Do you think Cricket is safer?


National Board President
Apr 16, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
After terrorist attack in Mumbai that result in England have to leave in between series vs India and Bomb Blasts in pakistan from which many internation teams have to cancel their tour and to leave in between series and also this result in shifting Champion trophy to another place do you think Cricket will safer in future? There are many incidents if we look behind. Teams are now not going to play cricket because of Bomb Blasts.What do you think in future?If same thing happens then do you dont think that cricket will finish. Everyone will be afraid to visit any country. I think teams have to play cricket regularly othervise it will give terrorists more confidence and they will attack more and more. I am not telling about only cricket it is for all sports and I think it is very difficult that every country will be safer in Cricket?
Terrorism is an issue that should be handled very seriously! Now the way people look at india has changed.Cricketers are afraid to tour pakistan because of terror attacks and if we dont take adequate measures,the same situation may arise in india!

But i really appreciate england's return to india to play the test series! This will be the required boost to come out of the terror attacks in mumbai and also with much more confidence!!!!

Lets all unite to fight against terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terrorism is an issue that should be handled very seriously! Now the way people look at india has changed.Cricketers are afraid to tour pakistan because of terror attacks and if we dont take adequate measures,the same situation may arise in india!

But i really appreciate england's return to india to play the test series! This will be the required boost to come out of the terror attacks in mumbai and also with much more confidence!!!!

Lets all unite to fight against terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's the one message I was trying to give to all. We should fight against terrorist by playing cricket and not keep in mind about the terror attack. England has done right job. All teams should be played be positive thinking.
Terrorism is a serious matter no doubt. India is one of the top targets as well. But VIP's or Cricketers etc hardly ever get involved. As the security is serious about them and it is extremely tight with them. Terrorism attacks or hits more often the Common people or rich guys without security(maybe on vacation or meeting), where security is weak or too casual.

But this does not eliminate any chances of former getting attacked.

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