Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Just to change the pace a bit (from stupid speculation and making shit up), if you held in your hand an unopened christmas present, a copy of DBC14, the time is 10:00am boxing day, 26th december 2013 on a 29 degree sunny melbourne morning, would you play it???....,

P.s. Probably know your answer if your indian, pakistani, kiwi, sri lankan, etc...and actually..yeah english..

English, and yes, haha! I'll be downloading via Steam though - in Japan for a year and don't think I could find a physical copy here! :lol
Confirmation of what?

What a low paid retail work says? Someone who may or may not know cricket at all.

Please, anybody who believes that a guy that works in a store would know more than people on PC who have access to the CEO exit stage left.

I think what is happening is that because Red Ant haven't given a real indication of the "revised" release date (was there ever one to begin with?) people are going hunting to see what they can find out. EB Games have a linked database where information entered by those in the know can be accessed by all the stores.

Not to say EB Games is correct - I'd guess it's a pretty conservative move and probably shows that EB Games actually has no idea so has pushed it out as much as they reasonably can, but I guess that's why people are looking elsewhere. Because Red Ant probably don't know themselves yet what is going on with it.

I just desperately want to play the game. Only found out about it last night and have been researching it as much as I can.

First post completed!
Yeah, I don't kill animals, people, well that's another matter entirely!
Then who posts on behalf of big ant studios ?

What snowy is trying to say is that Ross isn't on the PC forums all the time, and doesn't have an obligation to do so. Ultimately PC represents a miniscule percentage of the overall market, so your average CEO wouldn't be bothered with us. So we're lucky we get Ross on here at all, let alone being on here everyday. I'd say things would be franticly busy at BA Studios with trying to organise when it is best to release the game, so it makes sense that he isn't on here at the moment.

EDIT: And as I post this I see that Ross is now online. What timing.
@ross- How quickly is it even possible for the game, any game to go from announcing a release date to having product on shelves ready to sell. I know it has been mentioned that BA have in the past done this in 21 days but out of interest what would be the shortest window for this to occur?
He may be sick of the smell of the fish:p

Or is it Baldrick's apple crumble?

Here's hoping we at least get some rough indication soon anyway. Not sure I can take all this much longer, haha! See what the next week or so brings anyway...
Anyway, Ross since you are online, can you tell us anything about the release date.Do announce the release date at least 15 days before.. Remember AC13 announced their first release date of 21 June on 21 February 2013 i.e. 4 months
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@ross- How quickly is it even possible for the game, any game to go from announcing a release date to having product on shelves ready to sell. I know it has been mentioned that BA have in the past done this in 21 days but out of interest what would be the shortest window for this to occur?

We've done it in 14 days but it depends on the time of year and market sentiment.

Our average time from Official Trailer to market has been four weeks.

Obviously I've been on here a lot longer and you guys have had input into the game itself (online saves on drop outs, nets, etc..) so I think this time around it's skewed.
Remember AC13 announced their first release date of 21 June on 21 February 2013

I don't think he gives two-fifths of a shit about what AC13 did with the exception of stinking up the market.
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