Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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How will people feel if we don't get the release date before 1st Feb?
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Just thought I?d do a quick search, still works when people are on the ignore list ?

Credibility on Cricket games (his Ashes "review")
The non facing batsman has a nice twitch. Seriously though, gameplay looks great. Graphically it needs to be ironed out but im finding that in test mode its quite realistic

Credibility on Cricket:
The way the Aussies have been talking and acting shows just how much we are under their skin. They know that most the time they are inferior on the field so have to make it up with idle talk and idiocy. Come the end of the series they'll look stupid and Englands cricket will have done al the talking for them.

You cannot keep a good team down, class is permanent.

:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol pissing on a pitch and then getting whitewashed is so "classy" - Must be very embarrassing for you? surprised you still come back....
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Brian Johnston, legendary BBC commentator, was on his way to cover the Ashes tour and was asked at the airport if he had a criminal record.

He replied: "I didn't know you still needed one to get into Australia."

I felt the need to share that because not only is it funny and witty, it is a nice antidote to the Australians I have encountered over the past year who are both bad winners and bad losers. We won an ODI on Friday, the first time against Australia in 9 attempts, and I still got abuse from Aussies. They are just bad losers.
Brian Johnston, legendary BBC commentator, was on his way to cover the Ashes tour and was asked at the airport if he had a criminal record.

He replied: "I didn't know you still needed one to get into Australia."

I felt the need to share that because not only is it funny and witty, it is a nice antidote to the Australians I have encountered over the past year who are both bad winners and bad losers. We won an ODI on Friday, the first time against Australia in 9 attempts, and I still got abuse from Aussies. They are just bad losers.

Pots and kettles.... whereas someone arrives in Brisbane before a ball is bowled and says we smashed them last time without playing good cricket - "spitting in the wind comes back at you twice as hard".
We won 3-0, which counts as a thrashing in my book, playing nowhere near our best. We also lost 5-0 in the following series. The second statement doesn't make the first statement untrue.
Saying that in response to a question about how the series will go this summer not only retrospectively makes one look like a total total c0ck, it makes one a "bad winner" in my book.

If you think *that* 3-0 was a thrashing then what word would describe the 5-0 whitewash?
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Saying that in response to a question about how the series will go this summer not only retrospectively makes one look like a total total c0ck, it makes one a "bad winner" in my book.

If you think *that* 3-0 was a thrashing then what word would describe the 5-0 whitewash?

I don't quite see the point you're making. Yes, we were hammered in the winter series. I'll happily admit that. We were embarrassing at times, well pretty much all the time. That doesn't mean that we didn't thrash you in the summer, though, because we did. 3-0 is a thrashing.
We played poorly in the summer and still won. We played more poorly and the winter and lost.
Doesn't seem like anything other than solid fact to me.
I don't quite see the point you're making. Yes, we were hammered in the winter series. I'll happily admit that. We were embarrassing at times, well pretty much all the time. That doesn't mean that we didn't thrash you in the summer, though, because we did. 3-0 is a thrashing.

Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to "get it".

My posts have nothing to do with the results, though debatable as to what a thrashing actually is, the posts have everything to do with the idea put forward by yourself that somehow the pommies whom piss on pitches and predict a comfortable Ashes win for themselves before this summer are gracious winners and beyond reproach yet somehow Aussies are "bad winners"...


We played poorly in the summer and still won. We played more poorly and the winter and lost.
Doesn't seem like anything other than solid fact to me.

We played poorly in the winter and a little bit better in the summer - seems like fact to me, nothing to go pissing on pitches about...
Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to "get it".

My posts have nothing to do with the results, though debatable as to what a thrashing actually is, the posts have everything to do with the idea put forward by yourself that somehow the pommies whom piss on pitches and predict a comfortable Ashes win for themselves before this summer are gracious winners and beyond reproach yet somehow Aussies are "bad winners"...

I didn't say anything about us being brilliant winners or gracious losers. I did say that Australians are bad losers and bad winners, and I say that from my own experience. We won one ODI on Friday and I had people online saying "oh well done you managed to beat our C team", "now you have an excuse to sing your silly songs" and crap like that. There's a way to win and a way to lose.
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