Commonwealth Bank Series

MUFC1987 said:
I don't see why we can't win a game or so. If they're played under lights and we make 270 it's game on really. If we lose the toss I think we could be in trouble though.

You're no good. Thats why. I don't think the Aussies will get away with losing to you guys the other night.
evertonfan said:
If Ponting, Hussey, McGrath and Clarke join the injury list then we might win at least one game.

Don't know about Clarke in that list, I've seen fans wanting him dropped from the side!
I think England should be looking forward to meeting full strength Aussie side, of course Symonds not playing. The catch is to get as much practice as one can against the best opposition. And with Peiterson back in the team for WC, England could do what Indians did in last WC.
I'm sure they will be looking forward to ending this tour on a high and of course it gives them confidence going into the WC. For Aus bit of a shame that Tait won't be there to further his WC claim unless hes already in there.

We've been waiting for Flem to get cracking all series and he has no one to help him. But then again where had that form been??

But I reckon in all honesty there has been some positives to come out of the series which is what they will have to now focus on

Gillespie has been a great find, Vincent back in form. Oram hitting runs. Bond back to his lethal best. Vettori looking fit and healthy. Taylor being exposed to some of the best. Fulton scored some runs as well. Franklin took a few wickets

I think there is enough positives to go forward with, there is no doubt that it will be a hard road to the WC but it ours for the taking. I bet we all had similar thoughts
prior to the 1992 WC and we know that story well!

Just my 5 cents worth

John Adams said:
The one time when NZ really needed him to fire, was the last match, and he was loaded with blanks! :eek:

Haha, true true!

Healthy average mind you...still huting over Astle :(
It's the law of averages, for all your good knocks there will be a time where you fail. It just was bad luck that it happened this game along with Vincent not going on this time. I would have thought if Fleming made a 100 NZ would win.
I knew a hundred might not necessarily be enough. Partnerships are more key.
Like I said before the series England could be the darkhorses in the series and they have been. Now they are in the finals despite to me NZ have been the better team as they have troubled Aus. and England in pretty much every game. Vaughan's captaincy was exemplary last night, bowling changes was superb and his field placings were perfect, this is why England need Vaughan on a consistent basis. Any news on Pietersen and Anderson returning to Aus., I'd say they won't but I would certainly like them to, England should think about winning the CB series and not further ahead of the WC. So to win the CB series you need the best players and with Pietersen and Anderson back, the team looks pretty strong to me as all departments are pretty much filled except for WK. England suffered exactly this in the CT, they were looking ahead of the Ashes and not on the CT.

Anyone else feel this may be a fairy-tale finish for England?? After being hammered in the test series and in 3/4 games in the ODI series maybe some luck can go their way.
irottev said:
I knew a hundred might not necessarily be enough. Partnerships are more key.
And that's why I mentioned Styris being key wicket as he is the main pillar in our middle order.
irottev said:
I knew a hundred might not necessarily be enough. Partnerships are more key.
Not even that so much. For all his brilliant captaincy, Fleming failed to accelerate as the RRR piled up. It was like he expected the rest of the batsmen to score six or seven runs an over while he trundled along hogging the strike.
Well they are usually so good at chasing because of the late hitting of their lower order. He obviously didn't take into account that Oram isn't God so he was bound to fail sooner or later. But I agree he should have at least tried to relieve some pressure on that RRR.
Was a good series for Oram though. Finally proved himself as a ODI batsman. Before that he was nothing more then a bowler who could throw the bat once and awhile.

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