Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Page No 346 we can write A book on this topic now .....Title peoples release date questions vs Bigantstudios ... :p
DOn Bradman Cricket 14 <3
Page No 346 we can write A book on this topic now .....Title peoples release date questions vs Bigantstudios ... :p
DOn Bradman Cricket 14 <3

There's got to be someone making a note of each response to put as data into a dissertation somewhere, haha!
Are there any ladies on these forums? It would be nice to know that all cricket lovers are represented here.
Wink wink I see what you did there

No seriously bro. Sometimes it feels like we've got too much testosterone here and the guys get a bit too agressive in their posts. Maybe a different perspective would be interesting.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that this game is being released later than it probably should have been.

Most "14" sports games were out ages ago and the drawn out endless "wait a little longer" rhetoric from Bigant is now wearing thin with many.

There comes a time when "the lady doth protest too much".
Let's not lose sight of the fact that this game is being released later than it probably should have been.

Most "14" sports games were out ages ago and the drawn out endless "wait a little longer" rhetoric from Bigant is now wearing thin with many.

There comes a time when "the lady doth protest too much".

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
As Ross said today, he has a meeting with his friends at nine, so we may expect some news tomorrow..

I'm pretty sure, given that he was answering a question about the possibility of getting some coverage on Channel 9 in Australia, that when he said "we've got a few friends at nine so there is some hope", he was talking about 9 as in the channel, not having a meeting at nine o'clock. :facepalm
I'm pretty sure, given that he was answering a question about the possibility of getting some coverage on Channel 9 in Australia, that when he said "we've got a few friends at nine so there is some hope", he was talking about 9 as in the channel, not having a meeting at nine o'clock. :facepalm

Now that sounds interesting. Channel 9 i mean.
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