Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

Only counter to the ratings thing I would say is:

With the game in itself current state. Adjusting the ratings:

Eliminates that last ball smash
More variety in edges
More variety in play and misses
More knocking it about rather than wait wait crash.

The default ratings are fine.. but adjusted does also change the gameplay in some ways.

I suppose it’s personal preference and no right or wrong.

You can also make someone genuinely weak at a particular shot whereas atm it may be their weakness shot but it’s still so highly skilled it isn’t a weakness…

would you agree @blockerdave
Agreed. Just changes the sort of feel of a match. The AI would probably score the same regardless. But this way there are plays and misses. The wickets fall in a better way.
So yes sort of cosmetic change. But really feels real

Have you experienced overcast weather after recent update? It's always Sunny conditions even after choosing spring/reduced.
Yes, unable to get overcast weather. Even never faced rain stopping the match or reducing the overs ,while it was so evident in c19.

actually played c19 after long & doing found that to be having more close to real physics(imo), better shot placement, precision, power balancing, direction and smoothness overall while batting. Even there was so much difference in each slider value depending on how hard or easy you want the game to be.

also when changing/selecting difficulties in between matches all the sliders values displayed by side so that was easy to compare sliders value.
Also missing those birds chirping sound while playing
Looks like c19 will be best cricket game for me for a longer while.
Is this after patch today
Yes.. After last 2.28gb mega patch except point 7 & 10. Those are old problems. Advanced ground shot i was never able to play in arcade mode.
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Team at Big Ant/Nacon - The Gameplay has regressed.

I have been playing since Day 1. Whilst yes there were bugs (overthrows etc) the game felt quite polished and a genuine upgrade on the variance in batting and bowling scenarios and animations of previous titles.

Whilst you have never really captured how a batsmen would be set up by bowling i.e. facing 4 deliveries that leave a batsmen, then getting them with one that seams or swings in that bowls or traps them in front on the interior side of their bat (your games always seem to make them miss it on the outer edge of their bat). However, the tactic still works if executed correctly.

Whatever happened in the last gameplay/sliders update however, has catastrophically changed the gameplay physics for the worse:

- Ball trajectory seems off. Flat.
- Wicket variance has been restricted and quite frankly odd.
- Edges do bizarre things like scream into the distance at 4 times the pace of the ball bowled in the opposite direction, defying Newton's hard earned conventions.
- The batting noises are off, shots that are hit with ideal, ideal, ideal sometimes sound like edges (this is a very frequent occurrence).
- Bowling strategies seem to have gone out the window. They just don't really work as one would play in a match, it's far too at random in taking wickets.
- The pull shot seems to be nerfed far too much. It was in a good place before, I have no idea why you changed it.
- Power on driven shots seems to be far too variable. Especially if you use a lofted power shot. It is so inconsistent even if the timing, footwork and shot selection are all ideal.
- The slower ball in pace bowling is near rendered useless as the batsmen never over play the delivery, they always seem to time it perfectly now.
- Inswing deliveries appear to not worry the AI whatsoever despite setting them up adequately as done earlier last year.
- The Yorker does not carry nearly enough venom for tail enders, especially when the ball is swinging.
- I'd like to see lesser batsmen genuinely beaten for pace as well.

I have bought and played every single one of your titles rigorously over the years, I have also played cricket at a fairly decent level. Whilst this may not grant me a seat at the table of your development team, I feel this kind of community feedback could really shape the game into a world class simulation. At the very least, prevent it from regressing passed what your original intent was for the playability of the title at release.

As it stands, after playing constantly for months on end now, I can no longer play this game as it is in shambles.

Honestly, just resetting the entire game back to Day 1 patch would be a dramatic improvement.

I hope this reaches you.

Yours sincerely,

Huge Big Ant Fan.
The issues are also evident from the fact that the YouTube streaming content related to Cricket 22 has also gone down substantially in the last few days.

I’m sure @MattW and team are aware of the issues highlighted in the last few days in particular the latest patch which was to bring in Stadium creator ( could have been deprioritised) but ended up messing up with the shots, running and gameplay. Now it would be on them prioritise the right ones and take time to test them significantly before releasing a new patch.
Any patch expected this week?
I think i might uninstall and the reinstall the game, because as mentioned before i may have gone too far down the Rabbit hole of changing sliders and ratings, so a fresh start could be needed.
Ita absolutely ridiculous that they dont even try to fix game braking bugs in this game.

Invisible ball
Both batsman in same end
Left arm bowlers bowling leg side
Slips useless agenst AI
Wrong batting animations

List gose on and on. This is just lazy on BA part and irisponsible to say the least
If you getting Golf shot kind of sixes, than try this sliders... I am having great T20 game... Every aggressive and lofted shots getting different length height from low to high according to shot selection and ball length and line... I am going to play 2 more matches, before getting a sleep... WoW...

Does Academy work differently for different platforms? I am on Xbox Series X with 1 GBPS internet and it keeps on loading when searching teams. Bats also takes lot of time. Only thing works properly is logo search.
Also i always get no results when i search umpires with play face.
Also sorting filter doesnt work properly.

I am atleast trying to build all the teams until the game is fixed gameplay wise. But even this is not possible with the current academy issues.

Being a hardcore fan I am really not happy with the game even after one month of release and a number of patches.
If you getting Golf shot kind of sixes, than try this sliders... I am having great T20 game... Every aggressive and lofted shots getting different length height from low to high according to shot selection and ball length and line... I am going to play 2 more matches, before getting a sleep... WoW...

View attachment 261286View attachment 261287View attachment 261288
Wow - shot force 5 & ideal input power 3?! Is that the combo of not letting the ball travel into orbit every time we play a lofted shot? Looking forward to trying this out.

Also are you able to generate enough power in normal shots like drives, cuts & pulls with these settings? Because even with shot force of 50 & ideal input power 10 - my straight drives and cuts in tests even with decent timing are literally going no where.
I had a play with DB17 last night and although the AI is not polished it was no worse than C22 and the overall gameplay seemed more realistic and enjoyable. It had proper edges (unlike DB14) and didn't have the unrealistic shots of Ashes Cricket and C19. The fielding at the boundary was also better. Finally, the first stadium editor in that game was much better than the one in C22 five years later.

I wonder if they'd be better to use that game as the basis for new editions and make incremental improvements? The current game seems a step backwards in many ways.

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