Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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maybe Pomers was head of Amazon UK all along... ;)

good luck with the effort... i hope the retailers and other stakeholders play ball and get this out the door in time for chrimbo.

Hey mate has that secret piss cam you installed in Ross' toilet been found out yet?

Brown nosing di*k.


I think you'll find it was actually Professor Pomers, and you might have thought if he was indeed the head of Amazon UK then he wouldn't have had emails sent out from Amazon on June 19th saying that Ashes 2013 pre-orders were in the mail, or predicted how good Ashes 2013 would be :)

Oh, wait, if he is as good at his Amazon UK job as he is at physics...

If you're as good at making cricket games as you are taking the bait from trolls we might actually have a decent game on our hands :thumbs

*waiting for imminent retort about being on ignore list and secretly feeling sad*

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So I think even if the game arrived only for PC, the craze would have been same...

The majority of game sales for most games are on consoles and I'm expecting the same for this game.
The majority of game sales for most games are on consoles and I'm expecting the same for this game.

Yeah, I'm almost exclusively a PC gamer these days (since the move to PS3/360 generation, consoles and their games have been too expensive in my opinion), but there's no denying that the game wouldn't get anywhere near as much attention if it wasn't released on those consoles, and thus a lot less sales anyway. As my laptop can run current gen games at full spec and speed though, I've no reason to bother buying a more expensive console that sells games at a higher price. Can't see myself getting either of the new ones either. Way too expensive now. Generally have less time for gaming to justify it than I used to, but I still like to invest time in games when I have the chance. One of the reasons I'm hoping this comes out sooner rather than later is knowing I have a solid couple of weeks at the end of the month that I have some free time to play, haha! The good thing with Steam I suppose is that I don't have to worry about being able to secure a physical copy on a given day, I should just be able to download it as soon as it's out.

Wandered a bit off topic there, sorry.
I get home from my work Xmas party to read the same crap that was on PC yesterday. This Fonz will go away if we all just don't answer his emails guys, let him play with his stuffed toys in his dark room all by himself till his mummy calls him for his dinner.

PS If I have to say anything to Mr Fonz I would say what are you trying to do, show up ross and the way he does business. Fine you win now just leave us alone mate.
I get home from my work Xmas party to read the same crap that was on PC yesterday. This Fonz will go away if we all just don't answer his emails guys, let him play with his stuffed toys in his dark room all by himself till his mummy calls him for his dinner.

PS If I have to say anything to Mr Fonz I would say what are you trying to do, show up ross and the way he does business. Fine you win now just leave us alone mate.

Look the "cult" is no more.

Finito, ended, gone.

You can talk normally now.
The brainwashed by bigant cult.

It is no more! :clap

Actually that's how he always talks. If you we're hear for any reason than to annoy then you would know that. 79cricket is the mr.bean of planet cricket. His posts actually seem intelligent (can't believe I typed that) next to yours.


This message is hidden because thefonz is on your ignore list.

You guys will let me know if there is anything of note that I should read from this guy, right?

His lips are moving a lot - just wanted to find out if he's actually saying anything.

Allow me to sum it all up...............blah, blah, blah!
Actually that's how he always talks. If you we're hear for any reason than to annoy then you would know that. 79cricket is the mr.bean of planet cricket. His posts actually seem intelligent (can't believe I typed that) next to yours.


Allow me to sum it all up...............blah, blah, blah!

That's a pretty impressive blurb.
Actually that's how he always talks. If you we're hear for any reason than to annoy then you would know that. 79cricket is the mr.bean of planet cricket. His posts actually seem intelligent (can't believe I typed that) next to yours.[!

Loyal to the last.
Why on earth do people insist on quoting retailers, pestering the support lines, articles that make other errors, etc. for a release date instead of listening to the one person who would actually know!

You must be new here...

You would think Trickstar employees would be too busy at Centrelink also.

You know, these are real people in a shitty situation brought on by really shitty management, but I did chuckle at that... Little bit. Sue me.

There is only 1 fonz.

There's actually two...

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