Platform: Xbox One
Game Version:
Game Mode: Career
Match Type: N/A.
Teams used: N/A
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue (one line description): Auto Save loop, followed by crash.
Bug description (detail): Trying to start the first match of season 3, I was made captain in previous season. Asks me to edit team line-up (But has a different player as captain.) Whether I edit team or not, trying to either start the match, or trying to back out of Match Setup, the game shows auto-save symbol, which either continues for approx 1 min, then freezes and crashes game, or continues for ~5 mins, after which pressing any button (including xbox menu) crashes game. Am unable to proceed in any way.
Edit: The auto-save symbol actually appears upon entering Match Setup. Even leaving it on that screen (neither accepting, nor backing out) doesn't change anything. The auto-save symbol simply continues for several minutes before freezing and crashing game. I tried simulating the match, which allowed me to move the calender forward, but now the auto save icon is permanent. I cannot do anything that involves going to a loading screen. (ie next match, or even exit career mode.)