Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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If you will yourself to believe that the game will be released on 31 December 2013 then you will be pleasantly surprised sometime earlier.
Would i be pleasantly surprised if i believe it will come out on october 31st? :p

Like you did not see this question coming...;)
If you will yourself to believe that the game will be released on 31 December 2013 then you will be pleasantly surprised sometime earlier.

Calling it now; Boxing Day release in Australia. Campaign to be called DBC14: "get off your box to get it out of the box on boxing day"

Every preorder gets you a limited edition BigAnt Box (XL only available)
Lol.. reminds me of the Volvo commercials where they just gave in and accepted that they looked crap "boxy, but good"
Brilliant. I love the scale of the lego dude vs. the car there... He's either deciding to get into the car via the roof coming off or to slide in through the windscreen because the doors don't work properly like every Volvo lego car made, ever...
Love Dudley's face - he is sooooo happy with himself - priceless :)

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Can't see releasing it one day after Christmas. I think 17th or 24th of October. :)

I think if we were framing a market, these two dates would have the shortest odds - pure speculation obviously.

CA Update 20th September (confirmed)
Release date announced (late September/early October)
Release (mid-late October - in line with Tru Blu having previously released games approx 3 weeks after release date announcements)
I'm doing it for the love not the financial reward...
Ross you have always been correct so far with your information on AC13, are you saying you have heard from sources the game has been cancelled?
Ross you have always been correct so far with your information on AC13, are you saying you have heard from sources the game has been cancelled?

I don't want to mislead so I cannot say that I know it to be cancelled... fair to say though that I do know that the November timeframe is in lot of trouble, but hey even by their own admission Trickstar were intent on letting you have a half-baked game last time so who knows this time around... it won't be ready by November but it might still be released in any case (ie not cancelled).
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