Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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If u dislike him so much and his game then why are you on the DB2014 forum.

This a stupid reply...I hate it when people say stuff like this, nonsensical.


I beg to differ. My criticism was not. I was called a prick after one post just asking if there were any issues with game that needed fixing.

I wasn't knocking the game, just curious as to how a game that was apparently ready for release in June was now a struggle to get out before year end. If the game was ready then, the logistics would have been in place. Simple question that needed a simple answer but instead Ross snapped at me just as he did the poor guy thar offered him his web domain.

In regards to him being on his forums, he does not care about people here but just his game. Go read his posts he has said so himself so dont hail him as some sort of hero because he most certainly is not

Exactly, I don't want to join in on this but I have said time and time again he is only here to promote his game. Sure he doesn't have to but he chose to so that is his decision to get "attacked" by these so-called "trolls".

From an outsiders perspective this game is no different to ashes, delayed and unfinished atm. I mean it's always been said that the people here aren't even the main market, so that just explains itself what the general public now think.
I wish i can try out my logitech controller but can't find the wireless receiver for it.
Outsiders are not losing sleep either like some of the posters here. Most outsiders would have just shrugged and moved on.
Outsiders are not losing sleep either like some of the posters here. Most outsiders would have just shrugged and moved on.

Yeah agreed, I think both parties those who knock ross and those that brown nose are both in the same boat really.

How about a simple "Thanks Ross for making what looks to be a good cricket game"?

Agreed, but I think people have a problem with how immature he comes across sometimes and a lot of the time it is necessary imo. Especially for someone who is in their late 30s early 40s.
Nothing wrong with getting shit wrong and being humble. Mark of a man.

Dear me. Verbally abuse someone for asking a legitimate question and backtrack when you realise that they are actually a reasonable person and have gone out their way to try and assist your livelihood. It just further proves that he is paranoid and overly aggressive about any criticism. He doesn't seem to understand that everyone actually wants this game to succeed but that almost all the issues people have are with his pathetic childish attitude. Any reservations or probing questions about the game are treated with an awful attitude and the whole 'you are a hater, stop posting, go away' attitude.

If that is the mark of man then I mankind isn't looking too healthy.

Go and post something in italics you snozwaz.
Internet text FORMATTING SLAM.

You're better than that, Chewie.
Not reading the posts, unless you buggers quote them, but from what I see there was no "constructive" in there just "criticism".

I knew that once the game proves itself it would shift from the "game sucks" and "Ross sucks" to just "Ross sucks", predictable as always.

No talk of the apology, that would be a fact getting in the way of a "Troll Story".

Anyway, really glad about the release, been a positive weekend all round. Trolls can go die in their negative mire, they can't touch me at this point.
I had some criticism about how the release date stuff was handled and to be honest I can now see that it may have been harsh and borne out of frustration so I apologise for the negativity.

The release of the nets seems to have gone down really well and impressed the majority of people, myself included!

The quality of the game is well above what my expectations were - I would never have expected a cricket game to compete with many other sports games in terms of graphics, SFX and animations but Big Ant have truly delivered in these areas.
I think that people here have some legitimacy in questioning why the release date has been pushed again. I've been following this game since it appeared on the Big Ant website as coming in Summer 2010 (? - I can't actually remember when it was originally coming out) - and after a few changes to that, for the last 12 months at least, I've taken the attitude that it will come out when it comes out.

Having said that, I think the media (screenshots, videos, play sessions, CA releases) that Ross and the Big Ant team have released equally give us enough reason to trust that there is:

a) a quality game on its way (the nets are brilliant!)
b) a good commercial reason that the game is being pushed into 2014.

My hope is that it's because CA and ECB want to give their licenses to Big Ant, after the failure of AC13.

Obviously the way that some conversations on here have panned out between the developers and the public are polarising in terms of whether you think they have been handled well or not by Big Ant (personally I think some of the responses would have been better off not made public), but regardless, I appreciate Big Ant being involved in the forums.

Personally, I think that Big Ant have a quality game coming to us in 2014, however I hope they can take something from this quote too:

"The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment." - Elbert Hubbard​
I think that people here have some legitimacy in questioning why the release date has been pushed again. I've been following this game since it appeared on the Big Ant website as coming in Summer 2010 (? - I can't actually remember when it was originally coming out) - and after a few changes to that, for the last 12 months at least, I've taken the attitude that it will come out when it comes out.

Having said that, I think the media (screenshots, videos, play sessions, CA releases) that Ross and the Big Ant team have released equally give us enough reason to trust that there is:

a) a quality game on its way (the nets are brilliant!)
b) a good commercial reason that the game is being pushed into 2014.

My hope is that it's because CA and ECB want to give their licenses to Big Ant, after the failure of AC13.

Obviously the way that some conversations on here have panned out between the developers and the public are polarising in terms of whether you think they have been handled well or not by Big Ant (personally I think some of the responses would have been better off not made public), but regardless, I appreciate Big Ant being involved in the forums.

Personally, I think that Big Ant have a quality game coming to us in 2014, however I hope they can take something from this quote too:

"The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment." - Elbert Hubbard​

Firstly, thanks for the kind words. I did put out a challenge the other day which no one has accepted - find a post where I was the aggressor and not merely retaliating to prior posts.

I get it wrong, I make mistakes and I thrive on constructive critique and competition, we learn from it and it makes our products stronger, I never resent it at all. A great example would be the posts and PM's from SibiNayagam that I have received throughout the project, he, amongst others has had a positive impact on the Academy. Indeed the Lagaan gear was a tip of the hat to him. They do it the right way.

Baseless or general criticism is abhorrent and I will attack it as it serves no purpose for anyone other than the writer, life is too short, and like a bad short ball I will dispatch it accordingly.
Dear me. Verbally abuse someone for asking a legitimate question and backtrack when you realise that they are actually a reasonable person and have gone out their way to try and assist your livelihood. It just further proves that he is paranoid and overly aggressive about any criticism. He doesn't seem to understand that everyone actually wants this game to succeed but that almost all the issues people have are with his pathetic childish attitude. Any reservations or probing questions about the game are treated with an awful attitude and the whole 'you are a hater, stop posting, go away' attitude.

If that is the mark of man then I mankind isn't looking too healthy.

Go and post something in italics you snozwaz.

This is exactly what I was thinking duded (or chewie I like that nick) the irony is unreal xD

And Ross yeah people will critisize the wrong and right way, you just have to deal with it. You're here to sell your game people are going to be impatient, stupid, trolls whatever you want to call them, but as a developer and ceo of a company some of your behavior is very childish.

I don't see people saying ross sucks, game is crap apart from MAYBE one or two, the general consensus is people want the game to succeed and do well and that is where the frustration comes from.
He is dealing with it.

He isn't just here to 'sell' his game. He also wants to protect his massive investment and doesn't need little shits spreading misinformed dross
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