Cricket 24 - General Discussion

I have so so many times.. they are in the threads somewhere. I'll give it a go later in a test and re post.

I remember something about reducing the flight markedly?
For those struggling with spinners taking most Wickets your best bet is to edit the spinners and remove all traits/Ability then go to player sjill sliders and reduce turn,flight, Max to level 4 per individual for spinners.Next you have to reduce the flight in custom sliders along with pitch bounce increase ball friction by 5 points and test untill you find the balance.This should make the game playable.
The view of ball is anyways not fill , we see most the hand/fingers of the bowler and little of the ball.
Hope they fix that animation as well.
It was so good in cricket 19, checking of the condition of ball before bowl was excellent view in Cricket 19
More Steam and PlayStation patches tomorrow apparently, Xbox still TBA... odd suggestions of Xbox bonus content as compensation for the absolute mess BA have made of releasing & not patching a largely unplayable game on that platform as we move into Week 3 post-release. Not sure what bonus content they could possibly release? Could bonus content be money back?
I am sorry to say that I have become pessimistic again whether they have the gumption and perserverence to patch this thing to a standard fit for release. It's basically Early Access at best with so many many many little and larger details just wrong or not working.

The amount of jarring, immersion breaking details is just incredible let alone the broken gameplay bits.

Its scandalous that Xbox users are just left waiting with the excuse " MIcrosoft bla bla bla"....the game should have been fit for use on release when people handed over their money! (This is in actually in capital letters about 10 feet high!)
I am sorry to say that I have become pessimistic again whether they have the gumption and perserverence to patch this thing to a standard fit for release. It's basically Early Access at best with so many many many little and larger details just wrong or not working.

The amount of jarring, immersion breaking details is just incredible let alone the broken gameplay bits.

Its scandalous that Xbox users are just left waiting with the excuse " MIcrosoft bla bla bla"....the game should have been fit for use on release when people handed over their money! (This is in actually in capital letters about 10 feet high!)
I'll admit I'm seriously starting to share your pessimism. Just going through the exact same thing as last time with C22. Released on the 2nd of December and eventually patched on the 24th of December. This time released on the 5th of October and the way things are going now, maybe we will see the first Xbox patch on the 24th of December again?? FFS!!

What is really getting to me, apart from the lack of communication, is the fact that we aren't seeing huge improvements in the game. How is it possible to release a brand new game, with the same bugs and MORE than we had in C22. You look at career mode and it is just disappointing. In C22 they laid the foundation to spice things up by adding sponsors, the gym, interviews and a fatigue recovery system, none of which worked properly, so instead of building on that or fixing it, they just removed everything all together. It frustrates the hell out of me to think where we started with DBC14 and where we are 10 years later. We should have been light years ahead of where we are now. Asking for the same things over and over. Or in some cases asking for things that actually worked previously. And then we're supposed to be happy when one or two things get fixed?? Are we so desperate to have a shiny new game that we are content playing a half-assed game with the bare minimum improvements. A few new licensed teams, stadiums and equipment. And a bowling/batting action or two? No pitch deterioration, no rain or weather affecting the game, no spin. A career mode stripped to the bone. WTF?? I am a part time coach so I look at players, teams and situations and I see what's in front of me, but I always try and see the potential and where a team should be with some development, and with this game it has been the same... where we were 10 years ago and the lack of progress and development made over the years is actually a bit of a disgrace. We should have had a game with an in-depth career mode with all the bells and whistles to go with it by now. We can not be satisfied by the bare minimum yet again!!

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