DBC14 PC Version Mod Screenshots

says the guy without the Green Tick!

I'm on holiday and without my PC. I can prove this by Mrs Biggs currently enjoying my company vs. the norm of sighing menacingly in the background while I put on a 50 run partnership for the first wicket against @MattW...


Turns out Biggs pirated his copy...

It was ME ALL ALONG, Austin!
To be honest trying to play a match while skydiving with her was probably unwise.

It was getting the controller to work that turned out to be the bigger issue...
Damn right! Where's the Patch, @Ross?
I wish people who own console versions get chance to play with mods. That's the only thing missing in my game. :(

Guys if possible keep posting screenshots of mods atleast :)
MattW :Can you post an image of the Downloads thread?? Want to see what the 15 threads are??
just to keep the thread going WIP


@BigAntStudios ross can you give a fully rounded ball model in future updates and a tweaked physics option for this, so we can try softball cricket too:D.


  • softball.jpg
    384 KB · Views: 795
I am so Jealous :(
I own a PS3 version and I pray that I can see these on my TV someday.

Else I need to buy a nice computer.
GOD I need some money :P
Is this going to be put in the downloads section?
This thread or my screenshots?

If the latter, I'll be releasing it eventually

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