Demo ?

King Pietersen

ICC Board Member
Nov 15, 2006
Do you reckon we'll get a demo on the xbl marketplace some time before launch ? i really hope so as i want a feel for the game, still gonna buy it whatever but i want some next gen Brian Lara in the next few weeks. Any chance of it ?
argh I cant wait till January finishes hope of the 360 general the game looks amazing the way the batsman walk out etc...
The Xbox 360 demo will be out on Marketplace a couple of weeks before launch, along with a PC demo which will be available via the website, and a PS2 demo on magazine disks.
Hey rubber is the release date the 7th March some guy said it in another thread here?
so does anyone know the release date for the PC demo ?
sharmaz said:
so does anyone know the release date for the PC demo ?

RG has already said that the demo will be released two weeks prior to the game release (which should be around 3rd or 4th week of march).Going by that,its obvious that we'll be getting a demo not before 1st or 2nd week of march !
3rd or 4th week no way!

I say early March, Codies are consistent suprised the date isnt out yet :(

But Im expecting the demo soon because some game demos are out for ages befor the game eg. Tony Hawks Project 8 was out for ages befor release!
why cant people wait for the demo, people always are complaining about rushed games being crap, yet they insist for a demo before the game is ready!
Isnt that the point of a Demo?

So we can see how much it has improved from the crapper stages :p
Punk Sk8r! said:
Isnt that the point of a Demo?

So we can see how much it has improved from the crapper stages :p
no the point of demos is to get the player interested and show off the games best features. not show how crap it was.;)
It's an interesting point. Because of required deadlines the PS2 demo was produced in December and the 360 demo was made in early January (even though you won't be seeing these for a while yet). As such, these demos won't be truly reflective of the full game! If these demos were made from the final game you wouldn't be seeing them for some months after the game was released!

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