Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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patch? pull the other one. we're expected to believe they took from June till November just to get it this "good". and we think they can knock up a patch in 2 weeks (to meet posited Dec 6 PC release).

Never gonna happen.

Not sure if you are missing my point. I don't believe for a minute that the game will *ever* be any good - but that does not matter - it is all about perception.
The release date for DBC14 is not dependent on the completeness of the game. The game is already complete and ready to be shipped since quite some time now. The major factors effecting the release date is what the competitor is doing to the market.

Oh I know that, my point was the people who cancel their pre-orders because the game doesn't have a release date and are impatient for the release are a problem. The game is definitely on its way and people just need to wait for it.
A grovelling apology and the promise of patch may not wash with us, but it will with the masses. Sadly there are A LOT of idiots out there.
Not sure if you are missing my point. I don't believe for a minute that the game will *ever* be any good - but that does not matter - it is all about perception.

i just don't think anyone who has seen that game will think a patch from the same developers will do a thing. i am also positive if 505 can't be arsed to get an intern even to say "no comment", they ain't spending another penny, whether to upload a patch, to press a disk, or pay a distributor.

and re perception, i appreciate it's not your job to educate me, but i cannot conceive of any way the negative perception of all cricket games can shift without somebody releasing a good game.
Exactly, they don't need to patch it. Just say nothing, put it in shops and it will sell because Ashes.

MattW: Can you tell how the gamers select the game in Australia ..Do they enter and look for games or come to the store after browsing about the games??

Maybe we can have a thread for the discussing how they buy games
It's crazy that a $20 cash grab has pushed the real cricket game out of its original release window, it is insane really
The game has been released, then pulled, without any comments from the team behind it. They surely would have said something by now, to save requests for refunds if they were planing a fix. There is no way they are releasing a patch....
i just don't think anyone who has seen that game will think a patch from the same developers will do a thing. i am also positive if 505 can't be arsed to get an intern even to say "no comment", they ain't spending another penny, whether to upload a patch, to press a disk, or pay a distributor.

and re perception, i appreciate it's not your job to educate me, but i cannot conceive of any way the negative perception of all cricket games can shift without somebody releasing a good game.

The majority of people are yet to hear of the debacle that is Ashes. Fact.

It is not my job to clear up the perception, at this point it's my job to sell as many units as I can. This week is certainly not the time to do that.

Could be a moot point if 505 do "the brave thing".
A nice video of how much better your game is by comparison might help...

The trailer would do?

Actually from my pov, I guess a video series would do good to the fans and masses. I know there was a play session and stuff but BigAnt producing some videos explaining the features and controls, enacting certain scenarios would do a world of good.
Until the release date is announced/the game released, I wish BigAnt take this approach.
Seems like a lot of "sitting on hands" to be honest. Nothing is going to happen, no trailer, no release, no nothing, while we sit around and wait for 505 to say something.

They were supposed to make a statement today, they didn't. They deleted their social media page, their only form of communication. So we have to sit and wait, AGAIN, to find out what Ashes is doing 2 days before the release date.

Honestly, how can 505 still be alive if they are so bloody inept with their communication
The fact it's been pulled from Steam might suggest they're not going to go down that route.
I think it's interesting timing how Steam now has user reviews on the store pages and then they pull it. You don't have user reviews in a store - you just have the luck of whether the person serving you might warn you against a game.

Unless there's a public statement this week from 505 cancelling the game totally, I'm certain it will be in stores next week.

MattW: Can you tell how the gamers select the game in Australia ..Do they enter and look for games or come to the store after browsing about the games??
I can't speak for the whole country, but I either am going into the store with a specific game in mind, or just browsing, in which case if I see something in a genre I like that is cheap enough, I'd buy without looking up reviews.

I've even bought games based on their cover art just because they are cheap.
Exactly, they don't need to patch it. Just say nothing, put it in shops and it will sell because Ashes.

don't buy that... i bow to nobody in my thoughts of Joe Public as a bovine, dribbling fool but:

* most games release in the late months of the year before the number it has (e.g. 14 games release Oct-Dec 13)... so game with 13 in the title already looks dated.
* if they put any screenshots on the back, people are thinking twice
* if they don't put any screenshots on the back, it's a red flag
*what is the major bugbear people seem to have about IC10? no online play. what does this not have? online play.
* how shit is the front cover? VERY.

in those circumstances, with a DBC box there too (actually for sale) people are looking at that, and the majority that look at both are buying DBC.

but all that is moot because there is simply no way on earth this is coming to retail.
The majority of people are yet to hear of the debacle that is Ashes. Fact.

So whats the issue?

You'll be the only cricket game on the console market..... EB, JBHIFI etc NEED a cricket game with the hype of the series at the moment. As long as you can get good reviews for yourself, which i think you will by the videos i've seen, slap those scores on your disk and your covered...

Parents don't know about the ashes debacle...... if your the cricket game for sale they will buy......
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