Cricket Academy File Breakdown - Gameplay Details Added

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- These will be the player mentality - Brute Conservative Opportunist Precise Radical

These are there in the cricket academy as well :)!

Retired Batsman and fielder is pretty much confirmed. The only thing I am wondering about is about milestoneNonStrikerThisBall and restrictedBowlerUntilOvnger.

This might relate to the fielder being retired hurt (i.e. going back to the pavilion). Basically he needs to be on the field for a certain period of time to be able to bowl or bat.
This might relate to the fielder being retired hurt (i.e. going back to the pavilion). Basically he needs to be on the field for a certain period of time to be able to bowl or bat.


That much depth?
Next we'll hear that there's toilet breaks, with an increased frequency depending on your drinks sponsor.
Next we'll hear that there's toilet breaks, with an increased frequency depending on your drinks sponsor.

Yes...I saw that in the file uploaded by you!!!

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Remember Saurav Ganguly doing this one:p
The coding convention for variables is lowercase first word and uppercase for words there after ;)

damn... I've been using the non-conformity to quickly ascertain the fakes...

ps: remember functions still need an uppercase start, eg. as Pat correctly said "TakeToiletBreakInBetweenInningsWhileBatting"
But what if one variable actually enhances the second by making its variable more so?

Then the third variable contributes to both the first and second one in ways that again add to the variations?

Surely that's worth a look... :eek:
Just a quick look -

There will be Dynamic Camera, Batting Camera and Bowling Camera. There is also an action named as "Show Wickets First" which I think is probably meant for watching highlights.

There is also various switching methods which you can set it to Manual, Assisted and Semi Assisted and Vibration is also enabled. The Switching Method here probably means the switching of control to Striker/Non-Striker during running which I explained about this earlier too.

If I am reading the codes right then there is a Replay Manager where you can record, take a snapshot and play replays.

The 5 ranks in Career Mode are differentiated by Points where you need to acquire required amount of points to reach individual Rank. Your Batting and Bowling skills will also determine your Rank.

There is an option which will determine Best Lineup of your team before starting a match. I think this attribute will be used by AI of a your Team which contains your Be a Pro Player.

Player Growth will be transferred from Match to Player Manager
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