> Members blocked from posting new threads. Instead, there will be threads for new members to post patches and get initial feedback. This is for, quality control, plagiarism limiting and stopping non-download threads being posted. Basically once a person posts a few things, makes some good work, they will have their posts and replies to it split out.
> Creation of the following threads: A general request thread, a general download help thread, a patch creation help thread and a feedback request thread.
>> The general request thread will be a place for people to post away so they can get a patch without searching themselves. Commonly requested patches will be put in the first post of that thread. The rule would be only to post in that thread to: request something, link to an already existing fulfilment of the request, a post stating that you will be working on a request or a post linking to a completion of a request.
>> A download help thread to give in to the fact that people don't read and don't pay attention to the idea that if Cricket 07 stops working after you've installed a patch, then that patch is probably at fault.
>> A patch creation help thread, perhaps this could be combined with the new patch makers' threads, but expanding out the resources thread into a users helping users thread
>> A feedback request thread, people would be able to post up a link to a new download they've made (with limits on how often) and ask for people to go to their thread and give some detailed feedback. Members who participate in giving feedback frequently will be entered into a random draw for a large vCash prize as an incentive for good comments.
> Removal of limits on replies. The fear some new members are getting now about being banned or infracted worries me (just take a look at some of the threads in that forum and you'll get an idea of this), someone makes an off topic or spam post and they are made to feel like they've just shot the Queen. While it may be a convenient solution to just infract everyone, it clearly hasn't worked in producing better posts, it just has reduced posting and increased the prominence of the remaining spam. The idea is to bring back all commenting, but use means of encouraging better comments to try and lift the standards.
> Retaining and encouraging the use of the thanks system.