Competitions/Tournaments in BLIC?

h-mAin said:
Pakistani season two...!
dude as far as i know pakistan doesn't have a proper first class tournament in place - club tournaments are what take place there - even the Pakistani greats have been crying hoarse regarding this...and howsoever great a game the Codemasters guyz will come out with - i seriously doubt if they can take it to club level :p

the most imp feature they should add is customizable tournaments...
Sigh!! Oh dear...How very sad you (sachinisgod) have to be so petty. Cricket as a sport is about inclusion, what are you trying to prove? India is the only south Asian country "capable", "advanced", "civilized"?? enough to have domestic sporting tournaments? Why don't you stop believing what the Indian media has to say about Pakistan. Contrary to what you are told we are not all backward and unorganised, a fact we hoped Indians fans of all people would have appreciated while you were our guests for the Samsung Series. I know a lot of our internationals don't speak English as well as Indian Cricketers, but that?s because it's not our first language and we are proud of our native language not complexed about it! I'm afraid I have come across many Indian fans who think that because they speak a bit of English that their organisation must be on the same level as England or Australia. Believe me if Pakistan domestic tournaments don't deserve to be in the Brian Lara Cricket, then neither does the Indian, and that is according to your level of thinking. "DUDE" you should be supporting all sub continent cricket. Sub continent teams often get a raw deal in Cricket games without real kits or badges. Let's hope BCL is different.
Well Junaid definitely the way Pakistanis behaved in that samsung series was simply great and there hospitality was great too and i think whole of our country was really impressed with that. And yes i also think that if BLIC includes domestic tournaments then they must be included for all the test playing nations and not only of England, Australia or India.
bloody,i am not interested in any of the indian or pakistani local tourneys.80% of the cricket loving ppl dont know when the ranji is on.get some s african teams and windies teams.trinidad,guyana,barbados and jamaica atleast.mind u those r national teams.
well some fella surely got irked by my previous post. sorry dude. it wasn't meant the way u took it. just that i didnt know abt any Pakistani first class cricket and surely significant people whom u deitify and the whole cricketing world adores - like Wasim and Waquar have raised these points abt Pakistan's first class cricket structure after the recent tour in which u ppl were undoubtedly great hosts. just as a matter of fact though we ppl here in chennai have been gracious too in the past. haven't we? i love cricket as a game and would love to have Pakistan's first class tournament in BLC - if put in a proper way, it adds to the knowledge how first class cricket is played world over. and i never said anything abt Pakistani cricketers' english. india has had its share of really awful orator-cricketers too. azzu used to go all "boyz boyz" and veeru goes "i am happy team is happy all are happy".but surely knowledge of a global lingo never harmed anyone. lets not turn this forum in a political battleground. what did the species called politicians come into existence for?

and WI first class cricket - well Greg Chapell has found some fine jewels there. hope they give some glorious moments to WI cricket. but still better than Ranji - will take a while to digest that...

well BLIC please include all the first class tournaments but if you don't include a tournament editor it will be a real problem...
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Although having all first class domestic comps will be great, but the problem is that Pakistan, although having a domestic competition, seem to change the format every single season, so it will be out of date pretty quicky :D
i want all tournaments in the game this could make a block buster game surely
junaid_ said:
Sigh!! Oh dear...How very sad you (sachinisgod) have to be so petty. Cricket as a sport is about inclusion, what are you trying to prove? India is the only south Asian country "capable", "advanced", "civilized"?? enough to have domestic sporting tournaments? Why don't you stop believing what the Indian media has to say about Pakistan. Contrary to what you are told we are not all backward and unorganised, a fact we hoped Indians fans of all people would have appreciated while you were our guests for the Samsung Series. I know a lot of our internationals don't speak English as well as Indian Cricketers, but that’s because it's not our first language and we are proud of our native language not complexed about it! I'm afraid I have come across many Indian fans who think that because they speak a bit of English that their organisation must be on the same level as England or Australia. Believe me if Pakistan domestic tournaments don't deserve to be in the Brian Lara Cricket, then neither does the Indian, and that is according to your level of thinking. "DUDE" you should be supporting all sub continent cricket. Sub continent teams often get a raw deal in Cricket games without real kits or badges. Let's hope BCL is different.

juniad want to know why india domestic matches have to be included as all the money in cricket is from india.Players from all countries get sponshership ads like shoaib akhtar or breet lee etc.and yes i agree pakistan have produced some great legends .but you see the legend imran khan admits that pakistan domestic system is no where compared to that of india or england and you don,t have to worry about batches and kits as you are new our modders can take care of it .and beware of posting such ridicolous things yes we do speak english better than you but we never have been proud about it.even indian A players get better payment than pakistan international players "DUDE" want to know why its the money
although there is no domestic cricket in pakistan;But pakistan is way better then india No matter how hard india try they will not able to beat pakistan;You were mentioning That indian A players get more money then pakistan international players' Dude as i mentioned no matter how hard india try they will not able to beat pakistan; When india lost againts pakistan in icc champoins hell even ganguly mentioned that indian Players are not playing well; In samsung cup pakistan A players beat india; Take that India. as far as i am concern pakistan internationla players dont care about money They play for their country; and they dont even care about the money; take that theman.
Care about the money? Have heard about many situations where they loose for money...well well anyway good said fardin!! :)
Btw... Then if they don't have domestic competitions in Pakistan, then the pak team is pretty good, because they don't get much match training! :eek:
i mean i do understand that some times pakistan team lose for the money' because they dont get paid alot' but look at india the players get paid twice better then the pakistani players but still they lose the matches for money how is that' ex; azhrudain jadeja and many more.
ok andrew you said qaid_ed_azim trophy is that right i guess..

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