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The term 'bad winners/losers' is in relation to how the losing side are treated by the winning side and vice versa (in my opinion). Pissing on the pitch is nothing to do with this. I'm not sure why this was an outrage to the Australian press and people?! I couldn't care less if the Aussies did that!

Personal attacks on players (Trott and Broad for example), for me, show the class of the opponent. I still don't understand the vitriol the Aussie press had for Broad...if it was the other way around the British media would have had about one headline in maybe one or two papers and that'd be the end of it. Clarke getting caught on stump microphone saying "expect a broken f**king arm" (or whatever it was) - you wouldn't ever catch Cook saying that, he'd leave that to the bowlers. It's the thuggish, arrogant nature (Warner punching Root for example) that causes the issues and the whole 'small man syndrome' Australia seems to have that may cause them to come across as 'bad winners'.

Edit: I bet you can't find one interview from either series where any England player says anything remotely derisory about the Australians either as a whole or aimed at an individual, however it wouldn't take too much digging to find evidence of it the other way around.
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I didn't say anything about us being brilliant winners or gracious losers. I did say that Australians are bad losers and bad winners, and I say that from my own experience. We won one ODI on Friday and I had people online saying "oh well done you managed to beat our C team", "now you have an excuse to sing your silly songs" and crap like that. There's a way to win and a way to lose.

The inference is that in generalising that "Australians are bad losers and bad winners" is that England are not. I accept that you are now saying that England are also bad losers and bad winners.

Cool, couldn't agree more, both could learn a lot..... not from me of course :p
The inference is that in generalising that "Australians are bad losers and bad winners" is that England are not. I accept that you are now saying that England are also bad losers and bad winners.

Cool, couldn't agree more, both could learn a lot..... not from me of course :p

Well you're putting words into my mouth there. I didn't say we were also bad losers and bad winners, I didn't say anything either way. I wasn't talking about us. I was talking about Australians, specifically the Australians I have come across.

And yes the pissing on the pitch thing was nothing. I don't see why the Aussies made such a big deal out of it. I remember in 2006 there was a picture posted on here of where the Barmy Army had been and an England flag left on the floor. The Aussies made a huge deal about that and how the flag must never touch the floor. I had never heard so much rubbish.
Well you're putting words into my mouth there. I didn't say we were also bad losers and bad winners, I didn't say anything either way. I wasn't talking about us. I was talking about Australians, specifically the Australians I have come across.

And yes the pissing on the pitch thing was nothing. I don't see why the Aussies made such a big deal out of it. I remember in 2006 there was a picture posted on here of where the Barmy Army had been and an England flag left on the floor. The Aussies made a huge deal about that and how the flag must never touch the floor. I had never heard so much rubbish.

Lol - having an each way bet there for sure. You cannot generalise as you have done based on the location of your birth, not that you actually need to be English to be in the English team :)

A history lesson is required I think:

"But sledging is here to stay, it?s been around since the late 1800s with the likes of the infamous Dr WG Grace ? the first cricketing superstar who doubled up as a bully ? throwing his massive frame around to great effect.

He sledged for all his record 44 seasons of first-class cricket, and he was still scoring runs and taking wickets at 60.

The only time sledging was outlawed was by Don Bradman, who loathed the practice, believing it was a form of cheating."

Clarke?s sledge showed plenty of Grace | The Roar

Last I'll say on it so take some free hits :)
In addition, having a racist coach leading the attack on Broad was the epitome of class and sportsmanship. If you've got that person in charge of the team then behaviour like that is going to be seen as 'ok', maybe even encouraged.
When folks make statements such as "Eng won 3-0 despite playing badly" it does make them look like bad winners. Given the fact that 3-0 result flattered England and the series was a lot closer than the result suggests, I find "Eng played badly last summer" laughable. England barely squeaked by 14 runs in the 1st Test and were saved by rain in the 3rd Test. A much better reflection of the series was 2-1 or 3-2 and not 3-0. England lucked out with that scoreline and eventually the luck had to run out some time.

Conversely in Aussie leg of Ashes tour England were soundly beaten in all the tests and there's not even one test England can claimed to have an upper hand in. You may say "England played badly" as much as you want but when the team plays "badly" across 10 tests and 2 series it's not the case of team playing badly but the true reflection of the standard of the team. England didn't play "badly" either in England or in Aus, it's just that they are not a very good team at the moment and are past their best.
Wasn't it James Anderson that threaten to punch George Bailey in the face and that is why Michael Clarke stepped in and stood up for him.

Also, I recall Dave Warner getting sledged and boo'd in England. Plus, I recall ungracious chants by English fans towards Mitchell Johnson.

It's competitive and professional sport. Passions are high on both sides. Some fans on both sides are dickheads, some are not.

This bad winners/lovers and good winners/lovers argument is pointless as both sides are guilty...

Now, to more important things... Ross, when is this release date meeting?
In addition, having a racist coach leading the attack on Broad was the epitome of class and sportsmanship. If you've got that person in charge of the team then behaviour like that is going to be seen as 'ok', maybe even encouraged.

No offence but I find pissing on the pitch much worse than a coach calling out an opponent player. Not that I condone either action but to me former is worse than latter.
Sadly Ross keeps reading what he wants to read rather than reading what I've actually written.

I didn't generalise Australia as a country. I did say 'the Australians I have come across'. I did think I'd be accused of generalising, oddly. I can't be expected to speak for all 23 million Australians, surely. Anyway it's much harder to do that since they all got released on parole.
Wasn't it James Anderson that threaten to punch George Bailey in the face and that is why Michael Clarke stepped in and stood up for him.

Also, I recall Dave Warner getting sledged and boo'd in England. Plus, I recall ungracious chants by English fans towards Mitchell Johnson.

It's competitive and professional sport. Passions are high on both sides. Some fans on both sides are dickheads, some are not.

This bad winners/lovers and good winners/lovers argument is pointless as both sides are guilty...

Now, to more important things... Ross, when is this release date meeting?

Unsure on the Jimmy Anderson thing, but there's a huge difference between a player sledging and a captain getting caught on stump microphone sledging.

Fans are irrelevant - both countries will have nobhead fans and non-nobhead fans.
No offence but I find pissing on the pitch much worse than a coach calling out an opponent player. Not that I condone either action but to me former is worse than latter.

Urinating on a pitch many hours after a match has finished, whilst drunk and celebrating, is worse than a head-coach leading the attack on Broad with person insults? REALLY??!! Why?!

Is this you Martyn?!
Also, I recall Dave Warner getting sledged and boo'd in England.
I'm not having that one bit. Warner was booed, nowhere near the level of the Broad booing, because he punched an opposition player, not because he did something that 99% of cricketers for the last twenty years have done.

No offence but I find pissing on the pitch much worse than a coach calling out an opponent player. Not that I condone either action but to me former is worse than latter.
It's not as if they celebrated a wicket by pissing on the pitch. They did it at midnight after they had been drinking for hours having just won the Ashes 3-0. Lehman called on the country to round on Broad, rather unprofessionally. I'm not condoning the former, but the latter is worse than the former. It's not as if they pissed on the wicket to offend Australia. They did it because the toilet was 100m away.
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