Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Chopper read's spot on there, Ross cares much more about people liking and buying the game than them liking him. Everyone needs to keep in mind that despite us getting the luxury of speak personally with Ross, Big Ant are still a business looking to make money.
Why do you think others disappear? Because being here is not consequential to the bottom line at all.

If I was here or not here I would sell the same number of copies. Anyone who thinks or says different just doesn't get it at all.

I'm here because there are some good guys that I have reasonable conversations with and because occasionally I get a laugh out of it... and because I gave my word that I would.

Indeed, pretty sick of that old baseless slur that I am here on economical grounds. I challenge any of you to provide the numbers you think I will sell as a consequence of being on this site. Provide some facts to back your claims rather than the same old supposition, it's getting more than old.... anyone?


Chopper read's spot on there, Ross cares much more about people liking and buying the game than them liking him. Everyone needs to keep in mind that despite us getting the luxury of speak personally with Ross, Big Ant are still a business looking to make money.

Big Ant is my business, we are one and the same. If it were not then I would have been gagged and banned from participation from on here and other forums long ago because I cannot say much that will increase sales but I can say things that will decrease them. It is not good business to participate on forums, that why most developers do not.
Can anyone please compress the CA Academy to around 100 mb's so anyone can download it easily?

Since its a single file which is already compressed, best I can compress is ~400mb using fileARC
I suffer the same thing with my wired PS3 controller.
I didn't once say you were here to reap maximum profit and you're certainly not the first smaller developer of a niche or not high in demand game to interact with a community in the manner you have, you are the first for a cricket game though.
Oh, I guess you must have misunderstood my post, I was looking for facts to back up your repeated assertions.... guess you have none... Oh well.

Frontech 3D game pad jil 1731 is working fine.
I think price is below Rs. 500.

Oh, I guess you must have misunderstood my post, I was looking for facts to back up your repeated assertions.... guess you have none... Oh well.


Oh I guess you must have done the same. Can't see what facts you could possibly need, it's quite simple to understand really.

EDIT: On a side note, no need to take it in a negative way although you most likely will as you've grown used to that attitude here. I'm not "trolling" you for doing so, but it's fairly simple and obvious that you are here to get the word on the street about your game just as many smaller developers do, which is normal procedure. Unless all other similar developers just go to these lengths for laughs. My point was some members think we should be so grateful and not utter a single word, sure we should as cricket game fans but as I was saying to them it was your decision to come here and show your game so all the hate and wit against those who are going to ask the same questions or criticize in a negative way shouldn't be knocked how they are.
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Not snappy, just asking for facts to support your assertions of why I am here. I think that's reasonable given you kept repeating the same old lines.

It's ok, I understand you can't. Like I said, Whatever...,
EDIT: On a side note, no need to take it in a negative way although you most likely will as you've grown used to that attitude here. I'm not "trolling" you for doing so, but it's fairly simple and obvious that you are here to get the word on the street about your game just as many smaller developers do, which is normal procedure. Unless all other similar developers just go to these lengths for laughs. My point was some members think we should be so grateful and not utter a single word, sure we should as cricket game fans but as I was saying to them it was your decision to come here and show your game so all the hate and wit against those who are going to ask the same questions or criticize in a negative way shouldn't be knocked how they are.

The main problem is NOT always what these guys say necessarily but the way they go about it. Being critical or attempting constructive criticism is one thing but being a total Knob about it (like a lot have)
is another thing all together.
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I'd be out of here in a second if I hadn't given my word to people I care about that I'd hang around.

It's not fun.
The main problem is most of the trolls were assuming that after release there'd be a tonne of people hating it and thus they could gloat about how it proved all their negativity right.

Now we've got a net session with as far as I've seen a universally positive reaction, they've got nothing.
The main problem is most of the trolls were assuming that after release there'd be a tonne of people hating it and thus they could gloat about how it proved all their negativity right.

Now we've got a net session with as far as I've seen a universally positive reaction, they've got nothing.

That's a reasonable assumption, people hate on everything these days.

I think the personal stuff is all they have left now. I expect more of it to fill the "game will suck" vacuum.
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