Biggs, help me out, I don't get it...
if 505 are the publisher of Ashes, and Bradman already have a publisher in TruBlu, I am not sure what ROI they could get in providing the Ashes license to Bradman given:
1)the Ashes license would only be an "add on" to Bradman, not replace it. In a world where the alternative is no competitor to Bradman this year, I don't see it would add a single sale to Bradman so no way will BigAnt/TruBlu pay anything like the money 505 must have
2)the deal would be the same one already negotiated, since it wouldn't be in 505's remit to change the ECB/CA permissions, so the license would actually kill the Cricket Academy.
so I would have thought it wouldn't be 505 but ECB/CA who would come to Ross, since the contract with 505 would be void if they didn't deliver the game. And BigAnt/TruBlu could play hardball in price/removing restrictions
my biggest worry would be it pushes the release of Bradman back (still within Ross' "range") from mid/late October to mid-Nov for the start of the Ashes, so Big Ant can say - "wanna play a circket game, HERE's a cricket game"...
Half the fun for most kids is making themselves then putting them into their national team to play alongside their heroes! If you can't do that, then what's the point... really.
yeah, "kids". I'm far too mature for that