Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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I would post the Great Success Kid meme, but my colleagues would think I'm crazy...

Thanks for your feedback itay128, I REALLY appreciate it. Hopefully the game is getting closer to being something that challenges you properly :cheers


Hi all,

small update:

- fix low stamina issue
- stamina doesn't return to fall at the end of a day's play, instead it increases slightly (2 points)


Patch 2.681 -


Definitely a challenge playing a Test match on a green pitch (and seeing some good bounce and carry through to the wicketkeeper).

So far, a lot of the edges from defensive shots have been caught by the wicketkeeper.... Might possibly be that the slips are slightly out of position (not staggered very well)
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Hmm, what kind of numbers are being shown? I think the max is around 3k RPM for someone like Murali/Warney.

Yep... Should be around there (remembered Swann and even Steve Smith getting up to around 2400rpm).
It's showing 50k-60k in game when the rev meter is maxed out... :eek:
Should only go in the red if the bowler has a high spin attribute.
Not sure if Murali or Warney would get 3k RPM, maybe around 2500 - 2600 rpm?
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Do you know which spinner was getting that amount?

Steve O'Keefe was bowling (off-spin attribute of 12 according to the roster editor).

Seen this occur with other spinners though

Usually specialist spinners have RPMs in the yellow zone...

I think the counter (on Sky Sports) works like this...
Green = below 1750rpm?
Yellow = 1750rpm?-2250rpm
Red = over 2250rpm
Excellent - I wonder what's going on with the rev counter. I'll take a look...

EDIT: Found it :facepalm It was using the wrong value to determine the amount of revs on the ball. I'll wait for more bug reports and then release another patch tomorrow.
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@kurtkz: Spotted a bug where the batsman who gets the 5 runs from overthrows is facing the ball after, when it should be the other batsman (which happens a ball later)

EDIT: After the 80th over, I check the ball shape to see if the new ball taken by the AI. The ball shape shows the new ball but there should be a notice on the HUD to say the new ball has been taken by the AI. However, the new ball still seems to be reverse swinging when it should be swinging conventionally?
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@itay128: Were your batsmen still running when the ball crossed the ropes for overthrows by any chance? I'm applying the law in the strictest sense, but I can relax it...should we say a run is complete if the batsmen have crossed?
So these are the fixes for the next patch...I'll upload it tomorrow morning. Slow internet and all that jazz:

- notification when AI takes new ball
- fixed bug where new ball reverse swings
- fixed rev counter
- fixed bug where player keeps playing a shot and moving down pitch when he misses a ball and is drawn out of the crease
- fixed bug where keeper wouldn't run out a batsman who hasn't run but is outside his crease
- fixed bowler collecting the ball during a run out attempt
- fielders now aim for the base of the stumps
- fielders don't take as many pot shots anymore
- brought slip fielders closer together
- fixed rare bug with bottom edges

@itay128: Were your batsmen still running when the ball crossed the ropes for overthrows by any chance? I'm applying the law in the strictest sense, but I can relax it...should we say a run is complete if the batsmen have crossed?

They were running... but they completed a run before the overthrow happened. No need to relax the law there.
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