure on the players. if they win they win, but if they lose they were beaten by a better team. Unless of course they disgrace themselves.

I've seen whats happened to our side when the media puts on the pressure, and we've just seen them totally collapse mid game.

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