- Joined
- Oct 13, 2012
- Location
- Melbourne
- Online Cricket Games Owned
- Don Bradman Cricket 14 - PS3
- Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Xbox 360
- Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
A warning to you all! (From Chunnster)
Full Name: B J Watson
Email: hotmale@hotmail.com
Contact No: -
To whom it may concern,
** Transcript / copy of final warning sent to PlantCricket forum due to members trolling, bullying, encouragement of hate and using each other to gain top rated teams with unedited or lesser versions of teams they find chunnster's versions of and then vote down en masse when they are objectively better... and the perpetuation of this through endless negative comments (when opposite is true) My client advises me that he asked you to return his teams to the four stars plus they each ahd and you have not, yet the game is about to release... if his teams are not at the top nor his better likenesses linked before release... I am very confident that legal intervention will follow. This is a great shame and you seem to have shot yourselves in the foot (judging by my research - which is extensive) by involving a forum of mostly young men who like their oatch and treat only each other with respect. As outlined below, this is a serious matter and it is also a very easily proven one. I should know, I have the vidence lying around me and or on my laptop **
I am contacting you on behalf of my client, Mr Chunn (artist, singer/songwriter, cricketer and one-time renowned gamer - to get some context)... He has contacted you himself, with an unsatisfactory response and I myself have witnessed the continued allowance of abuse of a person (last comment today saying he is a 'bad creator'' and to be avoided", by a creator's mate, the mate who has the name monkeymomo who has 'leading' created teams, along with Israr and others that are objectively less edited and have inferior likenesses et cetera...
As opposed to my client, who has done no more than spend approximately 700 hours editing teams for the community / general public who have or will purchase Don Bradman Cricket 14. For making good teams, but not being a forum long-time troll/member, he hs been block/mass-troll-voted with negative votes - frequently having teams go up to four stars plus and then plummet to one star due to forum coercion / misinformation and co-ordinated attacks by vreators from the PlantCricket forum (a forensic copy of votes - especially voting patterns according to the waking hours of your forum members, mainly Australian, will be sought and presented in any legal setting(s)).
Without the forum, this never would have happened. Thus the warning here is two-fold, since objective judges (the NZ Herald cricket writer amongsth them), including black Cap management, who requested that Mr Chunn (as a Black Caps's player's brother and who works with the team - yes, that is how badly you have got this wrong) do the team for the game. Was not a major request, but it was verbalized and delivered to Mr Chunn after he jokingly showed his works in progress months ago. But, instead, you / Big Ant have linked a poor (comparatively and in general) NZ team with awful likenesses... and linked / elected players, including Chunn's own brother, are not his creations regardless of them being in many cases photo realistic. Jimmy Neesham for one has openly stated that he wants chunnster's version of him linked not the ten year old blonde girl that currently is, which sums it up.
The continuing comments (as recently as today, which you were warned to not allow to be printed as promoting hate and denigration based on mistruths i.e. defamation), are still going up. It is not about PlanetCricket having their sides at the 'top' out of desperation and some misconception of fame... it is about a massive community not unwittingly receiving the worst teams (certainly worse than chunnster's) due to your desires.
I will view the forum again tonight, and if the comments (ALL of them) which I have bookmarked during hours of research (and will systematically check) of the trolling and hating by members of your PlanetCricket forum/site... including 'mods' and people who have created teams that are top of the rankings that are clearly incomplete and inferior to every last creation by my client. Many of those teams have not been edited since the final editing tools were made available and show up with statless players and a crown of 1 on the My teams page IF download them (I have amassed photographic evidence at my client's request)...
No need to reply as I used a generic email address, since contact is not required by your party in a cut and dry case of defamation that has only not being initiated in terms of full legal proceedings due to mercy by my client and his not wanting to lose time/life (in his words). 'What's the point fighting haters.. as long as they remove everything they have said as all untrue and they have reversed with five stars the downvotes his teams got... teams in the game that were supposed to be for the world not a forum." Indeed. If the comments remain and one more post about chunnster having 'bad teams' and others (monkeymomo) having their teams openly stated as better when only voted on by other forum members, then I will be presenting you with a defamation law suit, but also a class action law suit encompassing loss of quality / expectation for all owners of the title who expected best teams to mean exactly that. I would hate to think what this would do to your relationship with Big Ant Studios and your faustian pact. This is your final warning before proceedings commence. While you're musing over your behaviour and the encouraging of online bullying of a good person that has utilised his considerable talents to create for the game owners great teams for no monetary recompense whatsoever... and the fact that he got block hate votes which ruined his teams and players before the links were created.... why not just take a look at his teams once downloaded and actually see what goes into them? I guess your business is not being run by fathers? Family men or women? You would expect more empathy / naturally-occurring fairness and humanity if you were. His teams (certainly NZ, Australia, Daredevils and so forth) are clearly the best versions (whether perfect or not is not relevant)... I can find no one who says different and I do not tell them who my client is until afterwards. No one. Some of the posts clearly encourage hate votes on my client due to him being a kiwi too (making a mockery of not linking his Black Caps team as the one people get)... thus the incitement of racism will also be central to the charges and thus the level of damages sought. I will be working pro bono.. I don't work pro bono and lose... A friendly warning then, assuming the anti-votes from the PC members are removed... this means each of my clients' teams need about 20 five star votes each to counter that many (at least) half star votes.... p.s. look at the star rating of chunn (the created player) by my client of himself which is there to be replaced by the person who wants themself in that spot... and is an artist signature, has been hate voted down to about 1 star as a player... why?? Why are you so hateful? It would seem the problem is this: chunnster is a NZer, he is a very clever and judicious creator, he put up the best teams (comparatively) for 90% of those he submitted (and originally just made for himself due to the ones of offer not being good enough) and then he was found guilty of the worst crime of all: he told the PC forum of his teams as a newbie and then left, why? Due to being 'banned' for mis-identity when he ahd not used forum before! So he has been unable to speak for himself or show he was just a nice, talenetd guy, with major inside cricketing knowledge who was helping you... and you went Lord of the Flies on him. Well, since he is my friend, a lovely guy and my client too, I can assure you, there will be repercussions for this treatment. Bullies. Rectify it if have any sense of right or wrong, or I will make sure it is learned through other avenues. Hope I made myself understood and my level of disgust at grown men behaving like five year olds out of jealousy. I don't know if you are even aware Big Ant... but Mr. Chunn is the reason, won't go into here, that you had great sales of RLL2 in NZ and why the cricket is being pre-ordered and is top2 at mightyape.... his reviews are massively respected.. and he five starred both of these two titles well before release with comprehensive reviews. That he has had those very benefactors oversee his mistreatment and do nothing to stop or reverse it, and thus shot themselves in the foot in terms of the quality of the teams on offer (which now reflect the game's unlicensed standards, which chunnster circumvented)... how appalling.
That my client has held off filing legal papers I am more than willing to process and submit to each of you (Big Ant Studios and the Planet Cricket site) and that he has decided to leave up his teams as they get massacred due to some knowing how good they are and wanting their firends to get them first and so forth, speaks volumes of his selflessness. And the fact that he is nearly 50 years old... something that underpinned his teams' class and nuanced edits... how did you allow this? Surely you have enough employees there and passwords to give chunnster back his votes and ensure the community and chunnster get their dues? In terms of where I go from here, by April 4th, that is up to you now.
B. Watson
Barrister / Solicitor
See Chunnster, even though I would personally vote you most likely to come into the office with a gun and kill us all, I am spreading your message so you don't need to keep emailing/PM'ing us!
PS: I really like your barristers email address "hotmale@hotmail.com" - awesome.
Full Name: B J Watson
Email: hotmale@hotmail.com
Contact No: -
To whom it may concern,
** Transcript / copy of final warning sent to PlantCricket forum due to members trolling, bullying, encouragement of hate and using each other to gain top rated teams with unedited or lesser versions of teams they find chunnster's versions of and then vote down en masse when they are objectively better... and the perpetuation of this through endless negative comments (when opposite is true) My client advises me that he asked you to return his teams to the four stars plus they each ahd and you have not, yet the game is about to release... if his teams are not at the top nor his better likenesses linked before release... I am very confident that legal intervention will follow. This is a great shame and you seem to have shot yourselves in the foot (judging by my research - which is extensive) by involving a forum of mostly young men who like their oatch and treat only each other with respect. As outlined below, this is a serious matter and it is also a very easily proven one. I should know, I have the vidence lying around me and or on my laptop **
I am contacting you on behalf of my client, Mr Chunn (artist, singer/songwriter, cricketer and one-time renowned gamer - to get some context)... He has contacted you himself, with an unsatisfactory response and I myself have witnessed the continued allowance of abuse of a person (last comment today saying he is a 'bad creator'' and to be avoided", by a creator's mate, the mate who has the name monkeymomo who has 'leading' created teams, along with Israr and others that are objectively less edited and have inferior likenesses et cetera...
As opposed to my client, who has done no more than spend approximately 700 hours editing teams for the community / general public who have or will purchase Don Bradman Cricket 14. For making good teams, but not being a forum long-time troll/member, he hs been block/mass-troll-voted with negative votes - frequently having teams go up to four stars plus and then plummet to one star due to forum coercion / misinformation and co-ordinated attacks by vreators from the PlantCricket forum (a forensic copy of votes - especially voting patterns according to the waking hours of your forum members, mainly Australian, will be sought and presented in any legal setting(s)).
Without the forum, this never would have happened. Thus the warning here is two-fold, since objective judges (the NZ Herald cricket writer amongsth them), including black Cap management, who requested that Mr Chunn (as a Black Caps's player's brother and who works with the team - yes, that is how badly you have got this wrong) do the team for the game. Was not a major request, but it was verbalized and delivered to Mr Chunn after he jokingly showed his works in progress months ago. But, instead, you / Big Ant have linked a poor (comparatively and in general) NZ team with awful likenesses... and linked / elected players, including Chunn's own brother, are not his creations regardless of them being in many cases photo realistic. Jimmy Neesham for one has openly stated that he wants chunnster's version of him linked not the ten year old blonde girl that currently is, which sums it up.
The continuing comments (as recently as today, which you were warned to not allow to be printed as promoting hate and denigration based on mistruths i.e. defamation), are still going up. It is not about PlanetCricket having their sides at the 'top' out of desperation and some misconception of fame... it is about a massive community not unwittingly receiving the worst teams (certainly worse than chunnster's) due to your desires.
I will view the forum again tonight, and if the comments (ALL of them) which I have bookmarked during hours of research (and will systematically check) of the trolling and hating by members of your PlanetCricket forum/site... including 'mods' and people who have created teams that are top of the rankings that are clearly incomplete and inferior to every last creation by my client. Many of those teams have not been edited since the final editing tools were made available and show up with statless players and a crown of 1 on the My teams page IF download them (I have amassed photographic evidence at my client's request)...
No need to reply as I used a generic email address, since contact is not required by your party in a cut and dry case of defamation that has only not being initiated in terms of full legal proceedings due to mercy by my client and his not wanting to lose time/life (in his words). 'What's the point fighting haters.. as long as they remove everything they have said as all untrue and they have reversed with five stars the downvotes his teams got... teams in the game that were supposed to be for the world not a forum." Indeed. If the comments remain and one more post about chunnster having 'bad teams' and others (monkeymomo) having their teams openly stated as better when only voted on by other forum members, then I will be presenting you with a defamation law suit, but also a class action law suit encompassing loss of quality / expectation for all owners of the title who expected best teams to mean exactly that. I would hate to think what this would do to your relationship with Big Ant Studios and your faustian pact. This is your final warning before proceedings commence. While you're musing over your behaviour and the encouraging of online bullying of a good person that has utilised his considerable talents to create for the game owners great teams for no monetary recompense whatsoever... and the fact that he got block hate votes which ruined his teams and players before the links were created.... why not just take a look at his teams once downloaded and actually see what goes into them? I guess your business is not being run by fathers? Family men or women? You would expect more empathy / naturally-occurring fairness and humanity if you were. His teams (certainly NZ, Australia, Daredevils and so forth) are clearly the best versions (whether perfect or not is not relevant)... I can find no one who says different and I do not tell them who my client is until afterwards. No one. Some of the posts clearly encourage hate votes on my client due to him being a kiwi too (making a mockery of not linking his Black Caps team as the one people get)... thus the incitement of racism will also be central to the charges and thus the level of damages sought. I will be working pro bono.. I don't work pro bono and lose... A friendly warning then, assuming the anti-votes from the PC members are removed... this means each of my clients' teams need about 20 five star votes each to counter that many (at least) half star votes.... p.s. look at the star rating of chunn (the created player) by my client of himself which is there to be replaced by the person who wants themself in that spot... and is an artist signature, has been hate voted down to about 1 star as a player... why?? Why are you so hateful? It would seem the problem is this: chunnster is a NZer, he is a very clever and judicious creator, he put up the best teams (comparatively) for 90% of those he submitted (and originally just made for himself due to the ones of offer not being good enough) and then he was found guilty of the worst crime of all: he told the PC forum of his teams as a newbie and then left, why? Due to being 'banned' for mis-identity when he ahd not used forum before! So he has been unable to speak for himself or show he was just a nice, talenetd guy, with major inside cricketing knowledge who was helping you... and you went Lord of the Flies on him. Well, since he is my friend, a lovely guy and my client too, I can assure you, there will be repercussions for this treatment. Bullies. Rectify it if have any sense of right or wrong, or I will make sure it is learned through other avenues. Hope I made myself understood and my level of disgust at grown men behaving like five year olds out of jealousy. I don't know if you are even aware Big Ant... but Mr. Chunn is the reason, won't go into here, that you had great sales of RLL2 in NZ and why the cricket is being pre-ordered and is top2 at mightyape.... his reviews are massively respected.. and he five starred both of these two titles well before release with comprehensive reviews. That he has had those very benefactors oversee his mistreatment and do nothing to stop or reverse it, and thus shot themselves in the foot in terms of the quality of the teams on offer (which now reflect the game's unlicensed standards, which chunnster circumvented)... how appalling.
That my client has held off filing legal papers I am more than willing to process and submit to each of you (Big Ant Studios and the Planet Cricket site) and that he has decided to leave up his teams as they get massacred due to some knowing how good they are and wanting their firends to get them first and so forth, speaks volumes of his selflessness. And the fact that he is nearly 50 years old... something that underpinned his teams' class and nuanced edits... how did you allow this? Surely you have enough employees there and passwords to give chunnster back his votes and ensure the community and chunnster get their dues? In terms of where I go from here, by April 4th, that is up to you now.
B. Watson
Barrister / Solicitor
See Chunnster, even though I would personally vote you most likely to come into the office with a gun and kill us all, I am spreading your message so you don't need to keep emailing/PM'ing us!
PS: I really like your barristers email address "hotmale@hotmail.com" - awesome.