Cricket 24 - General Discussion

That is simply an off the shelf model - that's not a screenshot from the game.
Thank you . Social media account of Motera Stadium stated that its for a cricket game cricket 24 !
So you're suggesting we don't voice opinions about an upcoming game?

Also, if the game does turn out to be a flop, do we then start giving marketing advice? (None of us are advising him now by the way), just airing our thoughts like in some sort of discussion forum.
Thoughts on how to market a game? Sounds exactly like an advice.
Thank you . Social media account of Motera Stadium stated that its for a cricket game cricket 24 !
They list themselves as "Official Fan Page" which aren't typically words that go together. appears to be the only instagram linked through the official site of Gujarat Cricket, but I don't have a way of knowing for sure.

Either way, I can tell you that it's not a game screenshot or a model used.

Thanks that's solves 10% of issues in this thread
People don't make it easy to try and drag info out of me :)

But I'll give you a tiny tidbit - two of my personal favourite new features are audio related.

My only comment on marketing - and I don't speak for anyone else on it - is really just that I don't think anyone on here is really the audience for the regular marketing stuff anyway. I know you'll all weigh stronger the opinions from others in the community you trust, people who get the game at launch and provide feedback and reviews on it, far more than anything made to build hype/excitement.
Hmm so BAS is relying on users to hype up the game and do the marketing for them after the launch by means of review and positive feedback, pretty sure that it means the game will be relatively bugfree and boasts noticeable improvements and new features otherwise it’s a dead on arrival strategy from them to expect users to do the marketing for them.
Even if the game boasts several new features but plaque by unidentified bugs the users will still going to bash the game , it’s a really really dangerous way to market the game this way
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a minute long gameplay trailer on YouTube will be good enough to build up the hype for the game launching after 6 days seems to be the sane way to market it and build up the hype for all kind of user base
I think its best not to give attention to C24, BA, & NACON anymore and shut this thread down. They don't deserve the attention, even the negative one.
a minute long gameplay trailer on YouTube will be good enough to build up the hype for the game launching after 6 days seems to be the sane way to market it and build up the hype for all kind of user base
Dude, you're bothering call centre people a week advance trying to find out if you can get them to break street date for you.

You're exactly the person that doesn't need to see a trailer.
My only comment on marketing - and I don't speak for anyone else on it - is really just that I don't think anyone on here is really the audience for the regular marketing stuff anyway. I know you'll all weigh stronger the opinions from others in the community you trust, people who get the game at launch and provide feedback and reviews on it, far more than anything made to build hype/excitement.

While I appreciate where you're coming from, I think a lot of us would appreciate ANY info before parting with cash to find out if anything has improved. Something from the horse's mouth. I don't feel like the onus should be on us to buy the game and find that information out for ourselves. I know a lot of people who are REALLY invested will buy the game regardless, but that is not all of us. £45-50 is a lot of money to splash on something with next to no information.

Information relating to gameplay improvements like AI run outs, OP spinners, right-handed bowlers generally bowling legside to left-handed batters (and vice versa). What improvements have been made to the AI in specific match situations (if any)? Pitch wear that effects gameplay? Just what are the actual improvements to the fielding systems that have been mentioned in taglines? Actual tangible information that might sell it to the likes of us who aren't necessarily sold on screenshots or hyped-up trailers.

What are the 50+ licenced stadiums? What are the extra teams that have been licenced that haven't actually been publicly 100% confirmed other than teased in social media circles?

I get some of what I've mentioned might be covered by NDA, embargo and such, but surely we can get SOME info on improvements over the previous game without buying it and finding out? One week to go and none of this and been pushed.

I appreciate it may well not be BAS calling the shots on the promotional material, but whoever is calling the shots needs a major course change.
Dude, you're bothering call centre people a week advance trying to find out if you can get them to break street date for you.

You're exactly the person that doesn't need to see a trailer.
I already paid the money for the game , I am not talking about myself , I am talking about potential customers who might buy the game if it’s properly marketed to them , more sales = more money in developing better cricket games so in directly it’s a win for me as well.
With respect to reviews and word of mouth from me it will be heavily positive if it’s mostly bug free and not just a touch up cricket 22 with additional licenses and new fielding animations only
While I appreciate where you're coming from, I think a lot of us would appreciate ANY info before parting with cash to find out if anything has improved. Something from the horse's mouth. I don't feel like the onus should be on us to buy the game and find that information out for ourselves. I know a lot of people who are REALLY invested will buy the game regardless, but that is not all of us. £45-50 is a lot of money to splash on something with next to no information.

Information relating to gameplay improvements like AI run outs, OP spinners, right-handed bowlers generally bowling legside to left-handed batters (and vice versa). What improvements have been made to the AI in specific match situations (if any)? Pitch wear that effects gameplay? Just what are the actual improvements to the fielding systems that have been mentioned in taglines? Actual tangible information that might sell it to the likes of us who aren't necessarily sold on screenshots or hyped-up trailers.

What are the 50+ licenced stadiums? What are the extra teams that have been licenced that haven't actually been publicly 100% confirmed other than teased in social media circles?

I get some of what I've mentioned might be covered by NDA, embargo and such, but surely we can get SOME info on improvements over the previous game without buying it and finding out? One week to go and none of this and been pushed.

I appreciate it may well not be BAS calling the shots on the promotional material, but whoever is calling the shots needs a major course change.
Not that it'd happen for obvious reasons, but as an approach, it begs the question as eluded to above.

Who blinks first? I'm not buying until I see the game in action. But suppose everyone else feels the same. So nobody buys. So nobody plays it to report back. And the cycle goes on.

Part of marketing is to fill that void with your own content and positive spin, right? I'm sure there will be industry media who will review the game, but leaving it to users to populate that space is a risky one.

If there's one thing that nearly 2,400 posts in this thread has shown, it's that there's more that enough nonsense to go around (including my own posts).

I'm not sure I'd trust that input to inform me on if I should spend my cash on this game or not :sweat:
I'm marking it down as officially confirmed that there's unskippable quicktime game where you have to sing the national anthem before every test match in career mode and if you get less than 95% the game locks for a week.
I'm marking it down as officially confirmed that there's unskippable quicktime game where you have to sing the national anthem before every test match in career mode and if you get less than 95% the game locks for a week.
I’m thinking atmosphere with the crowd as we had literally nothing in 22 not even a cheer with a wicket or winning runs and a change on commentary team to freshen things up.

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