Did the Mod squad issue vCash bonuses?

My thoughts exactly. You can't do anything with it (except bribe people).

Ah the fun I have had at the poker table or at the blackjack or at the vbookies with this stuff. It is not real and I would rather have a tenth of what I have in vcash in real cash but it is fun....

By the way Gazza your donations are much appreciated!:)
You donate to dutchad but not to me? I raised you from when you were a little troll into the magnificent beast you are now. Show some tweaking gratitude.
You donate to dutchad but not to me? I raised you from when you were a little troll into the magnificent beast you are now. Show some fliping gratitude.

I thoght you had millions....where does it all go???? Oh wait a minute while I just check the score at cricinfo........................
It was actually me RDF ;)

Welcome note whenever I log in.


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