DBC 17 Bug Reporting - Use the format in the first post.

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Platform: PS4
Game Mode: casual
Match Type: Five5
Get Best Teams used: No
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue (one line description): While fielding u press Triangle on ps4 controller for tapping the ball after tap the fielder stands for few moments give extra runs
Bug description (detail): so when u press the triangle button on ps4 controller to tap the ball fielder always stand for few seconds after tapping the ball while he is standing and doing nothing in those few seconds the batsman take another single it happens everytime. And also when there is a overthrow by a fielder the other fielders instead of getting the ball they start moaning(maybe the right word) about the missthrow in that case also batsman grab another run becasue nobody is getting the ball it happens for few seconds but that few seconds give extra runs which is kind or frustrated, and these issues happens always.
Platform: xbox one
Game Mode: career
Match Type: first class

Get Best Teams used: get best not working, have just the australian national team
Ground: queensland
Over Count: end of first innings
Issue (one line description): bug counting 100/50 stats.
Bug description (detail):

this has happened when i made my first 50 and now my first 100, instead of the stats when walking out to bat showing '1' 50 or '1' 100 it shows as '2'. I just made my first 100 in the first innings of this match and now in the second innings i have '2' 100s when come out to bat, i scored 136 so i didn't make a double either or anything that would possibly logically cause an issue.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Competition (English County)
Match Type: Any
Get Best Teams used: No (downloaded 15/18 of the county teams individually though)
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue (one line description): Game crashed when I backed out of the competition screen with O to return to menu.
Bug description (detail): As above. Game totally crashed. Sent a crash report to Sony (obvs). Went in to start the competition, realised I'd not downloaded three teams so backed out to return to menu and as I backed out from the comp hub the game crashed.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Career
Match Type: Club
Get Best Teams used:
Ground: Various
Over Count: Various
Issue (one line description): Career Glitches Ruining a Great Game!
Bug description (detail): Main issue is three times in my 15 game first season batsman was facing bowler but at non-striker end, first I got stumped, second was pace bowler so managed to run all way back, third other batsman got run out. Also I selected the six teams to play against but it's not those six teams i'm playing against. Sometimes not out batsman's details don't show on scorecard. Having spent so much money on game really appreciate it if some patches can be done to rectify these issues. Obviously can't download from academy either or see players career stats either. Many thanks for all efforts with game.

Stick to the format and avoid discussion. Quote someone's post and reply in another thread if you want to answer them, don't reply here.[/QUOTE]
Platform: XBox One
Game Mode: Tour
Match Type: Any
Get Best Teams used: No
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue (one line description): Default lineups not being used. Also cannot change the lineups before the game.
Bug description (detail): As above. The game has random lineups before the game and does not use the lineups from the team management in academy. Also, frequently I`m unable to edit the lineups in the pre-match screen and/or the actual lineups in the game are different to the ones customized before the match.[DOUBLEPOST=1482089616][/DOUBLEPOST]Platform: XBox One
Game Mode: Tour
Match Type: Any
Get Best Teams used: No
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue (one line description): Game crashes to dashboard in competition.
Bug description (detail): As above. The game crashes to the xbox dashboard on starting any competition.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: career
Match Type: career matches
Get Best Teams used: some
Ground: all
Over Count:
Issue (one line description): player attributes
Bug description (detail): in career mode there is no way to up the stamina or any other attributes of your player. So if you're a fast bowler you can bowl about 8 balls before you lose speed. Also stamina doesn't regenerate while simming or changing innings.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Career
Match Type:
Get Best Teams used: No
Ground: Lahore
Over Count: 46th
Issue (one line description): Batsman Out, but Not Out
Bug description (detail):

Tricked the Pakistani batsman with a beautiful slower ball producing an edge to the keeper, appealed and the umpire gave it out. However the batsman did not leave, the score didn't change and it's as though it didn't happen. Also, there seems to be attributes within the career that aren't upgradeable such as Judgement and Run Speed. If you accidentally appeal, half the field is frozen in the appeal so most of the time there are overthrows. Oh and I am Chris Rogersed (colour blind) and cannot see the marker for anything on a good length while batting lol.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Tour
Match Type: Test Match
Get Best Teams used: Yes
Ground: Delhi
Over Count:
Issue (one line description): Scorecard calculation/display
Bug description (detail): After both teams had completed their first innings' the summary scorecard page incorrectly stated that Pakistan were trailing by 119 runs. However they were actually ahead by 119 runs.

Screenshot attached:

. IMG_1007.JPG
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Casual
Match Type: Two Day
Get Best Teams used: Yes
Ground: Colombo Oval Park
Over Count: 3.3 ~ 3.4
Issue (one line description): Game froze and then crashed with error
Bug description (detail):
AI Batsman hit ball to the fielder. Game froze for a few seconds and then crashed with an error CE-34878-0 (attached screenshot).


  • IMG_3585.JPG
    1.3 MB · Views: 231
Platform: Xbox One
Game Mode: Legend
Match Type: T20
Get Best Teams used: No
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue (one line description): Too easy to bowled out the AIs and SL teams carrier runs and casual mode runs and matches does not save and update.
Bug description (detail): It is very easy to bowled out the AIs batting side at legend, Veteran, Pro levels. Sometimes I get them out for less than 50 runs. Lack of competition from AIs side killing me. Then my casual matches and carrier mode runs does not update. All team members are at 0 matches (SL team) and runs and wickets they take not have any affect with their stats. Also their stats doesnt show up on screen when they first came to bat
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: career
Match Type: All
Get Best Teams used: N/A
Ground: All
Over Count: All
Issue (one line description): Grounding bat on stumping
Bug description (detail): after charging the bowler and missing, the player won't try to ground his bat. He simply walks back across his crease and gets stumped every time.
Platform: PS4
Game Mode: career
Match Type: T20
Get Best Teams used: No.
Ground: Unsure
Over Count: 5th
Issue (one line description): Superhuman keeping on ball 2 at 18 seocnds (I love the pad pad though!) and the stumping visuals on ball 6 @ 1:24.
Bug description (detail):
Platform: Xbox1
Game Mode: career
Match Type:
Get Best Teams used: n/a
Ground: n/a
Over Count: n/a
Issue (one line description): crashes upon New York selection.
Bug description (detail): after creating the player every time I select Americas xi then New York the game freezes crashes then closes.
Platform: Xbox One
Game Mode: career
Match Type: n/a main menu/tour menu
Get Best Teams used: No
Ground: N/A
Over Count: N/A
Issue (one line description): Career freezes on loading, problem with english county logos
Bug description (detail): game freezes with loud noise.
Platform: Xbox One
Game Mode: Casual
Match Type: n/a
Get Best Teams used: No
Ground: Xtreme Circle
Over Count: N/A
Issue (one line description): Game crashes completely.
Bug description (detail): @HBK619 or @mikeymerren , could you inspect this ground and let me know what is wrong? We can make some changes to the ground. Its only this ground that i have downloaded that the game crashes. Its created by @Ali.
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