Cricket 19 General Discussion

It could also be that there have been big changes and improvements but they don't want to announce them yet. Sure all of us here will most likely get the game. But most people aren't on here. The public forgets things quickly. Show off big improvements just before release so it is fresh in everyones minds. Most people will see an article or ad for a game and forget about it less than a week later. You can avoid that by not announcing or showing things too far out.

Just an opinion here but I would think that BA surely would want more than just those on here to buy the game. The marketing then has to reflect that and not be about what we on here want, but what would end up with more sales overall. Showing things closer to release can certainly do that.
Aha, genuinely never knew it was called that!

Its certainly not something I am trying to do for the sake if it and to be combative. Its just a lazy form of writing in my case!

I am trying to provoke thought and counter argument. I am very aware of not being every ones cup of tea and try to stick my nose out of here for periods of a time and not get too involved, but sometimes the things that are said here are beyond belief.

Maybe because the key selling points of the game, the licenses of England and Australia, haven't been playing cricket for a couple of months means it's a waste of time to keep pumping out information. This may change from tomorrow, or next week, when the actual on-field build up to the World Cup begins.

Interest hasn't diminished on this forum judging by the daily posts. I'd guess at least 50% are probably going to buy the game anyway. 25% say they won't (but probably will) until they've seen more either because they want to judge from a trailer or gameplay footage (or some rule about not trusting games they can't see at least 1 month in advance). So for them, I don't see what difference it makes seeing something weeks/months in advance vs the week before release date? The remaining quarter probably say they'll never buy it but half of them will anyway.

I think there's a fear of missing out going on. Missing out on what, I'm not quite sure. So it must just be a need for personal gratification from scrutinizing or bathing in the glory of a few more images. I don't buy any of the posts about concern for Big Ant and how they should or shouldn't be doing things.

For a wider audience (not the people on a cricket video games forum, reading or posting about a cricket video game that is coming out), do they need a constant drip feed of screenshots, videos or just a prod in the right direction nearer to the release or when it's released?
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It could also be that there have been big changes and improvements but they don't want to announce them yet. Sure all of us here will most likely get the game. But most people aren't on here. The public forgets things quickly. Show off big improvements just before release so it is fresh in everyones minds. Most people will see an article or ad for a game and forget about it less than a week later. You can avoid that by not announcing or showing things too far out.

Just an opinion here but I would think that BA surely would want more than just those on here to buy the game. The marketing then has to reflect that and not be about what we on here want, but what would end up with more sales overall. Showing things closer to release can certainly do that.
Get out of here with your reasonable explanations
Apparently the Banjo guy is streaming some Indie game tonight. Feels like we might get a 'Banjo Plays' video instead of 'IGN Plays' this time, probably closer to release.
Ross loves his Friday teasers....and with only 4 of them left until the release....maybe the teasers start today? Maybe? Hopefully?

Here is my two cents on this:

We have two options

Option A: Keep waiting for the gameplay video every Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday....Friday and get out excitement levels up the entire day only to fall to their lowest as soon as no information is released ( works exactly like a cup of coffee)

Option B: Live your life, do positive things and once in a couple of days visit this forum to see if the other thread created by Dutch has any new posts. If no new posts are there, don’t even bother coming to this thread. This will keep you much happier.

I follow option B this time around and have found it much more healthier. Obviously I do come to this thread as well just to ensure that Thanos hasn’t yet snapped away the half that keeps demanding something or the other from BigAnt day in day out.
Be honest and tell me, os there are anyone here who are waiting for the teaser to decide if they are buying this game or not.

For me, take my money now. Whats mine is your

Honestly I'm the same. I am going to get the game unless I see reason not to which I would be very surprised if there was.
I'm definitely going to buy the game!! Only if we support big ant we have a hope of getting better cricket games on consoles/pc.

But what bothers me is that though the game is ready (going by the rational that they wouldn't show an unfinished product to the press or a streamer) and even when the pre-order has started, big ant has not really given its potential customers details of the game apart from a small outline.

If the pre-order hasn't started I would have been fine!! If the game wasn't finished I would have been fine!!

It's again my perspective.. you all can say that I've no life or whatever blah blah blah!!!! I don't care!
I'm definitely going to buy the game!! Only if we support big ant we have a hope of getting better cricket games on consoles/pc.

But what bothers me is that though the game is ready (going by the rational that they wouldn't show an unfinished product to the press or a streamer) and even when the pre-order has started, big ant has not really given its potential customers details of the game apart from a small outline.

If the pre-order hasn't started I would have been fine!! If the game wasn't finished I would have been fine!!

It's again my perspective.. you all can say that I've no life or whatever blah blah blah!!!! I don't care!
Most, if not all, games these days wouldn't be finished at this time. To varying degrees probably, but we wouldn't have day one patches if devs finished the game this far in advance of release dates. Showing it off to press will just be for any previews of the game and to build buzz.
Most, if not all, games these days wouldn't be finished at this time. To varying degrees probably, but we wouldn't have day one patches if devs finished the game this far in advance of release dates. Showing it off to press will just be for any previews of the game and to build buzz.

Just show us what has been shown to the press too! Not asking for a personal copy or anything else! Information at a broad level about the game and few gameplay videos is all what the forum is asking for!
Just show us what has been shown to the press too! Not asking for a personal copy or anything else! Information at a broad level about the game and few gameplay videos is all what the forum is asking for!

We will see what the press saw soon enough. Just need to be patient. The game comes out in a few short weeks. No one on here is owed anything.
He’s not streaming the game
But t
Buddy, I never said the game will be bad or the game is gonna suck... I just said since the duration of the marketing (trailer release to game release) is shorter, I feel there may be only subtle improvements from the previous game (Ashes with no bugs + a few new features), can’t be drastic improvement, that may have needed more advertising or more showcasing.

Where is pessimism in this?? If anything my post says “it’s better to have moderate expectations”.

Even a less sensible person will guess that there are just subtle improvement and they are holding the information tight otherwise they would have made hue and cry of the brand new features by now.

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