Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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No one buys tickets on trams... no one.
You can shove your MyKey... in my day* it was 2hr 10 trips or a free ride because the one on the Bridge Rd line never worked.

Hypothetical Situation Subject:

Lets say Trickstar miss the November deadline, they're knee deep in a game that lets say hypothetically a mess. Do 505 cut their losses at that point with the licence, come to you and say "Have our licence, incorporate it into your project..."

Can/Do you do that?

*What am I, 90?!
I don't want to mislead so I cannot say that I know it to be cancelled... fair to say though that I do know that the November timeframe is in lot of trouble, but hey even by their own admission Trickstar were intent on letting you have a half-baked game last time so who knows this time around... it won't be ready by November but it might still be released in any case (ie not cancelled).

And here is the inevitable $100,000 question - would another delay/cancellation of AC13 have any further impact on the release 'period' of DBC?
It would not be savvy to let another Ashes delay or cancellation influence the release date of DBC 14. It may hurry the release up but I don't think Ross is going to delay the game due to Ashes any more.
You can shove your MyKey... in my day* it was 2hr 10 trips or a free ride because the one on the Bridge Rd line never worked.

Hypothetical Situation Subject:

Lets say Trickstar miss the November deadline, they're knee deep in a game that lets say hypothetically a mess. Do 505 cut their losses at that point with the licence, come to you and say "Have our licence, incorporate it into your project..."

Can/Do you do that?

*What am I, 90?!

The tram tickets here change with each successive government so even a 9 year old has already seen three systems - it's our own very special Victorian employment scheme, keeps peeps of the streets :)

We would always be open to discussions but I'm really happy with the Don Bradman Foundation license and really want to do the name proud (no pressure or anything....), we owe it to his memory and the Foundation to deliver on our promise - it drives us.


And here is the inevitable $100,000 question - would another delay/cancellation of AC13 have any further impact on the release 'period' of DBC?

No. I think we have considered all of the most likely outcomes and have based our range of dates on that.
What a difference just a few weeks have made. We were all looking forward to an ashes game to play during the ashes series and after that looking forward to a big ant game that was rich in features. Then we had all the trickstar fiasco so we don't get our ashes game. As time passes it looks more and more like we won't get our ashes game at all now, and we still have no idea of a don Bradman release month let alone date. I've been preordering next gen games as I'm not going to miss out on some great looking games due to not having the slightest clue as to when I can put some money to one side for don bradman.
It was all really exciting for me a few weeks ago, but now it's just gone back down that road of cricket game disappointment.
What a difference just a few weeks have made. We were all looking forward to an ashes game to play during the ashes series and after that looking forward to a big ant game that was rich in features. Then we had all the trickstar fiasco so we don't get our ashes game. As time passes it looks more and more like we won't get our ashes game at all now, and we still have no idea of a don Bradman release month let alone date. I've been preordering next gen games as I'm not going to miss out on some great looking games due to not having the slightest clue as to when I can put some money to one side for don bradman.
It was all really exciting for me a few weeks ago, but now it's just gone back down that road of cricket game disappointment.

Oh come is either October, November or December - and I would have said December is quite unlikely. If AC13 does release, we get DBC14 before it. It isn't as if there is a 12 month window that it could release in...
Shocking, G4AD... It's not like you to be a drama queen... :rolleyes

We would always be open to discussions but I'm really happy with the Don Bradman Foundation license and really want to do the name proud (no pressure or anything....), we owe it to his memory and the Foundation to deliver on our promise - it drives us.

I only ask, because I imagine 505 have a fairly serious investment, they have a real viable alternative that's all-but-boxed and ready to go that they could throw their license at basically, now... with a few small tweaks and changes I wonder, however unlikely, it would be for you guys to implement the licenses into your product so they get a decent ROI and would give you more funding for any potential sequels. It's all nonsense-hypotheticals of course, but I wonder if there's something in it...

Chief might be able to weigh in on my fanfic here...
But having the licenses seems to be a huge negative. I really hope Big Ant never attempt the licenses. Rather they should put their money improving CA.

Except for having Ashes written on the box (well countered by Don Bradman on the box), the licenses of the other game has no apparent advantage as far as I can see.
But having the licenses seems to be a huge negative. I really hope Big Ant never attempt the licenses. Rather they should put their money improving CA.

Except for having Ashes written on the box (well countered by Don Bradman on the box), the licenses of the other game has no apparent advantage as far as I can see.

Abso-bloody-lutely. The 'shortcoming' of not having the international licences has turned into perhaps one of the biggest strengths - the CA allows for 100% control of your roster - great flexibility and incredible longevity. The only limitation is how good you/the community can make players look (and compared to a game like NBA 2k13 where the player creator is absolutely horrible, the Academy is incredible)

What if some random teenager like Ashton Agar pops up for Australia again? Just make him yourself or wait a day or two for a good version to come up on the Academy - no waiting for an official roster update or patch
But having the licenses seems to be a huge negative. I really hope Big Ant never attempt the licenses. Rather they should put their money improving CA.
I think part of that is the bad negotiation for those licences - if they negotiate stipulating having the editing options available - then it's not a barrier.

AC09-13 took a massive step backwards to EA with their usage of the Ashes licence - Cricket 07 didn't have anywhere near the restrictions on editing the licensed sides that the Ashes Cricket series has had. About the only thing you couldn't do is edit the design of actual licensed players.

*Note, I'm talking about the out of the box game, and no we're not having a 'should EA make cricket games' argument again*
Don't understand why you would agree to a license based on all the restrictions we're told with the usage and editing limitations for the consumer. It's such a devils deal... Nobody wins, really. We get frustrated with locked-down elements, the creators pay a fortune and spend half the time seeking approvals rather than making a decent game... I just don't see it's worth the money paid, especially for a cricket title. Half the fun for most kids is making themselves then putting them into their national team to play alongside their heroes! If you can't do that, then what's the point... really.
Biggs, help me out, I don't get it...

if 505 are the publisher of Ashes, and Bradman already have a publisher in TruBlu, I am not sure what ROI they could get in providing the Ashes license to Bradman given:

1)the Ashes license would only be an "add on" to Bradman, not replace it. In a world where the alternative is no competitor to Bradman this year, I don't see it would add a single sale to Bradman so no way will BigAnt/TruBlu pay anything like the money 505 must have
2)the deal would be the same one already negotiated, since it wouldn't be in 505's remit to change the ECB/CA permissions, so the license would actually kill the Cricket Academy.

so I would have thought it wouldn't be 505 but ECB/CA who would come to Ross, since the contract with 505 would be void if they didn't deliver the game. And BigAnt/TruBlu could play hardball in price/removing restrictions

my biggest worry would be it pushes the release of Bradman back (still within Ross' "range") from mid/late October to mid-Nov for the start of the Ashes, so Big Ant can say - "wanna play a circket game, HERE's a cricket game"...


Half the fun for most kids is making themselves then putting them into their national team to play alongside their heroes! If you can't do that, then what's the point... really.

yeah, "kids". I'm far too mature for that :spy
Oh, it was just a hypothetical... I wasn't suggesting it would work or happen at all. I'm essentially writing cricket game slashfic at this point to keep discussion interesting...
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