Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Thank God, I couldn't read either of the previous two maps! This one actually makes sense.
How did you do that - keeping the names in original state while inverting everything else?
Here's one for the Aussies:


but Aussies won't be able to read this - the letters are upside down for them!!!
The only time I pirate lately is in Assassin's Creed IV... So I pirate every damn day. I Pirate good.

No disrespect intended towards Somali's

same. I like using the big TV and I'm not a big fan of using my hdmi cord connected to my tv. So If I like a game I'll buy it on ps3. As for music I pirate very good... I know I can't afford to pay for 30gbs of music...

I don't see how not buying a game that sucks is a bad thing. I didn't buy Cricket 07 because it needed so many patches just to become playable. I want to be pleased with my purchase, thought that's how this selling something of value thing and paying for it works. So Planetcricket don't need to ban me for something everyone already does. Hopefully this new cricket game is good though I am skeptical like any cricket game.
same. I like using the big TV and I'm not a big fan of using my hdmi cord connected to my tv. So If I like a game I'll buy it on ps3. As for music I pirate very good... I know I can't afford to pay for 30gbs of music...

I don't see how not buying a game that sucks is a bad thing. I didn't buy Cricket 07 because it needed so many patches just to become playable. I want to be pleased with my purchase, thought that's how this selling something of value thing and paying for it works. So Planetcricket don't need to ban me for something everyone already does. Hopefully this new cricket game is good though I am skeptical like any cricket game.
Forum rules;

5. Illegal Activities
PlanetCricket does not allow the discussion of illegal activities, including but not limited to, asking for or posting pirated material or the posting details of how to obtain said material.

"Discussion of" to me would include talking about pirating things... Why are you talking about it like you're proud of it anyway?

People like you show us other PC gamers in a bad light and contribute to the stigma that PC gaming is riddled with piracy which can ultimately lead to some games not making the platform.
There are enough quality PC games around cheaply enough (especially with Steam/Humble Bundles) that you can have a great game to play at all times legitimately, if a game doesn't look like it's worth the money then just don't buy it - there's no excuse for piracy.
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I don't see how not buying a game that sucks is a bad thing. I didn't buy Cricket 07 because it needed so many patches just to become playable. I want to be pleased with my purchase, thought that's how this selling something of value thing and paying for it works. So Planetcricket don't need to ban me for something everyone already does. Hopefully this new cricket game is good though I am skeptical like any cricket game.

"Everyone" doesn't steal games. There are probably some people on this forum who do it but don't admit to it, but anyone who is not thieving scum, which is the majority of people here, will buy it. As Madman says, that's why PC gamers get a bad name which leads to, as Ross also said, games not releasing on PC.

If you want games to improve you could always support the developer by buying it? Or, at the very least, not condoning and supporting piracy which causes developers lots of problems?
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Agreed. Unfortunately you will aways have piracy and cheating because people around the world are opportunists and will try and make a buck anywhere.

Most of us who can actually prefer to support the developer (eg. what I try and do with FSX, DCS and ARMA) rather than download it for free off that wellknown website which shall remain nameless. I guess people don't always see or think of the flow on impacts of their decisions.
You guys are wasting your time convincing the thieves to change their ways. A thief is a thief is a thief and nothing will change it. You will simply get more excuses why they want to steal.

With advent of steam/valve consoles in the near future, piracy may be on its way out or at the very least limited to a very small minority.
Almost half of January has passed and still no mention of Release Date
Read this comment:
I can't be drawn on the release date other than to say if you don't know the exact date by February then something more calamitous than the Ashes 2013 release will have had to occur.
Ross will release the release date when he can. No need to worry yet about it being halfway through January and he probably can't release the release date of the release date at the moment if he is not 100% sure of the release date. Capiche?
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