Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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It's not as if it was televised live in front of 10 million kids. It was something reported in the papers.

This part is so true. It was completely taken out of context, the players were celebrating out on the ground. Rather than go all the way back to the change rooms they did it on the ground. It wasn't a wicket celebration!.

I think the sledging went both ways and have no issue with it. People that say that it is worse nowadays is a complete lie.

With Broad not walking, he quite obviously just thought the umpire was going to give it out and I think was in more shock that it wasn't given out. By then it was too late to walk really.

The one issue I will bring up about the English team is ball tampering. This was heavily cracked down by the umpires this series and it's funny how much less swing they managed to get. Previous series in Australia they had the ball moving all over the place yet with the same bowlers couldn't get it going at all.

Back on topic (bored at work!) I think people may need to realise that I am not sure how much control Ross will have over the release date. It may be up to Tru Blu and the retailers input. Or I may be way off the mark!
Have to say this argument is a bit pathetic. England's performance in Australia was appalling, but the writing was on the wall as far back as the tour if NZ, our batsmen are not playing to the standard we expected and Australia were fantastic in the last series. I expected us to perform better and win the series more comfortably than our 3-0 victory as IMO the Aussies had played above themselves and we were below par! As for the "piss gate" incident I think its disrespectful to piss on such hallowed turf and shows a lack of responsibility and maturity. It wasn't one player caught short having to relieve himself, it was a few dickheads celebrating a series win they hadnt petformed well enough in. The sledging on the pitch didn't bother me, there's a reason its called test cricket, we showed no backbone and crumbled pathetically under school yard verbal abuse! Fact of the matter is we were gutless, and looking for excuses. I was devastated at losing the ashes as I believed we were a better team, having felt I know my cricket, I now have to have a good look at myself and my analysis! Pissing on the pitch, childish!! Losing to a side you should beat, pathetic, allowing a bit of verbal get inside your head, immature, offering no fight back, gutless! I'm sorry to my fellow countrymen on this forum but I cannot in anyway defend the behaviour or performance of the English cricket team, nor can I find fault in the conduct of the Aussies! As far as I'm concerned saying things like we win 3-0 and are not playing well now makes us look like the school bully that's just been slapped around by the school runt.
To be honest, I blame Ross. If DBC14 had released in 2013 we'd all be too busy playing it now to argue about the Ashes.
I wish I'd have spent all those nights playing DB rather that watching that garbage, that's for sure!!

I blame Ross too!!!!
I agree, I blame me too. Perhaps someone needs to start a "bloody Ross!" thread :p

There will be news on Friday and not before.
Is Moises the next best in line after Faulkner
Thought Christian would have been close to be after Faulkner
Does it matter? Mitch is on the way, causing retirements everywhere he goes* :p

*oh yeah, lets talk about something else!
I don't rate Henriques at all! Coulter Nile is a better bowler and i would rather see a genuine batter in Hughes get called up. Our bowling is pretty set in concrete and Henriques brings nothing with bat or ball IMO
Too weak to bat top 7, too weak to bowl bottom 4.

Especially if Watson plays, why would you need another all-rounder? Four front-line bowlers + Watson is plenty.
Henriques won't play, but he's still a shit selection. For all this 'potential' he apparently has he consistently underperforms at state level. Out of the six Shield matches this season he has only averaged 30 with the bat and taken a measly five wickets. With Bird's fitness being questioned and Pattinson's inconsistency in the ODIs, I definitely would have chosen another bowler in Coulter-Nile.
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