Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Ok, the new patch is up:

- rev meter after bouncing
- resolved lag
- simulation is faster
- cricinfo link imported from CD9
- portrait import from cricinfo
- better skin tone and hair colour matching against portraits
- stone waller attribute script <- looks like I forgot to include this, will include it in the next patch
- some fixes
- gameplay should be smoother
- works on Mac again

NB: the Mac version doesn't use the new font system yet - it turns out that Mono doesn't support custom fonts (the way I use them), so I'll need to come up with a different solution for that.

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Ok so simulation was much faster but when the match ended after simulating both innings while saving the result, it crashed.

VERSION: 2.713

MESSAGE: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

STACK TRACE: at Cricket.Main.GameStateEndOfMatch.ProcessVisual(Single ms, Single ms2) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateEndOfMatch.cs:line 2899
at Cricket.Main.GameStateEndOfMatch.ProcessInput(Single ms) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateEndOfMatch.cs:line 1493
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 20407
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\Soham\Desktop\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 5375
@kurtkz Also another thing i noticed that the team don't declare in a test match. The team batted for whole 5 days and scored 1400 runs but didn't declare. Please add declaring on time feature.
Hurrah! I was actually able to start a career this time
OK, mini patch is ready:

- fixed declarations (mainly for pancake pitch variation)
- fixed crash at end of match (for pancake again)
- included stonewaller script

Question...what's the best way to visualise the amount of power you're putting behind a shot? Keep in mind that you power a shot by holding in the directional key (analogue stick). The power range is from 1 (no power) - 32 (slog).
@DM: Are you done with your first day? :P
It was so good. So much to learn.

Also, games play without the lag! Bit of an issue with the speed, playing a bit slow and ingame settings don't seem to have an effect, but I know the launcher has an option so that should sort it.

The career records page seems to have disappeared though.

Straight drives are a bit broken, just about impossible to play
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