Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I don't understand why you would cancel your preorder for dbc14 because of ac13. CBC hasn't really started marketing yet, there is no release date and the only way you would know about it is by following it on the net or through word of mouth from someone who does. My point is they wouldn't have ordered it in the first place unless they knew how good it was...maybe they got sick of waiting for dbc and bought ac13.........died of fright
To be honest, i think the ashes game coming out could potentially help DB 14, As mentioned most game review sites have the "other options to look at" somewhere in the article. Even though pre orders might be down after the ashes reviews, the same amount of people if not more will follow that path of looking at the alternative game mentioned.
Maybe they are tired of waiting for a decent cricket game and deciding to buy PS4 consoles, XBOX 1 etc therefore dont need the game anymore. Not having a go at you by any means but it has been a while with no update about release dates and some people might just say "bugger it, I was going to wait for bradman til I upgrade to a ps4 but since bradman looks like it's still months away I'll just get my new console for christmas." (3 guys I know have said basically this). No malice intended, just pretty sure won't be playing a cricket game on ps3 this year..correct me if I'm wrong?..I hope so...

I have to agree with this. A lot of people on IVG are also waiting for this game to release, however I know this for a fact (based on my interaction with them) that once the PS4 is released here (rumours are Jan 2013....for an absurdly high price of $723 :mad) people are buying PS4 within the first month, and once they do that, they would surely not be buying any ps3 games, as it just doesnt make sense since they would not be playing on the ps3 and possibly even selling it off. They would instead wait it out for the PS4 version of this game and play the other games that are available.

Hence I even suggested to Ross that if its unfeasible to release the game in December, it makes more sense to release the game with the next-gen versions as not only would it help in disassociating this game with AC13, since it would be a Next-Gen game as compared to Ac13 which is a Current Gen (:facepalm:facepalm :p:spy) game, but also ensuring that everyone who was interested in it would buy it irrespective of the console they have.
I have to agree with this. A lot of people on IVG are also waiting for this game to release, however I know this for a fact (based on my interaction with them) that once the PS4 is released here (rumours are Jan 2013....for an absurdly high price of $723 :mad) people are buying PS4 within the first month, and once they do that, they would surely not be buying any ps3 games, as it just doesnt make sense since they would not be playing on the ps3 and possibly even selling it off. They would instead wait it out for the PS4 version of this game and play the other games that are available.

Hence I even suggested to Ross that if its unfeasible to release the game in December, it makes more sense to release the game with the next-gen versions as not only would it help in disassociating this game with AC13, since it would be a Next-Gen game as compared to Ac13 which is a Current Gen (:facepalm:facepalm :p:spy) game, but also ensuring that everyone who was interested in it would buy it irrespective of the console they have.

I agree as well but some will keep the PS3 as the games are not backward compatible on the PS4....:)
I have to agree with this. A lot of people on IVG are also waiting for this game to release, however I know this for a fact (based on my interaction with them) that once the PS4 is released here (rumours are Jan 2013....for an absurdly high price of $723 :mad) people are buying it within the first month, and once they do that, they would surely not be buying any ps3 games, as it just doesnt make sense since they would not be playing on the ps3 and possibly even selling it off. They would instead wait it out for the PS4 version of this game and play the other games that are available.

Hence I even suggested to Ross that if its unfeasible to release the game in December, it makes more sense to release the game with the next-gen versions as not only would it help in disassociating this game with AC13, since it would be a Next-Gen game as compared to Ac13 which is a Current Gen (:facepalm:facepalm :p:spy) game, but also ensuring that everyone who was interested in it would buy it irrespective of the console they have.

Well, this has always been a risk factor in pushing the game for a Nov or Dec release. With PS4 console and games launching all around, people are tempted to buy new tech and try out games in full HD. We don't have die-hard cricket video game fans like us everywhere who are willing to be patient and wait for such a great cricket game to launch.
I have to agree with this. A lot of people on IVG are also waiting for this game to release, however I know this for a fact (based on my interaction with them) that once the PS4 is released here (rumours are Jan 2013....for an absurdly high price of $723 :mad) people are buying PS4 within the first month, and once they do that, they would surely not be buying any ps3 games, as it just doesnt make sense since they would not be playing on the ps3 and possibly even selling it off. They would instead wait it out for the PS4 version of this game and play the other games that are available.

Hence I even suggested to Ross that if its unfeasible to release the game in December, it makes more sense to release the game with the next-gen versions as not only would it help in disassociating this game with AC13, since it would be a Next-Gen game as compared to Ac13 which is a Current Gen (:facepalm:facepalm :p:spy) game, but also ensuring that everyone who was interested in it would buy it irrespective of the console they have.

Do you really think people will outlay $800 for DBC13? not everyone buys a console as soon as it comes out. i know me and my mates wont be buying untill it come down in price, maybe a year or 2...
there is nothing in the sphere of human activity about which shakespeare wasn't right:

My reformation, glittering o'er my fault,
Shall show more goodly and attract more eyes
Than that which hath no foil to set it off.

"the masses" are not going to get past the idea that all cricket games are shit, until there is a cricket game that isn't shit.
now you have a chance for the best cricket game ever to be directly compared against one that isn't worth the dignity of being called a cricket game.

in 1 month, 2 months, whenever, people will still think all cricket games are shit, but you'll have missed the ashes hype, missed the christmas sales, even more people will have next gen, and it will have no foil to set it off... PLUS, the idea that as well as being shit, cricket games announce then don't release will basically be set in stone.
Do you really think people will outlay $800 for DBC13? not everyone buys a console as soon as it comes out. i know me and my mates wont be buying untill it come down in price, maybe a year or 2...

No...and thats why what I was referring to was that they could release the game for Ps3, Ps4, Xbox 360, Xbone and PC....all together, so that "everyone who was interested in it would buy it irrespective of the console/platform they have".
I don't understand why you would cancel your preorder for dbc14 because of ac13. CBC hasn't really started marketing yet, there is no release date and the only way you would know about it is by following it on the net or through word of mouth from someone who does. My point is they wouldn't have ordered it in the first place unless they knew how good it was...maybe they got sick of waiting for dbc and bought ac13.........died of fright

Sorry, my bad. Just to clarify...

I didn't cancel my preorder of DBC 14, but have 3 mates waiting for PS4 to be released (friday in australia which they preordered). Only reason they are keeping their ps3 is because of DBC 14.

However due to the fact that the game isn't released (and according to many sources won't bet released until next year at some point), have pretty much given up waiting and are saying screw it, too hard...

I, on the other hand, willing to wait my entire life for the release, others maybe be more"20-20" minded than test match.
However some idea, even a general idea of what quarter of next year release we are looking at will help spirits?
From what I've seen there is no way the game is salvageable with a patch. It would be like trying to put sticky plasters over multiple gunshot wounds.

Won't stop the Trickstar lot from trying! Wouldn't surprise me if 505 allowed it to be honest; they're just as bad.

If they announce a patch people will think the game will be magically fixed and will have no hesitation in buying it when the patch is released. The same will happen all over again. 505 will be looking for any opportunity to claw back money.
Ditto for two colleagues of mine. They never bought AC2K13 but they chose to cancel their DBC14 pre-orders two days back as with no release date revealed till now, they intend getting a PS4 when it officially launches here early next month. Can't really blame anyone here as it is a personal choice and also, for some, the patience seems to be running out. The only point here is that the AC2K13 debacle is not just the only factor behind pre-orders being cancelled.

This is the problem with modern society in general. The complete lack of patience for things has ruined many a release. Games are often rushed out the door because the masses "want them yesterday" and aren't actually ready for release. An extra 2 or 3 months of development could have ironed out bugs, added in the features that get patched in within 2 months anyway and the original game would have been that much better. (SWTOR springs to mind, they added in the full legacy system about 6 weeks after launch)

Ashes Cricket is different. No amount of additional development time short of several years would have fixed it.

DBC is going to be awesome. And I would much rather wait for an extra two months and have it close to flawless than have it now with problems that have to patched anyway.

That being said, Ross has never said said anything other than 2013 release. The game has been pressed to disc and clearly boxed ready for shipping. So the game is very very nearly here - people just need to be patient, admittedly a hard concept in the modern world.
patch? pull the other one. we're expected to believe they took from June till November just to get it this "good". and we think they can knock up a patch in 2 weeks (to meet posited Dec 6 PC release).

Never gonna happen.
This is the problem with modern society in general. The complete lack of patience for things has ruined many a release. Games are often rushed out the door because the masses "want them yesterday" and aren't actually ready for release. An extra 2 or 3 months of development could have ironed out bugs, added in the features that get patched in within 2 months anyway and the original game would have been that much better. (SWTOR springs to mind, they added in the full legacy system about 6 weeks after launch)

Ashes Cricket is different. No amount of additional development time short of several years would have fixed it.

DBC is going to be awesome. And I would much rather wait for an extra two months and have it close to flawless than have it now with problems that have to patched anyway.

That being said, Ross has never said said anything other than 2013 release. The game has been pressed to disc and clearly boxed ready for shipping. So the game is very very nearly here - people just need to be patient, admittedly a hard concept in the modern world.

Absolutely. Completely agree with that.
This is the problem with modern society in general. The complete lack of patience for things has ruined many a release. Games are often rushed out the door because the masses "want them yesterday" and aren't actually ready for release. An extra 2 or 3 months of development could have ironed out bugs, added in the features that get patched in within 2 months anyway and the original game would have been that much better. (SWTOR springs to mind, they added in the full legacy system about 6 weeks after launch)

Ashes Cricket is different. No amount of additional development time short of several years would have fixed it.

DBC is going to be awesome. And I would much rather wait for an extra two months and have it close to flawless than have it now with problems that have to patched anyway.

That being said, Ross has never said said anything other than 2013 release. The game has been pressed to disc and clearly boxed ready for shipping. So the game is very very nearly here - people just need to be patient, admittedly a hard concept in the modern world.

The release date for DBC14 is not dependent on the completeness of the game. The game is already complete and ready to be shipped since quite some time now. The major factors effecting the release date is what the competitor is doing to the market.
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