Darrell Hair returns to test matches


International Coach
Feb 12, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
its been expected for a while but Darrell Hair will stand in the 2nd and 3rd test matches of the England and New Zealand test matches, not too happy myself as the first mistake he makes will be blown out of proportion, but there ya go

Darrell Hair will make his return to top-level international umpiring in the second Test between England and New Zealand at Old Trafford on May 23.

It will be the first Test he has stood in since the 2006 match between England and Pakistan at The Oval. That became the first game in history to be forfeited after Pakistan refused to take the field following Hair's ruling that they had tampered with the ball.

full story here on cricinfo
My personal opinion, without involving and past controversies makes a conclusion that this guy is stupid, and has no right to be a test umpire.

no hard feelings.
I love Darrell Hair.

All the lads on here who are going to OT give him a massive cheer when he comes out, in fact lets turn Saturday into Hair day, cardboard cut outs of him, posters everything. Lets get some Darrell Hair chants going too,

There's only one Darrell Hair
One Darrell Hair
he called Inzy a cheat
and Pakistan got beat
walking in a hair wonderland

He's big
He's round
he made them leave the ground
Darrell Hair, Darrell Hair

On the cricket side we need some good umpires so it's alreet man.
ok then what happens?

Darrel Hair asks for money..
Darrel Hair asks for more money..
Usy go and do something constructive like seal your mouth with gaffer tape.

It was a travety that he was banned from umpiring in the first place. Well played Darrel. Welcome back.
even though your post is less funnier then "Umpire Hair to sue cricket authorities". Good job.
Less funnier, Lolz. That's usy all over that is.

Hair's a fantastic umpire who's career has been marred by a few stupid decisions. He was proven wrong on the Pakistan cheating front, and calling Murali for no-balls was wrong, but his actual umpiring is superb. One of the best in the world easily.
Well I have never questioned his on-field umpiring, but that has nothing to do with a guy being stupid once in a while. I never said he was racist anti Asian or whatever, but find it funny him calling ICC and PCB it. Also the money thing kills it. Not that I put All the Oval thing blame on him, but at the end he turned out to be the stupid one.

ICC should have no Remorse, it tells you how unstill ICC are on their decision making.
Welcome back Darrell :)

Fed up of people criticising him to be honest. He followed ICC regulations at all times. If the regulations are wrong (and I'm not commenting on whether or not they are) then they need fixing, but you can't criticise anyone for following the rules as they stand.

In response to Usy, he didn't ask for money. He asked for the rest of his contract to be paid out, that's all. Nothing unreasonable about that. If the ICC wanted to be rid of him, fair enough, but why should he disadvantage himself financially for it? They couldn't really sack him (he'd have every right to sue them for unfair dismissal, and he'd have won), so he could just have sat there, on his salary, until his contract ran out. Can't blame him. He offered the ICC a sensible and reasonable alternative, and got pilloried for it.

He's a damn good umpire and the sooner he's back in a white coat, the better.
There was no right way to deal with Hair-gate, but he was certainly on the end of the wrong one. Welcome back.

However, I make it no secret that I dislike the guy.
mr.fat ugly is back and he will terrorise pakistan now in matches by telling us our superb bowlers are ball tampering

don give me minus point
(last time i made such a comment and some guy responded by saying my moms a monkey)

bad post, apart from the BOLD text, ...
My personal opinion, without involving and past controversies makes a conclusion that this guy is stupid, and has no right to be a test umpire.

no hard feelings.

Not at all Usy.
Completely agree with you.
ICC is famous for these moves. ;)
mr.fat ugly is back and he will terrorise pakistan now in matches by telling us our superb bowlers are ball tampering

don give me minus point
(last time i made such a comment and some guy responded by saying my moms a monkey)

One of the dumbest post's I've seen in a long time :rolleyes:

I think it is good to have him back. He was treated really badly and deserves this chance. I'm expecting all the England and New Zealand fans will recognise this and give him their support :)
maan just wat i wasnt asking for, he is a good umpire i admit, but he downgraded pakistan cricket. well thats the way we pakistanis felt anyways. we werent ball tampering and he just wudnt listen, and plus gave 5 runs to england. another incident is with murali, his action had passed the icc thingy, but the guy still gave him no bal. despite this i hope the new Mr. Darrel Hair is as good as the other elite umpires. now i hope this was constructive tom
Usy and the Afridi lad in horrifically biased shocker!

Deserves to be back, he might the right call. Whether or not Pakistan had been ball tampering he was well within his rights and followed the letter of the law by having the ball changed because he felt it seemed as though it had been tampered.

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