Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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That's encouraging - first positive thing I have heard to come from this debacle.

On pretty much every webpage that shows what a pile of shite AC2013 was, I've seen comment from people saying "Don't get this/worry about this, wait for DBC2014"
Seeing how busy you have been over the last 2-3 days, websites picking up DBC14 trailers etc. looks like you are giving it your best shot to release the game this year :cheers

I've done 300+ personally tailored emails. 700+ in addition have gone to journalist email addresses I've collected over the years. I've done ten interviews today.

If it makes sense to do so then it will be released this year, as I have always said. If it doesn't make sense to do so then it will not.

Being brutally honest, there is nothing anyone can do or say on this forum that could play a part in that decision.
Now can everyone please shut up. That post dispels probably the last 20 pages of guff
I've done 300+ personally tailored emails. 700+ in addition have gone to journalist email addresses I've collected over the years. I've done ten interviews today.

If it makes sense to do so then it will be released this year, as I have always said. If it doesn't make sense to do so then it will not.

Being brutally honest, there is nothing anyone can do or say on this forum that could play a part in that decision.

Cue people saying and doing things on this forum to try and play a part in that decision...
I've done 300+ personally tailored emails. 700+ in addition have gone to journalist email addresses I've collected over the years. I've done ten interviews today.

If it makes sense to do so then it will be released this year, as I have always said. If it doesn't make sense to do so then it will not.

Being brutally honest, there is nothing anyone can do or say on this forum that could play a part in that decision.

maybe Pomers was head of Amazon UK all along... ;)

good luck with the effort... i hope the retailers and other stakeholders play ball and get this out the door in time for chrimbo.
I've done 300+ personally tailored emails. 700+ in addition have gone to journalist email addresses I've collected over the years. I've done ten interviews today.

If it makes sense to do so then it will be released this year, as I have always said. If it doesn't make sense to do so then it will not.

Being brutally honest, there is nothing anyone can do or say on this forum that could play a part in that decision.

Not indecisive then.
I've done 300+ personally tailored emails. 700+ in addition have gone to journalist email addresses I've collected over the years. I've done ten interviews today.
Brilliant work:clap

We've got a few friends at 9 so there is some hope, we normally get some time on the Footy shows (particularly in Sydney), fingers crossed.
Hope :clap

That post will bring positive energy in the forum members and now I expect a lot more discussion in another 1 hour at least..:)
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Still talking but no one is telling me your* saying anything.

*that's for you 'cause I know it irritates you.
I've done 300+ personally tailored emails. 700+ in addition have gone to journalist email addresses I've collected over the years. I've done ten interviews today.

If it makes sense to do so then it will be released this year, as I have always said. If it doesn't make sense to do so then it will not.

Being brutally honest, there is nothing anyone can do or say on this forum that could play a part in that decision.

Sounds perfectly fair to me. Fantastic work anyway. Happy to see the game building momentum and getting some attention though. Hopefully this all comes together this month. Do you have any idea at the moment when you might be making that final decision, or is it really playing the field (no pun intended) day by day and guaging reaction at the moment?
maybe Pomers was head of Amazon UK all along... ;)

good luck with the effort... i hope the retailers and other stakeholders play ball and get this out the door in time for chrimbo.

I think you'll find it was actually Professor Pomers, and you might have thought if he was indeed the head of Amazon UK then he wouldn't have had emails sent out from Amazon on June 19th saying that Ashes 2013 pre-orders were in the mail, or predicted how good Ashes 2013 would be :)

Oh, wait, if he is as good at his Amazon UK job as he is at physics...
Not sure if this has been asked before but Ross do you think the lack of backwards compatibility on the PS4 will have any sort of significant impact on sales of this game?
I think you'll find it was actually Professor Pomers, and you might have thought if he was indeed the head of Amazon UK then he wouldn't have had emails sent out from Amazon on June 19th saying that Ashes 2013 pre-orders were in the mail, or predicted how good Ashes 2013 would be :)

Oh, wait, if he is as good at his Amazon UK job as he is at physics...

Amazon UK still have Ashes on their site, with a "sign up to be notified when this becomes available" option, but still neither hide nor hair of DBC... so it may indeed be Prof. Pomers or someone of that calibre in charge.
Ross just an idea, I'm not sure what the costs involved would be or indeed if it would be effective, but have you thought about doin a pink edition and giving Glenn McGrath a cooy of the disk for his Jane McGrath day? Then maybe put that Out maybe givin a percentage to the foundation? Forgive me if its a little insensitive towards her memory.
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Not sure if this has been asked before but Ross do you think the lack of backwards compatibility on the PS4 will have any sort of significant impact on sales of this game?

We have been longing for a quality cricket game after E A Cricket 2007 i.e. from 6 years...
I personally got bored after hitting sixes just on every ball. So I think even if the game arrived only for PC, the craze would have been same...:yes


Amazon UK still have Ashes on their site, with a "sign up to be notified when this becomes available" option

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