Cricket 24 - General Discussion

I appreciate this isnt your task but I think a better communication would make a better game and a better community experience.
I don't disagree, but again it's a tough position - most of the previous page is deconstructing a short answer given about spin bowling, and the support team knowing every reply might end up being shared widely, end up having to give answers in a PR speak, which in turn lots of people don't like.

I accept that to some degree that's itself a side effect of lacking communication, it's the only thing people are getting so they overanalyse what is said, it just I suppose goes to why it's difficult to flip a switch to 'open' communication.

There has to be a willingness to rebuild trust and communication from ‘both’ sides, both mutually understanding of the others perspective. That takes time but I feel it is in BA’s court if the truly want that to engage that process with desire and trust that through some of the thorns roses will bloom (something like that, it works in my head at least!)
I mean the player sliders. If you set Rahul Dravid to 0 on everything and bowl at him, he behaves exactly the same way as if they were maxed out. People go on about DBC14 being the best in the franchise, but I never saw it. AC17 and even C24 at least throw up more interesting cricket, even if they are more janky.

I don’t even think AC17 has the perk system that I assume you’re talking about, all it has are the attributes. Personally me and @wasteyouryouth feel the game truly needs a trait system to make every player unique or at the least, groups of different players play unique. The perks were a step in that direction but have ended up just being further attribute boosts with a nerf in another direction for some of them. The proficiencies were supposed to take that further but I don’t know if they all have a significant or noticeable enough impact.

There has to be a willingness to rebuild trust and communication from ‘both’ sides, both mutually understanding of the others perspective. That takes time but I feel it is in BA’s court if the truly want that to engage that process with desire and trust that through some of the thorns roses will bloom (something like that, it works in my head at least!)

I feel like even an acknowledgment that this wasn’t what they wanted their game to be and that they didn’t deliver what everyone wished for would be a step in the right direction. This has to come from the top though and I feel people asking this from Matt are doing a disservice to him.
I feel like even an acknowledgment that this wasn’t what they wanted their game to be and that they didn’t deliver what everyone wished for would be a step in the right direction. This has to come from the top though and I feel people asking this from Matt are doing a disservice to him.

Issue is they prob did deliver what "some" people wanted. I reckon there's a good few happy IPL fans
Can someone describe the regional crowd sounds? Like, if you play as South Africa in SA, is the crowd like a SA crowd? If I play in the West Indies, is the crowd like a West Indies crowd?

The ones I’ve heard were that the English crowd would have the Barmy Army sounds like in the past releases, the Aussie crowd would sound similar to their IRL versions and the Indian crowds had their chants.

The issue with the Indian one was already pointed out by @WutUpMahGlipGlops way back in his refunded review that they’re wholly representative of what different regions of the country would chant. I appreciate that it’s a bit tougher for an Aussie based company to capture regional nuances for one specific country alone but it does stick out like a sore thumb if you know it’s not the most immersive thing. It’s also why I think it would be a lot simpler if the crowd audio was moddable unofficially and people could add whatever they wanted to but that may be an engine limitation or something that’s not worth the effort on the dev side.
Well I got my refund from PSN :)
Once this game become better then I might get it in the future, right now it's not worth it.Screenshot_20231018_133313_Outlook.jpg
Issue is they prob did deliver what "some" people wanted. I reckon there's a good few happy IPL fans

I don’t really think so though.

Two of the three most popular IPL sides are not licensed for one and from the numerous Indian comments I’ve seen it’s all been about “please add Kohli and Dhoni, RCB and CSK”. There’s also been grumblings over how authentic some of the licensed content is. That’s the thing when you go down this path, you’ll always have nitpicking and someone saying “well all that’s nice and good, but we don’t have Y in the game properly represented and that’s my stickling point”. There will never be a point of satisfaction unless you get nearly everything included.

There’s also an element of this potentially being the first or at best third game of BA they’re playing. The shine usually wears off after a while and then they turn into the same as us, moaning over the gameplay holes and numerous bugs. You can only play with your railway model set for so long until you notice that the train’s engine is running in reverse and that some of the tracks are in dire need of repairs.
I am pretty sure the game engine has reached it limits and now trying to fix one thing breaks other and that is primarily the reason they have yet to fix spinner not turning the ball issue because fixing it might introduce might break something else , same applies for fielding and in accurate commentary lines , isn’t it better to start fresh in new engine with new code and build the game slowly with cautious approach in order to avoid bugs , I think it’s far better than to keep trying to fix one thing and break other
But in the end both 19 and 22 were very decent cricket games in the main, with few weird graphical glitches or basic gameplay issues which 24 seems littered with.

For me pretty mucg all they needed to do with literally take C22 as it was in its final state, touch up the visuals, add a few more licenced teams if that's your thing and improve the overall AI and conditions affecting the game. I think most would've been happy with that.
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Just add similar audio(changes based on location and when there is some thing happening gon ground as well), pitch wear, weather changes from EA Cricket.Then gameplay from BILC 99..... 90% problems solved ahahhahha
But in the end both 19 and 22 were very decent cricket games in the main, with few weird graphical glitches or basic gameplay issues which 24 seems littered with.

For me pretty mucg all they needed to do with literally take C24 as it was in its final state, touch up the visuals, add a few more licenced teams if that's your thing and improve the overall AI and conditions affecting the game. I think most would've been happy with that.

You must not have been around for C22’s launch if you think it was a decent game in the main or you’ve forgotten it. It was definitely worse than this.
I don’t really think so though.

Two of the three most popular IPL sides are not licensed for one and from the numerous Indian comments I’ve seen it’s all been about “please add Kohli and Dhoni, RCB and CSK”. There’s also been grumblings over how authentic some of the licensed content is. That’s the thing when you go down this path, you’ll always have nitpicking and someone saying “well all that’s nice and good, but we don’t have Y in the game properly represented and that’s my stickling point”. There will never be a point of satisfaction unless you get nearly everything included.

There’s also an element of this potentially being the first or at best third game of BA they’re playing. The shine usually wears off after a while and then they turn into the same as us, moaning over the gameplay holes and numerous bugs. You can only play with your railway model set for so long until you notice that the train’s engine is running in reverse and that some of the tracks are in dire need of repairs.

My only counter to that would be most of the kids at my place have described the game as "sick" and bare fun! Haha
I've tried to make the point numerous times that my role isn't one where I am in a position to speak for the company - nearly every time I do post however people do take it as an official company line, so I need to post keeping that in mind, which pretty much will always lean towards me not posting.

I've always been a big fan of cricket games, and am very happy that I've been able to make a career out of trying to make one as good as it can be, there's a huge team in the same boat - a number of the QA team who have come from a similar background of being fans of cricket games (and our other sports) and coming in to the team - then having to read disgusting posts calling for them all to be fired, reading that about my colleagues and friends certainly isn't a way to get me to engage on here.

Anyway, to address your point - I made a post just as a few people were starting to see footage from people playing unpatched copies of the game - I wasn't trying to talk anything up beyond making it clear that people were seeing a game without a patch, and that the day one patch was substantial in content and improvements versus the disc build.

I'd stand by every word of that post, that there was feedback people were posting on things that were already addressed by the day one patch, but that we will look to take on board feedback after that point; I made a comment on the priorities of UI tasks, the HUD update that I said was already designed is now in the builds; and I said that I *hope* to convince our harshest critics once they get the chance to play.

Indeed I've said more or less the same thing repeatedly, I expect that people on this site will trust others on here rather than anything I say or that is in any marketing, as part of their purchasing decisions -

In the lead up to release I was just saying, let people try it, listen to people you trust in making your choice as to purchase. I get that at this point a lot of the feedback on the game is negative, so the thing I can do about that is to read it, review the things people bring up and see what I can get addressed, but any posts I'd make on here are in my own time through my personal use of the site - and for me come with the risks I'm taken out of context (such as by those weird twitter accounts) or say something people think is counter to something they've been told from the people whose job it is to actually correspond with the public in an official capacity, ie the support team through their official channels, the support site and the official forum.

On the other hand if you're talking about this,

Here I was talking about Adam Gilchrist's commentary, and the regional stadium crowd/atmospheric audio. Obviously a lot of people aren't as happy with them as I was, but I've had the different region crowds as something I've wanted for a long time and was happy this game got to deliver it - the audio guys who work on it have taken on board a lot of feedback and are re-balancing and adjusting it to make it better. Likewise Gilchrist's commentary, I hear it from a delivery standpoint - he to me sounds really natural in game compared to the sometimes stilted delivery of some commentators who can't quite make the jump between live and video game. I think his commentary adds a lot, but there's work to be done on making the lines more accurate in terms of triggers and context.


Anyway, I try and choose my words carefully whenever I post, and then still have a situation where you've thought I've been overly rosy to the point of thinking I've misled people, but I genuinely don't know what I've said that could have given you that impression. That makes it even harder in my position to be active in replying - when those like yourself who have always engaged in good faith discussions are getting impressions much different than what I was trying to convey - then it's even worse once you throw in people off site or grabbing one line out of a long post.

At the end of the day, the main thing I think I can do is to take what people write on here and try and action it as best I can to improve the product.
@MattW there are some issues that are not being addressed inspite of repeated feedback here. Like, overpowered spinner, pitch deterioration, impact of stamina in the player performance/running between wickets, limiting the overseas players in the playing XI of global T20 leagues, no changes or additions to the career mode from previous games and so on. The community is frustrated because of this. It gives the impression that we are being taken for granted.
There are quite a few persons with tons of ideas, but it's not been utilised is what I feel. For the reception DBC series has got 10 years back, C24 should have surpassed it now, but it has not, time to introspect and re-evaluate the gameplay from BAS side I feel.

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