Review Demo impressions thread

Anybody know if there are day/night games in the final game? its only just hit me I haven't read anything about that but just assumed there would be like last time, anybody know or read anything about it?:cool:

Seem to remember firth mentioning in one of the interviews about batting under lights.
What i want in the final game is like in a 2020 match, you need a 4 from the last ball, i want the ai to position the field out in the deep, near the boundary and to like bowl a yorker. so it more harder to win it.
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What i want in the final game is like in a 2020 match, you need a 4 from the last ball, i want the ai to position the field out in the deep, near the boundary and to like bowl a yorker. so it more harder to win it.

If computers can think that much cleverer like normal we humans do, then computer wouldn't have been known as 'Stupid' box! :p Those things are too much to demand, may be AC09 is the first step of a huge revolution in cricket games?
Did I see somewhere that Flintoff's batting skill is better than any Australians? First of all, that is just a joke, he's not even that good, he'd bat 8 if he were in our side, but secondly on youtube it has his skill as 72. If Ponting, Hussey, Katich or even Watson and Hughes are rated lower than this, I will be so pissed off to the point of not even buying it.
Anybody know if there are day/night games in the final game? its only just hit me I haven't read anything about that but just assumed there would be like last time, anybody know or read anything about it?:cool:

Sure is .............
People must have different visual settings for their TV's, most do (I've got Game, Sports, Cinema, etc). The HD video I saw on youtube (posted in here earlier) looked as clear as day at seeing the ball.

We'll have to see how it looks on a proper gaming display, a PC monitor, in other words.
This games too easy
I got 68/3 on hard with Flintoff making 52 not out, and the AI only managed 41.:happy
Also the next time i tried they restricted me for 42 but only managed 36.
But the good news is they restricted me for 32 the next game and manged to get it.
Haaaanggg onnn, didnt Lazy from the playtest say that a red bowling cursor means bad for the batsman? I havent seen the cursor go red at all, only yellow and green.
This games too easy
I got 68/3 on hard with Flintoff making 52 not out, and the AI only managed 41.:happy
Also the next time i tried they restricted me for 42 but only managed 36.
But the good news is they restricted me for 32 the next game and manged to get it.

Hmmm 68/3 in a test match is not that great. how many wickets down were the AI after hitting 41?
A couple of wee things for you from Codies:
The AI does know it's only playing a 3 over match but it hasn't been "optimised" for 3 overs. The way I read that is that strange things will probably happen as 3 overs is an unrealistic situation but the AI will be more aggressive than it would normally.

That would explain the AI batting somewhat. Doesn't stop me being concerned about the AI bowling though, that really could decide if I buy it or not due to the lack of saving of online test matches, I really have little interest in 10-20 over slogs. Any word on how old the build the demo is based on is?
'I've now officially had it with the Xbox. I was going to get a new one as they are so cheap but I've heard that even the latest ones still RROD. That is a disgrace.'

Mate - same thing happened to me about 2 month ago. Is your x box registered?

Send Msoft an email and they will pay for you to ship it to them for repair. In the end they sent me a brand new one, had it back within 10 days. very ood service!

They extend warranty for 3 years for RROD.

Yet the PS3 only has one year and mine has gone wrong after eighteen sodding months. :mad:

wow like 1/4 of the members on PC are in this thread alone lol

It is the Thread of the Holy Grail... :D

Looking at the work put by Transmission guys and trying to put all the things which we want so we can expect a official patch from them which can fix all these things. They are trying to do all the things which they can to make this game good.

I fully expect them to patch any issues.

the last official patch for a cricket game was EA cricket 2002 !! :p

Yes, but these guys are not EA, thank God.

Spent a great deal of time with the demo at the weekend, on all game difficulties and in single players as well as with 3 people, here is my two pennies worth:

First impressions

After loading the game up I was at first a little non-plussed, the graphics had improved slightly on 07 but it still looked like BLIC in most ways and I feared that the gameplay was going to be very smilar wrong I was!:D

Batting is now much much harder with timing even more crucial and not even lofted shots guranteed to hit the boundry ropes, fielders seem better at diving to stop things fired at them although they seemed a little sliggish in the deep and never saw anyone throw them selves at the ball to stop a boundry, but, this could be because of the rating of the fielder involved.
However batting in the main "feels" right this time, you feel like YOU hit the boundry with a well timed shot rather than just hit the button and sat back and watched (obviously this was magnified on the difficulty rating of the game with hard being genuinely harder to get the ball away for runs!!)

Fielding overall is much better too and catching is vastly vastly improved, the whole slow-mo style behind the fielder camera is excellent this time round and really feels like your in control this time of wether a catch is taken or not. General fielding is better, the way which end you throw to is good and the odd overthrows that happened really added to the realism and there are times of great tension when you can go for a risky run and take on the fielders shy at the stumps! top stuff!!

Bowling was something I was very interested in and at first struggled with it. However as I learnt more about the controls and how the conditions really DID effect the ball movement, as well as moving the fielders around it became more and more enjoyable. Taking wickets is hard (although as others have mentioned the AI did get run out stupidly a few times, but not in every game) but you have to work for your wickets thinking about where your pitching the ball and bowling to your field, just like in real life!! Also "bluffing" came into it but more on that later..................

Overall this is a much better Cricket game that 07 and although there was the odd glitch here and there or slight imperfections it does point to a much better all round game when the full thing drops. The AI is hard to judge at times, sometimes it will punish you for poor bowling but then occasionally run itself out or not chase the total. Again some of this could be because of the odd set up of the demo in the fact that it was 3 over test match!! was the AI treating the game as a test match or limited over game? it was hard to farely rate the AI due to this. I do think that ODI and 20twenty games could be the best fun for AI games however, but we shall see.


Now this is where this game really did start to show it was very well made cricket game. with 3 people playing it straight away cut out some of the AI dodgy happenings, although run outs still did occur it was all human error!!;)

wiith 2 people batting you both have individual control of a batsman even when running!! which led to some great comical run outs and "yes" "no" "maybe" moments. You really do have to talk to each other to call in this game!!! brilliant stuff and led to some great West Indian style running between the wickets with both batsmen meeting half way down the wicket and having a chat!!! great stuff:banana2:banana2

Bowling in multiplayer also proved to be the making of it! at first the person I was playing against got used to the timing of my bowling and started to smack 4's and 6's with ease. I wondered why at first but then my opponent told me it was because he could see what delivery was coming in the bottom corner of the what to do..........then I discovered the "bluffing" technique in this game!!! an awesome addition for multiplayer and it seems AI too. I selected another straight full pitched delivery to bowl and my opponent once again was ready to launch me for another boundry but this time as the bowling meter came up to bowl I pressed the slow ball delivery and low and behold a slower ball was bowled instead completely confusing my opponent and getting him plumb LBW!!:D
After that his timing was all over the place with expected outswingers becoming inswingers and slower balls at 94mph!!!!!:p This was a great moment and sold the game to me as I realised that batting is not totaly dominant in this game unlike BLIC07, theres going to be some top ODI and 20/20 games after the pub with this game and arguments between team mates too, top, top stuff.


Overall this game is not the greatest ever made or the best sports game for that matter, it does have glitches here and there and the AI is still up for some major debate but its a massive step in the right direction and has the POTENTIAL to be the best cricket game ever made which is about the highest praise I can give after a very short demo, roll on the 7th August:happy

So for multiplayer it's a definite buy, and for singleplayer an almost-but-not-quite-definite buy?

Hello, I know this idea is taken from FIFA BUT what if AC09 or any other ones they make have the BAP built in 'be a pro'.
Each team has a captain which sets the field and bowlers then each person is a player e.g. someone Anderson and someone cook and go from there.

Anyway I like the look of the batting that you can just slog every single ball for six.

BAP in Cricket would be great. Didn't get what you meant in the bold part of the post.

played it last night.

to be freank if the game is not fun playing against another human then I just cannot see myself playing this game for longer than a week.

I guess the game just does not flow well for me. The ball physics are no great.

When it comes to bowling, Cricket 96 had better bowling animations, actions and ball physics than this, and that was like ages ago.

Batting is improed and harder which is good, however like I said, after you play games like Fifa 09, its hard to play stuff like Ashes 09.

Yes I understand that a lot less money is involved here, but after you play Fifa, Ashes just looks like an unfinished product.

And seriosly the bowling actions and runup are plain awful.

What? Cricket 96 was the worst cricket game I've ever played - the only game I've returned on the same day!

BLIC07 was a in-house achievement, and quite frankly it was poor. Transmission have made a game which will be at the top of a pile. If they've used motion capture, then why are they pretty poor? I agree that they could be better, BUT does it really matter? Does the bowlers run-up affect the game? No.

I think the bowler's run up is fine.

A couple of wee things for you from Codies:
The AI does know it's only playing a 3 over match but it hasn't been "optimised" for 3 overs. The way I read that is that strange things will probably happen as 3 overs is an unrealistic situation but the AI will be more aggressive than it would normally.

Good news, thanks Barmy! By the way, couldn't you have given them your licence for the crowd chants?? :D :D :D ;)

Oh for heaven's sake, you two are supposed to be amongst the older and more mature members. Cut it out.
For what it's worth it is a pretty simple coding addition on the surface but it's probably more complex to implement in reality due to the size of the code.

Handbags at ten paces... :D

naah that can't be Easy mode.. I scored 73 in on Easy.. it must be Hard mode..
If you charge every ball and use the lofting button, you can quite easily get away with a lot of runs.. on hard you can easily make 20 runs per over like that.. well at least in 3 over match.. I am hoping that it won't be that easy on the real game though otherwise I'll probably either stop using the charging option or minimze it for the time when there is a do-or-die situation..

Charging every ball isn't playing the game properly, so I won't be doing that. It should be sorted, but if not, if you play the game properly, it won't be an issue. Effectively, it could be seen as cheating.
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That would explain the AI batting somewhat. Doesn't stop me being concerned about the AI bowling though, that really could decide if I buy it or not due to the lack of saving of online test matches, I really have little interest in 10-20 over slogs. Any word on how old the build the demo is based on is?

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