You need to understand the difference between suggestions and demands. Most people here are trying to make the game better. Obviously they don't have any right to tell BA what to do but at best they can suggest them something which is the reason why so many BA's people actively look out on this forum. They don't come here for hearing how great their game is, they come for the suggestions to create one. Yes, even I have seen sometimes users go out of their extent to ask for something when they should learn how to request a feature and appreciate and understand the efforts behind it. Being a programmer myself, I can relate how much efforts BA has gone through to create this game. It seems only easy to request a feature but even implementing something like helicopter shot even though it isn't required but due to high demand, how much effort they have gone through just so users can play this shot that is nothing but a gimmick. I wanted to know the reason behind so many placeholders and variables of other games that's why I asked. I like to explore things and you don't have any right to stop me for asking something which involves my passion. Gaining this kind of knowledge from big giants is very important for me to improve in future which is something you won't understand. I never demanded anything from them. /end