Crocodile Man Steve Irwin dead

Stingrays normally do not attack humans.
It was just Irwin's misfortune that he was attacked and attacked directly in the chest.

Like someone said,he'd have wanted this video to be released.However his brother doesnt want it released.I personally feel that his family be given some time to ponder over this and come out of the shock.It should be upto them to decide whether to or whether to not to release it.
Why would Steve want people (especially kids) to watch him die? As most people seem to know, he would not deliberately do anything to put the animal in any danger.

The revenge killings are absolutely pathetic and pointless.
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I dont get this, i mean WTF! You guys are saying release release as if it is a blockbuster movie :mad:! that tape should be destroyed, i dono why would anyone watch anybody die i mean its just so stupid!
Farrukh_|$B said:
I dont get this, i mean WTF! You guys are saying release release as if it is a blockbuster movie :mad:! that tape should be destroyed, i dono why would anyone watch anybody die i mean its just so stupid!

Dude i never meant it that way.
Anyways,it won't be released as a blockbuster or so.
If,at all,it were to be released they would release it just as a special screening on a day which be rechristened as Steve Irwin Day.
I'm sure John Howard might do that.
Milo_LCCC said:
Actually stevo it was on the news the day that it happened that he s family may want to release it and it did say it on the news that it would of been he s wish so take your problem up with GMTV instead of being funny with me
Thats absolute rubbish. No-one on the planet would want footage of a loved one being killed to be released to the public. And what the hell is GMTV anyway?
I don't get how Irwin would want him dieing to be released. I don't think anyone in their right mind would want that to happen.

As for this sting ray killing, these so called Irwin fans obviously didn't understand what Irwin was about. He was about "saving" the animals, what they are doing is the complete and utter opposite. Stupid stuff!
Milo_LCCC said:
Actually stevo it was on the news the day that it happened that he s family may want to release it and it did say it on the news that it would of been he s wish so take your problem up with GMTV instead of being funny with me

And how would the news know what his wishes were?
.::Stevo::. said:
Thats absolute rubbish. No-one on the planet would want footage of a loved one being killed to be released to the public. And what the hell is GMTV anyway?

It's a British morning TV show.

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