Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Imagine how quite this forum is going to be when the game release in the future

On the contrary! I would expect to see PC servers struggling to keep up with the stuff people would want to share on the forum... just like my CA Beta Nets streak of 107 :D
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I believe it also has a lot to do with they way you articulate your post/criticism. Many people act like douche even while presenting a fair point. I think people should realize they don't own the game or Ross isn't answerable to anyone. Most people are disappointed that the game has been delayed but rubbing it on Ross's face and saying everyone that 'I told you' isn't cool.
There seems to have been a huge increase of people in recent weeks, which unfortunately seem to have led to an increase of trolls. It's a shame because everything on here is starting to become a tad more aggressive.
The main problem is most of the trolls were assuming that after release there'd be a tonne of people hating it and thus they could gloat about how it proved all their negativity right.

Now we've got a net session with as far as I've seen a universally positive reaction, they've got nothing.

This guy gets it. Fonz, Superstuff, half a dozen other people who's 15mins of fame have come and gone have ALL dispersed to the sewer they came from. Now you have the actual batting mechanic to play with and a massively upgraded CA Beta and where is everyone?

When wiggly-chewies best "slam" is a pointless font formatting one, that's not only boring it's completely irrelevant... you know they have absolutely nothing to go on, their irrelevance is exposed and everyone else is busy off enjoying the nets.

Life sucks for those people.
Or peer-reviewed by a team of experts...
Not snappy, just asking for facts to support your assertions of why I am here. I think that's reasonable given you kept repeating the same old lines.

It's ok, I understand you can't. Like I said, Whatever...,

Either you have a problem understanding what I'm saying or you think I've made some assertions to the reasons you're here thus why you are taking the well driven "fact fact fact citation" route. Anyway...

I'll say it again simply so you can understand. I was saying to the members here that you are here to show and share the game you are working on, what better place to share than the cricket gaming community and my whole point was to the members here that you are at the end of the day here to promote your game not in a monetary sense before you start to mix those words up together but just a word on the street sense. I guess I have to explain every little thing for some of you to understand (snowy etc) so what I said above isn't me implying you don't enjoy it here it is simply saying you are here mainly for the best interest of your game and in turn shouldn't label everyone who has something to critisize as a "troll". Sure do so against the people who are obviously being "trolls" but not everyone is even if they come across in a negative manner.

The main problem is NOT always what these guys say necessarily but the way they go about it. Being critical or attempting constructive criticism is one thing but being a total Knob about it (like a lot have **not saying you being one)
is another thing all together.

The main problem is most of the trolls were assuming that after release there'd be a tonne of people hating it and thus they could gloat about how it proved all their negativity right.

Now we've got a net session with as far as I've seen a universally positive reaction, they've got nothing.

Who are these trolls? I think this attitude is really stinking up the forum tbh, you're making out as if people literally want to see the game fail. Sure there's probably a FEW but I've yet to see anyone who legitimately wants to see this game fail. There are people who express themselves in a more heated way but it's a forum right? So deal with it really. No need to be dicks. (Just to explain before more words get twisted up, when I say people who react in a more heated way I don't mean the obvious "trolls").

Like duded for example, don't really see how he is such a troll he's calling it how he sees it, is that not allowed here or something?
Im sorry guys but ross really is too easy to troll, bites everytime.

So is he a troll or not Punk?

Keep making stuff up, you'll get there eventually. Infinite number of monkeys with an infite number of typewriters...
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Predictable Blah blah blah... Same old same old. Talking a lot and saying nothing.

Got some facts to back up assertions made, nope. That will never happen.

Keeping it personal, yep, got nothing else to hang a hat on.

Got something to say about the game?... Nope, Thought not.


At least dude accepts and admits he's a troll. Others can never man up, it's beyond them.
Don't really know if it's going to work, but has anyone tried Xpadder to map the controls?
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