Cricket 24 - General Discussion

A patch will not going to change the core gameplay mechanics or add a new mechanic at all , possibly will improve crashing and other stability improvements or some minor bug fixes , game doesn't seems to have major bugs from that footage in my opinion , it will just add some licensed players that's about it.
I feel the gameplay is more fluid compared to the 22. Fielders quick release after fielding the ball, the late dab to the thirdman for a boundary in the footage is way better than the 22 game. The shots going towards the direction intended rather than auto correct in the end
BA getting a lot of hate..

Let's not forget NACON here. I know the guys behind the scenes at BA are pretty dedicated to what they do.

This may not all be on them.

NACON should absolutely catch all the flak for this shambles of a marketing campaign they’ve done. There hasn’t been a single thing from their effort that has been positive other than the screenshots which were also released with three days to release. I’m not sure who is more to blame for it though, the publisher for the lack of effort or the devs for not making a product that maybe was not worth the effort?
People need to calm down a bit and wait for the game to be released before writing it off.

There will be a day 1 patch

Mine will hopefully arrive tomorrow (UK)
Mate, you've hit the nail on the head. This patch might sprinkle a bit of fairy dust, but let's face it - C24 feels more like C22 with a few extra stickers. It's essentially the same game, just with a handful of domestic teams and logos slapped on. Calling it an upgrade is like putting a bowtie on a cat and calling it a tiger. They could have easily marketed this as a DLC, and fans would have probably appreciated the honesty. Instead, we're left scratching our heads, wondering why they're trying to sell us the same old story with a different cover. #C22DejaVu
I know those who have pre-ordered already left with no choice......but let's face the reality
Enough posting here guys.. go to YouTube, x and other places and speak the same.. we don't want newbies to think this is a great game and boost the sales. Do what you can do as a form of protest. I'm doing my share.
I appreciate everyone's feedback so far, I know there's a lot of posts tagging me to try and reply, but I will just comment in general on some of the things mentioned. I really am not in a position to speak for Big Ant, so I'm always very cautious about what I post on here, as many seem to interpret anything I post as a company line, it really isn't.

I can first point out and confirm the day one build numbers, you can see the build numbers on the main menu (the final 4 digits) - including in some of the photographs posted.
PS4 1412/1413 (depending on region), PS5 1414, Xbox One 1338, Xbox Series 1339, Steam 1415.

Due to processes the Xbox is slightly behind the other platforms at launch, however we intend to synchronise them with an update early next week.

I know people hear it a lot and think it's a bit of a cliche, but the development process means many improvements require a lot of work on the foundations before they can fully shine - content that has been worked on for months and months in the lead up completes final approvals and polish after the points where deadlines are for getting discs made, the nature of cricket as a year round sport is that the timeframes can vary wildly.

That's true even between the builds you're watching being played and the builds you'll play from launch day onward. I suppose one example of that, the statistics update pass was left as late as possible to make it as up to date at launch as it can be.

There's a good chunk of feedback in the thread that is already addressed in the day one build, but once people have had their hands on it, we'll be looking to take that on board.

One I suppose I'll comment on that you've seen from the videos isn't there is a hud update. We have a refresh designed and planned from the graphical design standpoint, just it's one of those things where people have polar opposite opinions. Some view a change like that as just a "coat of paint" and we should focus on more important improvements, and then the opposite view is the idea that the game is the 'same' because a visual aspect remained unchanged. It was a coin flip in terms of priorities, it landed on putting other UI changes above it in terms of the coding - so you got stuff like the different frontend themes, which a lot of players appreciated in Cricket 19, as well as a lot of changes to the other screens that make up the in game UI.

I know there's some strong critics in the thread, even if you're someone not convinced on day one, I hope there's stuff you'll see as people get the game, or if need be through post release updates that change your mind. I hope we can make even our harshest critics happy over time.
Having been a dedicated fan of Big Ant Studio's cricket games since DBC14, I've purchased each instalment with excitement , including DBC14, DBC17, Ashes Cricket, Cricket 19 and even C22. However, I must express my disappointment with C24, to say this regrettably that C22 was the final purchase from the series, unless there are significant and truly compelling improvements in future releases. As a long-time supporter, I genuinely hope for new and innovative features that will reignite my enthusiasm for the games developed by Big Ant Studio. A truly disappointed fan...after all the hype and wait !!
I believe, it's the last nail in the coffin (unless newly exposed consumers save their ass this time) for them. It would be better if they left developing cricket games after the last time they threatened with no PC release. Now they are just greedy. They invested more time & effort in AFL 23 than this piece of garbage. I will just buy Spiderman 2 and enjoy a good world cup on TV.
First ball of that match vid posted here; the commentator says there’s at least two runs possible after the shot and once it crosses the boundary rope another bloke says it was a boundary the moment the ball left the bat.

So much for improved commentary.
For the love of god. If the game is going to be the same chuck up a scorecard inbetween overs or something to freshen it up. I can't see any change in presentation or anything.

I'm baffled. Genuinely. It looks pretty much identical.
This is exactly why nothing has been revealed until this week. BA knew they had nothing new to show.
I appreciate everyone's feedback so far, I know there's a lot of posts tagging me to try and reply, but I will just comment in general on some of the things mentioned. I really am not in a position to speak for Big Ant, so I'm always very cautious about what I post on here, as many seem to interpret anything I post as a company line, it really isn't.

I can first point out and confirm the day one build numbers, you can see the build numbers on the main menu (the final 4 digits) - including in some of the photographs posted.
PS4 1412/1413 (depending on region), PS5 1414, Xbox One 1338, Xbox Series 1339, Steam 1415.

Due to processes the Xbox is slightly behind the other platforms at launch, however we intend to synchronise them with an update early next week.

I know people hear it a lot and think it's a bit of a cliche, but the development process means many improvements require a lot of work on the foundations before they can fully shine - content that has been worked on for months and months in the lead up completes final approvals and polish after the points where deadlines are for getting discs made, the nature of cricket as a year round sport is that the timeframes can vary wildly.

That's true even between the builds you're watching being played and the builds you'll play from launch day onward. I suppose one example of that, the statistics update pass was left as late as possible to make it as up to date at launch as it can be.

There's a good chunk of feedback in the thread that is already addressed in the day one build, but once people have had their hands on it, we'll be looking to take that on board.

One I suppose I'll comment on that you've seen from the videos isn't there is a hud update. We have a refresh designed and planned from the graphical design standpoint, just it's one of those things where people have polar opposite opinions. Some view a change like that as just a "coat of paint" and we should focus on more important improvements, and then the opposite view is the idea that the game is the 'same' because a visual aspect remained unchanged. It was a coin flip in terms of priorities, it landed on putting other UI changes above it in terms of the coding - so you got stuff like the different frontend themes, which a lot of players appreciated in Cricket 19, as well as a lot of changes to the other screens that make up the in game UI.

I know there's some strong critics in the thread, even if you're someone not convinced on day one, I hope there's stuff you'll see as people get the game, or if need be through post release updates that change your mind. I hope we can make even our harshest critics happy over time.
Bro just tell that tailenders have separate shot animations pace attributes has been included and career mode has been refreshed to include players development , promotion to bigger teams etc and world ranking of teams and players , I will be happy if these 3 things make it to the game even after couple of weeks
Previously games have come out on steam 12am Melbourne time world wide which is about 50 mins from now.Its not listed on steam yet so who knows.Possibly not even big ant as no time has been given.

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