Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Ross had said there is the final CA version coming, version 0.9994 (get why that number is special?)

Probably got some bugs to fix but for the final version there will likely be something fairly big. Who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and get practice nets :thumbs

Probably some release date info too. If it's coming out in 2013, they'll need to let us know ASAP. I'm predicting early 2014 though, as is almost everyone else now I think.

I think that BA should at least announce the quarter they are looking forward to releasing the game in. '2014' is too vague. The nets is a great positive. It significantly mitigated the wrath that BA would have faced otherwise. After some time - when the picture clears a bit more for them - they should announce that in which quarter the users should be able to play the game.
I know what you're doing Ross, making us think it'll be released next year then bam... Out on the 14th of dec
We will give a 100% accurate date as soon as we can, then and only then will a date be given.
Have the obstacles preventing you from being more open gone? As AC13 is kaput, does that mean that you can reveal a bit more of the possible strategies or will you not be able to do that?
I'm dying to know this. Don't know if I can get my hands on a controller :( but we probably won't be able to use it er we'll YouTube vids it is ;)
In order to bring the best possible game to the market at the best possible time
Would I be reading too much into this statement to suggest that there was a bug in the game that resulted in the day one patch being unable to be completed on time for a 2013 release, or is this solely logistical/financial?

Or will that mean there will be additional development right up to the new release window?
Now I'll have to figure out if my PC is capable of playing this game, or alternatively, plug in the PC I'm storing for a friend while he's overseas without telling him. ;)

Good news overall. It became painfully obvious to me when reading Ross's posts of retrospection about giving away likely predictions and facing backlash that he was priming to announce a delay, not that announcing a December title on December 12 was always going to be particularly likely anyway. Fingers crossed for January, or failing that, any time before early-September.
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