Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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@itay128: Thanks for the feedback!

@kurtkz: Some suggestions/comments...

- You might want to tweak the bounce of the pitches, even with pitches with 1.1 bounce (in the pitch editor). There isn't enough carry to the wicketkeeper for the faster bowlers and a lot of deliveries for spinners are likely to hit the stumps (due to low bounce). Haven't had to use the pull shot on the back foot either.

Will do this now - I'm going to test the change now...

- In regards to DRS, a lot of deliveries for spinners on the ball tracking seem to not bounce (the ball 'dips down' after impact). Possibly related to the bounce of pitches.

Quite right ,that's related to the low bounce issue.

- Skill ratings for some umpires might need to be increased too (had to review quite a few 'howlers')

I'll do this too, but probably not for the next patch.

- It's very hard to get attacking or lofted shots away (when settled and the focus meter is empty). Always end up holing out to fielders on lofted shots.

Hmm, I think I might've made that too difficult to play. Are you playing career mode? Or just an exhibition game?

- I'm scoring a high percentage of runs in boundaries (even on pro mode). I'll try playing without the batting aids, but I think either the outfield speed needs tweaking. or the difficulty to get good or perfectly timed shot might need to increase (for attacking shots)

Yup, I think I nerfed the fielding too much in the patch. I *think* I've fixed it in the unreleased patch, but I'll do some more testing.

- Bowlers should be bowling at around full pace for most deliveries in first class/Test matches.

This is the only point I disagree with :) You'll rarely see quicks bowling at full speed. The only 2 I've seen that do this are Mitch and Tino.
Hmm, I think I might've made that too difficult to play. Are you playing career mode? Or just an exhibition game?
Exhibition game

This is the only point I disagree with You'll rarely see quicks bowling at full speed. The only 2 I've seen that do this are Mitch and Tino.
I actually meant the huge variation in speeds (usually slower balls are used sparingly in longer formats)

Talking about bowling speeds, the roster editor limits the max bowling speed to 150km/h (probably can increase the limit by 5 since Mitch has exceeded that, but that's covering an exceptional case).

EDIT: @kurtkz There's a bug where the batsmen and bowlers have empty stamina bars when resuming a game.
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@itay128: Hmm, do you remember at what stage that happens?

I saved the game at the end of the first innings for the team batting first but the first innings for the batting second had not begun (no balls faced yet).

After completing the 2nd day of an exhibition Test match (did not show summary)... I got this crash:

VERSION: 2.678

MESSAGE: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key

STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(TKey key)
at Cricket.Main.GameObject.TimeManager.Time(GameInstance instance, Single value) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameObject\TimeManager.cs:line 254
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.AddState(GameState newState, Boolean ignoreAll) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 14138
at Cricket.Main.GameState.SwitchState(Boolean terminate, GameState newState) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameState.cs:line 562
at Cricket.Main.GameStateRunUp.ProcessInput(Single ms) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateRunUp.cs:line 1952
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 19004
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D - scaling & networking\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 4409
Scratch that - I'll upload the patch now and the full downloads tomorrow:

- tweak edges
- fix batsman rotation when playing a shot
- small tweaks to AI fielding
- fix worm scorecard
- fix wagonwheel scorecard
- can now run the editors from Launcher
- game/editor window automatically centers in screen when not in fullscreen mode
- fixed field restrictions for limited overs matches
- fixed some crashes
- players should not have 0 stamina when restoring at the end of an inning (before the next one has started)
- players don't get full stamina back between innings in tests
- fixed ball-body collisions
- tweaked bounce
- tweaked AI bowler lengths
- lofted shots should be slightly easier to play now


Patch 2.679 -


PS I still need to fix the nets so it doesn't use a saved game.
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Just a repost for those who missed it before:

- tweak edges
- fix batsman rotation when playing a shot
- small tweaks to AI fielding
- fix worm scorecard
- fix wagonwheel scorecard
- can now run the editors from Launcher
- game/editor window automatically centers in screen when not in fullscreen mode
- fixed field restrictions for limited overs matches
- fixed some crashes
- players should not have 0 stamina when restoring at the end of an inning (before the next one has started)
- players don't get full stamina back between innings in tests
- fixed ball-body collisions
- tweaked bounce
- tweaked AI bowler lengths
- lofted shots should be slightly easier to play now
- threaded the dynamic clouds, so you should have dynamic weather conditions again


Patch 2.680 -
Full -
Mac OSX -

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@kurtkz: Started another exhibition game and the stamina bars for bowlers are really low on the bowler selection screen and empty on the HUD. Results in bowlers bowling really slowly.
@itay128: Did you by any chance play/load a game before starting the new exhibition game? I think it might not be clearing the stamina to full then. I'll fix it up in a minute...

EDIT: Also, was the exhibition a long format game?
@itay128: Did you by any chance play/load a game before starting the new exhibition game? I think it might not be clearing the stamina to full then. I'll fix it up in a minute...

EDIT: Also, was the exhibition a long format game?

After applying the 2.679 patch, I resumed the exhibition Test match I was testing with (the one which had the stamina problem)

Then, after applying latest patch, I started an exhibition Test match but I didn't load the game which had the stamina problem.
I would post the Great Success Kid meme, but my colleagues would think I'm crazy...

Thanks for your feedback itay128, I REALLY appreciate it. Hopefully the game is getting closer to being something that challenges you properly :cheers


Hi all,

small update:

- fix low stamina issue
- stamina doesn't return to full at the end of a day's play, instead it increases slightly (2 points)


Patch 2.681 -

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