Congrats to new Staff

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11215
  • Start date
Well done to the new mods.

Even though I've never seen one them around here before. Lol.

I'm not fussed about not being a mod. I'm into the Cricket. :D
Congrats to all members who have been promoted

:happy:happy:happy :D:D:D :happy:happy:happy
Well "better luck next time" is the classic way of saying "You weren't selected now and you never will be".

There was a time not too far back when i was consistanly feeling like i was working for nothing and when the patchteam was changed and i didnt get picked i acted frankly like a prick. Colin then had a word with me about other issues and i realised why i was making the downloads, for everyone else. I put my head down worked hard and soon enough i was in the patchteam and dream furfill. Now just to get that admin job... :working
There was a time not too far back when i was consistanly feeling like i was working for nothing and when the patchteam was changed and i didnt get picked i acted frankly like a prick. Colin then had a word with me about other issues and i realised why i was making the downloads, for everyone else. I put my head down worked hard and soon enough i was in the patchteam and dream furfill. Now just to get that admin job... :working

Well, that generally is the way it goes, but some of the new staff are the same age and have the same qualities as me. Which makes you think, what have I done to them?!!

But Im over this argument, Ive just about cleared the air with the admin and told them that Ive given up ever having the chance of moderating the forums again, because, to be honest, it was either now or never.
Yer i dont get the obsession with power around here although at one point i was one power hungry SOB.
Whether or not you agree with the decisions, these sort of comments are not required.

I think that if anybody was appointed there would be definate reasons behind being added. tbh I don't really care wether people think that I should or shouldn't have got the position. I have posted lots and been a regular member for a while as are all the others. Just because someone thinks they don't deserve it doesn't mean that they aren't going to be a good moderator or aren't going to be a better member as mod.

Overall I think everyone is intitled to their opinion but maybe keep the comments about this subject to themselves in order not to insult anyone who has been promoted.
For the record, whilst those comments may not be required, as you said, I believe that he is entitled to his opinion, and he gave as such without naming any names of those he felt were unfit for the job. I hate to bring it up but a personal attack worse than that one and more personal was made only a few days ago. That member went on to be on the new mod list. I won't attack him personally, but that is poor form in my view.

Personally I am disappointed that quite a few members did not make it, I will not question the ability of those who were, but there were many deserving who have worked hard here for a long time, and have been polite, active and great posters (this is not including myself for those who are wondering).
I'd just like to remind everyone that this is the internet and not the real world.
Well done to the new staff members, im sure you will all do a fine job!

Although my wait continues! ;) at least I still have control over the Battrick section :D
What's that supposed to mean?

I was saying that having such young members in authoritative positions shows how young the community is.

Yer i dont get the obsession with power around here although at one point i was one power hungry SOB.

Lol. That is the sole reason I join forums that have just been established. So, I convince the admin to make me a staff member and abuse my authority.

Hasn't worked yet :(
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Lol. That is the sole reason I join forums that have just been established. So, I convince the admin to make me a staff member and abuse my authority.

Hasn't worked yet

If you abuse your authority you will be taken of the staff panel so why try to get on it in the first place? Lol
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