Your Cricket Cricket Club Discussion

James_W said:
Bowlin' James! What do you bowl? And congrats on the victory!

Bowl off-spin, haven't been bowling to great so far this year though. Have bowled about 40 overs and got 6 wickets.
Played the quarter finals y'day. Came in at 1 down and hit 27 off 33 balls. Got out to a poor lbw decision. Took 1 for 19 in 6 overs. We won the match by 30 runs and are through to the semis!
misunderstood it, posted about lancashire (county i support)

i dont currently have a team, although school cricket has just started, unfortunately the teacher has never given me a fair chance to prove i am good enough for the team (he doesnt like me at all, although surprisingly he picked me for football once (although i was the only keeper available))

last year i couldnt be bothered proving myself to him, but since thne i have rediscovered some of my best form, and will force myself into the team
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2 games in 2 days

Batting 8 off 4 run out
1-14 of 4 overs

0-10 of 1 over
7 off 3 bowled
2 games in 3 days

2 for 12 off 2 overs
Caught mid off 1st ball

5 for 11 off 3 overs
My 1 game:

3-1-23-0 (Bowling)
lbw. Unknown 0 (2)

It didnt go fantastically.
A tourney

4 overs
2 wickets
10 runs
1 maiden

I ran 1 out

1st Innings
5 off 3
2nd innings
7 off 3
3rd innings
12 off 6
4th innings
26 off 9
No offence or anything, but posting like that is just boring. It doesn't mean much to us if you don't explain it or share your experiences.
I played my first school match on Thursday, this year our school has actually decided to have a cricket team (in other years).
I captained it. Think I did a pretty good job, even though my performance wasn't really up to scratch. I won the toss, and on behalf of my team, we bowled first (to give the others a proper game). We just wanted to have a decent, full game (not short as it would have been the other way round). The other team has much, much better cricketing facilities to us. Theyve been playing cricket for years, whereas for some of us it was our first match.
Anyway, we bowled pretty lamely. 20 over match, they got 178/3. Our first wicket came off an absolutely amazing 35-yard runout by one of our, lets just say, lesser fielders. Paul Collingwood would be proud. I got the 2nd, the batsman simply edged up a fulltoss and it was caught. I should have got more (one yorker of mine bounced out the way of the stumps, and another ball was dropped into someone's crotch!), but I did ok.
Battingwise, we got 60 runs. I contributed 2 of those. Not sure how many I lasted, but it was somewhere in the region of 8. I was playing confidently, infact too confidently. I edged one up in the air and it was caught. My 2 runs came off a good cut into a gap, so I'm pleased with that.

Overall, we did ok, but we need a lot more practice.

Sorry, that was a long entry. Got overexcited for my first game of the season.

Got a friendly with my clubs seconds on Sunday.
Just seen this thread now!

I'm playing only my fourth match of the season tommorow, because of the stupid rain up north, playing for the club's second team against Whitehaven firsts tommorow.
Whitehaven's Pro is decent too, Hasantha Fernando (anybody know of him?) he has Test Match and ODI caps for SL, so should be quite a test! - his page on cricinfo is here - Hasantha Fernando.
I love to bowl him tomorrow :D (weather permitting that is!)
WCC_bowler said:
Just seen this thread now!

I'm playing only my fourth match of the season tommorow, because of the stupid rain up north, playing for the club's second team against Whitehaven firsts tommorow.
Whitehaven's Pro is decent too, Hasantha Fernando (anybody know of him?) he has Test Match and ODI caps for SL, so should be quite a test! - his page on cricinfo is here - Hasantha Fernando.
I love to bowl him tomorrow :D (weather permitting that is!)

Wow, thats amazing! Should be quite an experience, playing him. Have fun.
First game of my season this evening, went pretty sound. More of just getting a field as we we're playing the Bedfordshire u-12 team who were ok, but were no trouble for us (2 years younger btw). We won the toss and bowled and they got 92-7 off 20 overs largely thanks to the fact we had our bowling all-rounder as keeper and we ended up with 54 extras :p and 38 runs off the bat.

I only got two overs as we were testing out new bowlers, although I managed 2-0-2-5 bowling the 18th and 20th overs. First ball went just above mid-off but went for four, but I sorted it out second ball which was a full ball on off stump which he skyed to extra cover :D Got a second wicket with 3 balls to go in the innings, full on middle and off touch of swing and hit middle stump :D

Would of had a third but it was dropped at square leg :mad also had a few lbw appeals which were sliding down although i'm sure one was dead. We chased it down with ease 92-1 off 12 overs. Total reverse of fortunes from last year :D
yeah i played despite having a bandaged leg,I was just a batsmen and i didn't have to bat so it was alright. We were 51-6 off 18 overs! then they knocked it off in 6. I am one of the best players as an allrounder because i was playing with kids a year below me because they're isn't too many players. So when my mate made a golden duck opening and only 1 batsmen got past 5 (making 31*) you can see what went wrong. We were playing Kibworth who have half their side playing for the county and the mens team won the national cup thingy a couple of years ago.
3 games in 3 days this 3 day weekend.
Saturday for the seconds.
Sunday for the Firsts
Monday for the county.
Ive got East yorkshire on monday, 3rd team tue 2nd team wed and 1st team the older age because there pants i get to play get like a century a game
I'd be playing tomorrow if work had sorted themselves out and sorted my shifts. Shame.

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