Cricket Coach - Bugs thread

I've been playing the game for the last day or so and have played one full year (or close to) as Australia and have found the following bugs for you guys to look at:

- Shane Warne is not available for selection in the tests even though it says he's retired from one-day cricket.
- List of international tours should be in chronological order when you go there from the Test and ODI rankings. This is only a minor thing.
- The Australian domestic competition doesn't have batting and bowling bonus points.
- There should be the announcement of retirements for anyone from your home country. At the end of the 2006 Stuart MacGill just dissapeared from the "pool of players" but there was no announcement. I also think anyone who's played 20 or more international games from another country should come on the news as a retirement announcement.
- There should be more general news (maybe in the second edition this could be looked at) as it creates a little bit more between games rather than just clicking which gets a bit repetitive and boring. One of the great things about Football Manager is how it keeps you intrigued even when your not playing games because there's so much news. Things like internaitonal debuts, FC debuts within your own country, Milestones (centuries, 5-wicket hauls, hat tricks, careers runs in FC and/or test cricket, being picked as captain for the first time etc,.) should all come up in the news section.
- In the game engine you should be able to see the full bowling card and the batting teams partnerships at any point.
- For some reason when i go on to "today's scoreboard" every now and then when i run the mouse over a game i can't actually go to the match summary. This happens maybe one in every five to six games that appears on the scoreboard.
- When Australia were due to play their first test against England it was on November 9. THere was a round of shield games on November 6 but all the Australian players played in this round because i had a cleared selection on the Australian page. I picked my 12-man squad on the 8th, which meant on the 9th my Australian players played in both the first day of test and the last day of the shield games.
- I couldn't change my squad from the first to the second test.
- In one of the games Ponting was dismissed but continued to bat. In the scorecard section it showed him as "lbw Anderson" but continued to score runs. Eevntually he got bowled by Hoggard and the scorecard changed to show "bwd Hoggard". The wicket also got contributed to Anderson and at the end of the innings it showed 11 wickets being taken by England (Anderson 5, Hoggard 3 and Harmison 3).
- For some reason whenever Western Australia play they have guys who are batsman (usually Sean Marsh and Adam Voged) batting 10 and 11. This isn't a database error (i.e. these guys being listed as bowlers instead of batsman) becaus ethey are still listed with the bat symbol next to them.

Aside from those i haven't come accross anything else although like any windows application i'm sure there are others (hey, even Microsoft Word is full of bugs if you search hard enough) which we will eventually found and be taken out of the game.

But tthis game is a definate improvement on the original version released and it's great to see the developers working to improve it.

For this reason, and also because i believe the only way the series can develop with further more improved editions is if the developers are getting some sort of financial benefit, i will be buying the game when i get a chance this week. And i also encourage others who have the money to do so as well.

The first step for the develepors is to get rid of as many bugs as they can, releasing a new version every couple of weeks, and then working on a second edition. I honestly don't think it would be worth their while trying to incorporate any new features into the game as it could lead to further problems which could actually set them back.

Once that occurs a few things i would like to put on the wishlist for the developers:
- More news. I believe the following should be given news status:
:: Any contract signing by the teams located within your country.
:: Any contract signing by a player who's nationality is listed as the country which you manage in.
:: Any contract signing by a player from another country who has played 50 or more international games (tests and ODI's combined)
:: Retirements as above
:: Milestones within Test and ODI matches - debuts, centuries, 4 and 5-wicket hauls, hat tricks, career milestones such as thousand runs, fifty wickets etc,.)
:: The same Milestones in FC matches involving players from the country which you manage.
:: Milestones in FC matches not involving players from your country, but involve players who've played 50 international matches.
:: Any firing and re-hiring of coaches
:: End of Month updates of all Domestic compeititons during the season
:: End of Season summary of all Domestic competitions (winners, top runscorers, wickettakers etc,.)
:: Injuries to plays within the country your managing.
:: Injuries to significant international cricketers (50 or more).
- The obvious thing everyone has bought up is training. Even something very basic to begin with which could then develop into a more complex training scheme in future editions.
- A potential improvement ratings on players.
- An overall ratings for batsman (same as skill for bowlers)
- More skills breakdown for bowlers.
- A fitness attribute (there may already be one - i just thought of it but don't know if it's in there)
- Mental attributes for a player: composure (performance under pressure), loyalty, determination and mental fitness is probably all that is required for now.
- International "A" Games
- When being the national manager, the ability to request FC teams pick certain players. FC team can agree or reject that request.
- Fielding positions. This is the big one. Even if it's a set of 5 pre set fields.
- Ability to command a batsman to take over the strike - useful in ICC for the end of an innings with a batsman shielding the tailend.

There are a few others but that will do for starters.

I think given the developements since the first version was released i believe we could be on track for a fantastic series of cricket management games.

It's just going to take time and patience and a thick skin from the developers to happen.
Black Thunder said:
I've been playing the game for the last day or so and have played one full year (or close to) as Australia and have found the following bugs for you guys to look at:

- Shane Warne is not available for selection in the tests even though it says he's retired from one-day cricket.
Having had two different game files as Australia, and being able to select Warne on one of them, I can tell you that that's because he was in the middle of playing a match with his county or state at the time. That narked me off no end when it happened - so the bug is actually that you don't get to select your squad early enough for internationals, and the players you want are unavailable as a result.
Don't the developers visit this forum anymore ?
It just doesn't work!!! I open the application and it just turns blank, I tried it a few times and it doesn't work!!!! (I don't think its my PC?)
Andy Caddick said:
It just doesn't work!!! I open the application and it just turns blank, I tried it a few times and it doesn't work!!!! (I don't think its my PC?)

Try the Cricket Coach forum, you'll get a much quicker reply.
usy said:
Don't the developers visit this forum anymore ?

They visit but I do know that their visits will be less and less frequent. After all, they must have quite a few forums that will be talking about the game and it could take a good while to go to them all and read them all - so even if they do visit, they're not guaranteed to read your post. Whereas, they're more likely to visit their own forum more often and, therefore, can respond quicker and read more posts. I'm not trying to take members away from PlanetCricket but I'm just saying if you're addressing posts to the developers then you should post it on their forum (as well as on here!)
Have you got any more details to go on? What did you do exactly - just click the icon and get error reports? Any error screens etc etc? If you have, it would be a great help to the developers if you could post them on here (or their forums)
just got the game on demo for a free trial.i'm playing my first match and i think that the fielding should be a lot better.i mean when the ball is shown going for four it has pretty much gone through the fielder for four.yes misfields happen but not often and they should say.
Just bought this. I haven't played it a great deal but these are a couple of bugs I've noticed...

- 10-wicket matches don't update in the player stats
- A bowler who bowls the penultimate over before stumps also has to bowl the opening over the next day
- This may be intentional, but why can off-spinners have leg-spin settings and vice versa?

The most frustrating thing so far is not being able to skip directly to your next match. I first trialled the demo and it must have taken me nearly 10 minutes just to skip to the first Test match. An option should be included that allows us to choose what news the game will stop for.

The match engine still needs a bit of tweaking. Run rates in Tests are too hard to increase and rarely get above 3, even against Bangladesh. Gilchrist even at full aggression struggles to get an SR above 60. It would be great if batting strike rates are displayed during the innings and for the season.

Not enough runs are scored in boundaries. On average, I'd estimate that the majority of players score between 40% to 60% of their runs in boundaries yet when I score a century only 20 or 30 runs seem to come from fours and sixes.

There doesn't seem to be any tactics in the game. No shielding of the tail, no boundary hitting option, no choice of line and length or over/around the wicket.

I might have missed it, but I'd like to see a real-time search box (like that in iTunes) for the player pool. The filters are great when examining which options are available but aren't as useful when trying to find a specific player.

Could an option be included to switch what the mouse buttons do? I'm used to ICC so regularly find myself left-clicking on a player when trying to put them in the team.

Apologies if this reads negatively of the game, as there are also many positives there.

i cant find him anywhere unless they made a name mistake

also i cant seem to win any games against england, it seems like the english players have been edited to the best skills or sumthing.

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