Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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And all over for Afghanistan as Shapoor chops Marsh back onto his stumps. Johnson took 5/36, Hazelwood 2/19, Agar 2/26, Marsh 1/23, Smith 0/5, Harris 0/38. Mangal top scored with 43[DOUBLEPOST=1424442588][/DOUBLEPOST]Warner greets Shapoor's first ball by dispatching it to the cover boundary[DOUBLEPOST=1424442620][/DOUBLEPOST]And pulls the next one to the midwicket fence[DOUBLEPOST=1424442706][/DOUBLEPOST]15 off the first over great start for Australia. The first ball was pitched up but the rest were all quite short, like he was scared of being driven again
So tea after facing just 3 overs, Hamid and Shapoor found a good length after that first over. 0/16.[DOUBLEPOST=1424442945][/DOUBLEPOST]Burns falls for 3, edging Shapoor to first slip
Warner is gone for 36, nicking Fareed in his first over.[DOUBLEPOST=1424443344][/DOUBLEPOST]Stanikzai bowling his part time mediums (will have to check those ratings he doesn't bowl much now)
Fareed now has two, both left handers nicking to the keeper, first Warner now Patterson
Clarke is out for 32, bowled leaving one I thought would bounce over the stumps.
Smith goes now, caught pulling one that got big on him
Stumps on day 1, scores are level. Afghanistan 156, Australia 164, Afghanistan 1/8
- fixed crash when loading game under certain circumstances
- fixed progress -2% display issue
- fixed career mode FC matches not updating
- fixed flickering screen when busy
- fixed crash bug when generating clouds from a loaded game after simulating
a career game
- tweaked ball-pad collisions
- F11 (snapshot) no longer skips screens
Ah - so for now you'll have to do that manually until I'm done with the Hub tool.

1. copy and paste your data folder
2. rename it to data-blahblahblah
3. modify any data in data-blahblahblah
4. run Launcher
5. select the roster (this needs to be renamed to data set) and click Play
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