Review Demo impressions thread

Just a little perspective, it's only a 6 over game!
Guys one thing people will enjoy for sure is multiplayer. i have been player with my brother all the time its just superb, loving everybit of it. This game is superb. I would say it much closer to BLIC99
Even if the game has some issues, Transmissions come across to me as a company who will continue to support the game and fix issues if possible, at least they do going by their presence here.
Hello guys this is my second video on hard mode and the quality of the video is much much better. Check it out. I played 2 games one in which I batted first with Australia and scored 41/3 in 3 overs and the second in which I chased down 30 odd runs in 2.3 overs. The video has the entire details covered. I haven't tried to skip anything if I have skipped something that is because its already in my first video.

A funny thing happened in it that the AI said canceled a run and they were both at the same end and nothing happened like the previous cricket versions. Its in the first game where England is chasing the target posted by me.
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Hope you enjoy it reps and replies much appreciated.
The first gameplay video which I posted is on page 21 if any one wants to have a look at that too.

This site is crap, can't you put them on filefront or somewhere they don't do this 'passport' crap? I don't want to go to America, I just want to download a sodding file. :sarcasm
Here are a few things I've noticed while playing the demo...

I think it is very well made and overall it is a great deal of fun to play, thats for sure.

Quite a few of the silly bugs from previous titles have gone.
- Keeper removing bails all the time.
- Weird shots from impossible positions, etc.

The good stuff:
- If you bowl well the batsmen struggle.
- If you bowl poorly they will take to you, as they should.
- Fielding looks good overall. Its only occassionally that the fieldsman looks weird diving for balls they don't need to and dropping catches they never would.
- Batting is a lot of fun as is bowling.
- The diving and reaching for the crease are excellent additions.

I haven't had to take a catch yet so can't comment on that.

The poor stuff:
- The animations of the players walking, standing looks weird. They even seem as if they all have bad neck problems.
- Some edges from the bat seem to bobble into nowhere and then safely fall to the ground.

But again, overall this is a very wonderful improvement over the previous games. If we spend our time looking at the elements that are not perfect yet then we will definitely miss out on a really great game I think.

Can't wait for the PC version and higher levels of resolution, brightness and visual quality.

Also noticed in the menus a heading called CUSTOMISATION. Hope we can make lots of changes in there.

That's it for now.......
Just a little perspective, it's only a 6 over game!

Yes, it is only 6 overs, but the fact remains that if the difficulty levels stay the same or similar to what they are now, then batting will be too easy. Hell most of us have only played it today and are finding its easy. What happens when we've been playing it (the full game) for say, a month? There are other glaring issues that will really hurt the game, such as the poor AI bowling and the AI's crazy running between the wickets. I really do hope these things are sorted, because if they are, then we have one hell of a game on our hands. Sure, you can play online, but I do believe I read somewhere you can't save test matches?! I don't want to play 10/20 over slogs all the time and realistically, you'll need to save test matches to finish them against someone who is reasonably good at the game.

To not be completely negative, the little touches they've added, like edges not carrying, are fantastic and really do make it feel like you're playing Cricket.

From what I've read and heard about the Transmission guys, they do seem more willing to talk and listen to us, so I'm somewhat hopeful that the really big problems will be sorted. If they aren't though, we'll be relying on the patchers once again or just not bothering at all.

stevie added 15 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

Actually, I should add to this batting being too easy and AI bowling being poor thing. Finally played a game where Siddle bowled an over on what I would call a good length and it was suddenly more difficult. Perhaps it is just down the to length the AI bowls and not the actual batting itself being the problem. Because I was in the mentality of playing a shot a ball due to pretty much everything else being half volleys, full tosses and short balls, I suddenly found myself mistiming shots and getting thick edges. I scored 1 run off that over and that was a streaky edge to third man.

^ Yep, all very true Stevie. Probably the most interesting aspect when the full game comes out is how the Test matches play. The ODI's and T20's are a bonus in my opinion, I'm just really interested in seeing how the AI responds to different situations throughout the course of a Test match...can't wait.
I think the fielders need some more running training, they're very slow.
Tbh, Codies need to build on this game. Don't just release this and bang not more cricket games for another twelve years.

Change the title after this and make it a yearly release, just improve on it it's a solid foundation imo.
Bowling is very very fun.

The batting animations look a lot better than the preview videos.

Catching system is very good.

Game looks very promising from this demo.

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