Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Ross had said that patches/dlc's cost a lot of money so I would imagine that apart from a couple of patches to fix any bugs that come up, most support, shirts and new logos will come in DB15, if of course DB14 is the success we all hope it will be. AC13 seems dead in the water. Even if it comes out its not gonna be much better than what they've shown us!

The markets open to you Ross, good luck!!
Patches/DLC do cost a lot, however we are committed to the community.

Rugby League Live 2 for example has had three updates and a DLC pack and it is less than a year old. I would expect nothing less for Don Bradman Cricket 14, especially as we are in control of the IP and updates - there is no hiding, it is our call :)
You plan and decide on DLC/patch depends on sales?

I understand if there are any game breaking bugs, we need patch which is obvious. but if there is no such bugs in the game.
In a sense yes, sales help, but we already have a plan for a zero-day patch and also later DLC updates.
Patches/DLC do cost a lot, however we are committed to the community.

Rugby League Live 2 for example has had three updates and a DLC pack and it is less than a year old. I would expect nothing less for Don Bradman Cricket 14, especially as we are in control of the IP and updates - there is no hiding, it is our call :)

I have to say that's very commendable! I really hope this game is a massive success, fair play to you! Your Commitment to your community is unrivalled. It's a joy to see a developer more worried with the "game" than the "profits"
Oh, I want to profit, make no mistake, but I am a big believer that if you concentrate on the job at hand then the money will come (I hope... eventually.... please....) :)
Die in a fire > Asking Ross for stuff.

we already have a plan for a zero-day patch

Hmmmmmm, my WiFi might not be working when I get the game day one ;)
Oh, I want to profit, make no mistake, but I am a big believer that if you concentrate on the job at hand then the money will come (I hope... eventually.... please....) :)

Is it a case also of if you sink extra costs in a first game that may not make as much profit but builds a reputation and a franchise, future iterations should be less costly to make and yield greater returns? Part of the development cost of the first game is in a sense marketing costs for later games... (certainly it doesn't seem like this is a cut and run!)
Ross.. Is there anything for tomorrow .... ? give us something please !!!

Honestly I have nothing planned to go out tomorrow... the focus has been on the Rugby League Live 2 update that just came out and making sure it's OK (it's always scary when you release something across PSN/XBLA), TableTop Cricket and also the impending Cricket Academy update coming next week.
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Oh, I want to profit, make no mistake, but I am a big believer that if you concentrate on the job at hand then the money will come (I hope... eventually.... please....) :)

That's what she said!!!!!
Ashes'13 will rely on Licenses as people those have no idea about either game,might just buy ashes'13 .
Is it a case also of if you sink extra costs in a first game that may not make as much profit but builds a reputation and a franchise, future iterations should be less costly to make and yield greater returns? Part of the development cost of the first game is in a sense marketing costs for later games... (certainly it doesn't seem like this is a cut and run!)

100% correct.
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