Cricket 2005 - Report Bugs Here

That really isn't neccesary, this is the place to report bugs, and not to express your 'fetish' for Mr Bean. Please post according to the rules.
hi all,

after playing the for quite sometime i think its not that bad although there are bugs without doubt.

1- right now i am playing a test and depsite batting for 115overs, there is no new ball.
2- its funny that the weather condition are only shown at the start of the match, on day1 because there is nothing at the start of day 2. so if its hot day 1 i assume the whole test match will be played in hot condition or vice versa
3- Its most funny i hit a shot got 2 runs and umpire was signalling wide :) and also occasionally couple of other wrong signals.
4- Occassionally the movement of fielders are super human though not always.
5- well start of the test match screen the venue was shown as adelaide and during the match venue was brisbane.

i think it nearly impossible to score any run or playing shot to third man reqion did anybody has any success?


1 more which i forgot to mention is the commentary, i think its quite hopeless i score 9 runs in an over and the comments was very good over only 1 offer at the end also if you hit a shot the person chasing the ball will be different from the one who actually throw the ball cos the commentor is pronoucing them wrong.
BLIC and Cricket2005 both have been damp squibs. I guess a properly modded C2K4 game is still the best cricket game ever.
Umpire sometimes gives leg byes when i obviously hit it

Another annoying thing is that the batsman doesnt run his bat in untill he is past the crease, and then sometimes his feet are in when you look at 3rd umpire, but he gives it out.

It said 'South Africa have taken the new Ball' for 4 over straight.
Jus got the game and noticed some bugs. The closest fielder to the ball doesnt always go for the ball. I mean if a guy is fielding at silly point and a forward defensive shot is played onto the pitch, shudnt the fielder rum and get the ball instead of the keeper?

Then another one was when I was bowling. The ball was hit to square leg. The square leg fielder ran up and stopped it. But then he didnt pick up the ball. Instead, the short fine leg fielder ran all the way to pick up and throw. Before he ball was stopped a run had begun so instead of a simple runout, they got a run.

Another bug is the score. The match score summary on the top right says target 325 when my target is only 266!

And another annoying one is that if u accidently hit the run button and immediately hit the cancel button, the batsmen will still go out of the crease. And this causes runouts.

And the commentators constantly call out the wrong fielder names. Like if Sachin is chasing it they will say "Balaji in pursuit"

And Where is DINESH KARTIK?!?! Come on. They have Venugopal Rao and Jai P. Yadav in it. These guys havent even played a single test. But no Dinesh Kartik. Really pathetic.
Another BUG ...check the following attachement

check the picture


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and still i cud find some crashes as similar to cricket 2002.

can anyone guess wat they r doing..?
The annoying thing sometimes happen when a ball lies a couple of metres away from a wicket and batsman start running between the wickets. Not only the wicketkeeper/bowler does not pick up the ball himself, but also the fielder who does pick it up tries to pass it on to wicketkeeper/bowler. I don't understand why can't the fielder throw the ball at the wicket from 1-2 metres. As such, the batsman always manager to reach the crease...

Also it's funny how sometimes a fielder runs to intercept a ball, and ends up missing it completely.
FOund another bug. When I got the rain shoaib had bowled 2 balls to india. Then he continued and everytime he bowls it bowled 6 balls. So there was actually 1 8 ball over from him. But look at his stats.

Very Weird.


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Error Loading Cricket!!!

i got P4 2.8 CPU and 1 GB RAM. i got a 128MB nVIDIA GForce 5200 but when i load the game it givs the error in attached file. i am using win xp pro with sp2.

pls help


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Is it me or is it virtually impossible to get a man of the match with a batsman?? Gibbs scored 138 and 91 not out in a test. Ntini took 1 wicket in the first inninga and 2 in the 2nd inning, but he got MoM.
Is there any way of sorting out the fairness of the MoM?
EA still sucks, eh?

Hello everyone!
It is nice to be back here after a long hiatus. I was pre-occupied with 11th and 12th grade, so couldn't peep in here. I am now in College. Woohoo! And it is nice to see old members like Andrew and Zim still going strong. You guys remember me?

As for the games, I played both Cricket 2004 and Cricket 2005 this summer. Cricket 2004 sucks, Cricket 2005 sucks even more.
The graphics in Cricket 2005 are good, but the animations are jerky and unrealistic. Here are some bugs which I saw -

1) If the CPU bowls a yorker on or near the middle stump, whatever you do, your batsman won't offer a shot. You either get bowled or LBW..and if you sweep, no matter what, the Umpire won't give you LBW even if you are plumb in front. This gets really frustrating. The bowler bowls 2 yorkers on an average in ODIs. Grrr

2) if the CPU bowls an over pitched delivery on the off stump, logically, you can play only two shots. The straight drive, or the ondrive. If you play the straight drive, the batsman gets bowled 9/10 times.

3) Some fielders seem to be superhuman. They dart around the field at speeds that would make an F1 racer go red.

4) This is even more ridiculous. Sometimes, if you bowl a delivery that is just a bit fuller than your average bouncer, and it hits the batsman in the stomach, the umpire signals it a wide.

5) The commentry is pathetic. Benaud always misreads the score and the target, after an over is finished.

6) The fast bowlers are hardly fast. 144 kmph for S.Akhtar was what I achieved. And CPU got 148. Gillespie hardly makes it past 142. Same for Lee. If we impart the normal swing and seam, the balls slows down. Does anyone want to teach EA sports some Physics and Cricket?

7) Talking of physics..the ball physics is wierd. The bounce is wrong, the speed is wrong. If you bowl a real short delivery and impart no speed at all, it still reaches the batsman in 1 bounce and he invariably gets out LBW. Even on a damp pitch.

8) The CPU bowler, however mediocre he is, is amazingly consistant. You just cannot, without using the Six-hit button, go for shots other than the Straight Drive, the On Drive, the Leg Glance and the Cover Drive. The late cut to third man and the slash behind point is almost non-existant. (And don't tell me my timing is bad, I am a veteran of cricket games :p

9) The special ball thing is totally stupid. You bowl 4 balls consistantly and it fills up. You use it once and then it goes away. And half the time, you choose a special ball, you can't place the marker yourself. And there's nothing special about a special ball.

10) The CPU plays a "wham-bham-thank you ma'am" style in ODIs. The AI is completely unrealistic. And there are very few edges. I saw only 1. And that too in a test match with overcast conditions and a green pitch.

11) There are no clever angling to bat towards third man for a four off a fast bowler, or the cheeky leg glance to fine leg at the last moment. Innovation is totally nonexistant.

12) Misfield. Oh Jesus!! I have never in my life seen such stupid fielding. The fielders of any country, be it Australia or South Africa, are consistant in letting the ball go for a four or dropping catches.

13) The bowling speed meter is way too fast.

14) The faces are all wrong. Especially the caribbean and the Asian ones. Just because EA has license from ECB, CA, NZC and USACB, doesn't mean that they shouldn't use the correct faces for other teams.

These are some of the bugs I found. But the graphics are real good. If this community can patch up these bugs, then Cricket 2005 can be better than a modded Cricket 2004.

Once again, it is good to be back. Cheers everyone! :cheers
abhi_dkth31 said:
Hello everyone!
It is nice to be back here after a long hiatus. I was pre-occupied with 11th and 12th grade, so couldn't peep in here. I am now in College. Woohoo! And it is nice to see old members like Andrew and Zim still going strong. You guys remember me?

As for the games, I played both Cricket 2004 and Cricket 2005 this summer. Cricket 2004 sucks, Cricket 2005 sucks even more.
The graphics in Cricket 2005 are good, but the animations are jerky and unrealistic. Here are some bugs which I saw -

1) If the CPU bowls a yorker on or near the middle stump, whatever you do, your batsman won't offer a shot. You either get bowled or LBW..and if you sweep, no matter what, the Umpire won't give you LBW even if you are plumb in front. This gets really frustrating. The bowler bowls 2 yorkers on an average in ODIs. Grrr

2) if the CPU bowls an over pitched delivery on the off stump, logically, you can play only two shots. The straight drive, or the ondrive. If you play the straight drive, the batsman gets bowled 9/10 times.

3) Some fielders seem to be superhuman. They dart around the field at speeds that would make an F1 racer go red.

4) This is even more ridiculous. Sometimes, if you bowl a delivery that is just a bit fuller than your average bouncer, and it hits the batsman in the stomach, the umpire signals it a wide.

5) The commentry is pathetic. Benaud always misreads the score and the target, after an over is finished.

6) The fast bowlers are hardly fast. 144 kmph for S.Akhtar was what I achieved. And CPU got 148. Gillespie hardly makes it past 142. Same for Lee. If we impart the normal swing and seam, the balls slows down. Does anyone want to teach EA sports some Physics and Cricket?

7) Talking of physics..the ball physics is wierd. The bounce is wrong, the speed is wrong. If you bowl a real short delivery and impart no speed at all, it still reaches the batsman in 1 bounce and he invariably gets out LBW. Even on a damp pitch.

8) The CPU bowler, however mediocre he is, is amazingly consistant. You just cannot, without using the Six-hit button, go for shots other than the Straight Drive, the On Drive, the Leg Glance and the Cover Drive. The late cut to third man and the slash behind point is almost non-existant. (And don't tell me my timing is bad, I am a veteran of cricket games :p

9) The special ball thing is totally stupid. You bowl 4 balls consistantly and it fills up. You use it once and then it goes away. And half the time, you choose a special ball, you can't place the marker yourself. And there's nothing special about a special ball.

10) The CPU plays a "wham-bham-thank you ma'am" style in ODIs. The AI is completely unrealistic. And there are very few edges. I saw only 1. And that too in a test match with overcast conditions and a green pitch.

11) There are no clever angling to bat towards third man for a four off a fast bowler, or the cheeky leg glance to fine leg at the last moment. Innovation is totally nonexistant.

12) Misfield. Oh Jesus!! I have never in my life seen such stupid fielding. The fielders of any country, be it Australia or South Africa, are consistant in letting the ball go for a four or dropping catches.

13) The bowling speed meter is way too fast.

14) The faces are all wrong. Especially the caribbean and the Asian ones. Just because EA has license from ECB, CA, NZC and USACB, doesn't mean that they shouldn't use the correct faces for other teams.

These are some of the bugs I found. But the graphics are real good. If this community can patch up these bugs, then Cricket 2005 can be better than a modded Cricket 2004.

Once again, it is good to be back. Cheers everyone! :cheers
Hi abhi_dkth31,

Some feedback for you which may help with some things....

1) Yorkers i find no problem with i normally do 1 of 3 things (1) charge him and hit over mid on or mid wicket. (2) block of course. (3) Drive down the ground but this is a bit risky.

2) Straight drive i find is easy playing both shots you mentioned not very often get bowled and when i do it is normally from me either choosing wrong shot or timing.

3) I agree sometimes fielders are too quick but hey dont run on those ones unless it goes past them.

4) Yes i agree with this one.

5) Commentary can get a bit tiring i either turn it off all together or just push button to skip it.

6) I find it depends on pitch and weather and what you bowl i have got gillespie to 152 kph a few times and Shoaib to 154 kph for me the speeds feel right.

7) Yes ball physics appear wrong in a few instances but after all it is a game and you cant get it to behave as in real life 100% of the time.

8) Where do you stand on the crease i find that depending on type of delivery and i stand just on leg stump i can play those cuts and late cuts easy with out SIX HIT button once you know which ball to go for and your timing is right, dont forget timing is different in this game compared to Cricket 2004. I too am a veteran player of cricket 2004 and i still found it completly different, timing in Cricket 2005 i took a few games to get right.

9) I have great success using the special ball myself but i have heard others havn't either...weird one this but i think it adds greatly to bowling i personally like it.

10) I found the CPU batting to be most of the time good ie: they lose a wicket or two and they consolodate untill they have settled then build up the run rate again, as for edges i normally get 2-3 wickets per game through edges if i bowl a good line and length just outside or on off stump or even leg stump and slant it across to slips for a right hander works too, and sometimes my slips drop 1 or 2 i find this to be perfect in my opinion.

11) Your wrong there i can play those shot and others too you just need timing and correct ball to do it too.

12) Yes i agree maybe a few too many misfields.

13) Bowling meter is perfect speed for me.

14) Yes faces they really could have spent more time on and also added more stadiums too instead of rushing product through.

One other major letdown was no rain in One Day Internationals, but rain is good in 1st class matches and test cricket though i love it when it rains and saves your day when your about too lose the test, had this happen to me last night thank the heavens :)

anyway this is not intended as a put down just giving you some feedback about your points and whether or not other people and myself have found different findings to you.

Keep trying and maybe you will start liking it more when the modders start fixing some things but overall i love it cant get enough of playing it.
Don't know if anyone's noticed this one but if you drive the ball straight onto the stumps at the bowlers end you can run a single,& won't get run out as the bails are already dislodged.Obviously they don't know the rules about the stumps being broken.
Also how do your configure the button layout on your controller? :help
hey this happens playing at harare
all da lbw replays r like this
man how many bugs r there in this game....uncountable


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