Can anyone play badly in the demo and post its video online? I mean, play frontfoot shots to short balls and backfoot shots to full deliveries, Stepping out to a short ball. has anyone managed to hit the nuts

, are the anims same as before or changed. LOL
If stats thing is implemented correctly tehn this game would be a blast with my friends. All four of us would create our players. Two of us would be aussies and two would be english. Then we would play ashes ans ashes and ashes. It would be flipping cool to see ant the end of a ashes which of us scored how many runs or so. Which one has improved most. I am already drooling with the immense possibilities with this game.
When i played crysis last year, there was a natural mod and HD texture mod created by some guys at moddb. It made already awesome crysis even more beautiful. So why cant thee be a mod for Ashes Cricket 09? I guess it is possible. I am not the best person to elaborate more on this but can someone who has some programming knowledge explain is it possible to create a similar mod for ashes create or not(give reasonable answer and in English please not coded)